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slàn, 562, m. defiance, challenge
(see note); " I defy Gael or
Saxon (to show) that deceit
was found on you." (BGh), so
dubh-shlàn, dùbhlan, defiance.
slat, 766, /. wand, rod; metaph.
handsome youth.
sligeadh, 75 n., m. " drinking
from shells ". — Dw. quoting
this passage; but ?; ligeadh
is the correct reading.
smeoirn, 269, /. butt end of
arrow, notch to fit the bow-
so-iarraidh, 415, easy to ascer-
solta, 567, vigorous, comely.
sonn, 879, m. post, stake;
hence, stalwart man, cham-
pion, sonn catha.
spealp, 308, m. active trim
young man.
spreadhadh, 326, m. report of
a gun, loud sound of burst-
spreigeadh, 41, m. act of
playing briskly and spiritedly;
so Ir. spreagadh.
sròl, 1080, m. satin; 904, pi.
sròiltean, 792, 876, satin pen-
non, or possibly sail.
staoidhle, 690, 933, m. title,
style; the passive of the verb
is found in 700.
stàth, 1 189, m. good purpose or
end, benefit, advantage.
stòpa, 78, m. stoup, flagon.
stròicte, 46, hacked, sundered,
stròth, 245 n., m. extravagance.
sùgh, 138, m. juice, broth.
susbaint, 552, 1192, /. sub-
tabh, 499, m. ocean. (Norse haf,
n. the high sea, ocean); used
by Alex. MacDonald, and still
in Harris and Barra for the
open sea, the Atlantic, op-
posed to An Cuan, the Minch.
The outermost rock of the
Flannan Isles is Sgeir an
Taibh (A. Nicolson); Camus
cùil an Taibh is on the west
side of lona.
taifeid, 266, 466, /. bowstring.
tàileasg, 229, 279 (in pi.), m.
chess or backgammon.
tarruing, 900, /. halyard.
tasgadh, 1162, m. act of bestow-
ing, burying.
tasgaidh, 523, 646, 914, /. what
is bestowed, deposit, treasure;
1078, bestowal; 218, in sense
of tasgadh.
teach, 525, m. house, mansion.
teanal, 526, m. gathering; form
of tional.
teannachadh, 901, m. act of
holding close to the wind.
tearbadh, 440, m. separation.
teist, 252, /. repute, fame.
teud, 152, m. fiddle-string; 203,
harp (Armstrong); 550, harp-
teudbhuidhe, 1046, 11 29, yel-
low as harp-strings, which
were gold-gilt (BGh.); yellow-
tigheadas, 833, m. household.
tiomsgaradh, 232 n., given as
" a parting for time " (ttom,
sgaradh) in a paper on " Some
Rare Gaelic Words and
Phrases " by Alex. Mac-
Donald, Trans. Gael. Soc.
Invss. xxix, 30. Question-
able. \). lff^_^^4A.adA
togbhail, 738, older form of
togail, raising, rearing; Ir.
toisgeal, 37, left, opposed to
deas; (?als o right, opp. to cearr'. '*'**•
cf. " Is mairg . . . thig-
eadh cearr no toisgeal air,"Su/Ki,''
S. 235). ^- ^ ^ ^
tolg, 581, /. pride, ostentation.
tonn-bhàidhte, 355, /. a wave
that drowns, ht. a wave of
drowning; bàidhte, old gen. of
verb, noun bàdhadh.
tòrachd, 42, 790,/. pursuit.
treas- tarruing, 77, /. thrice-
distilled whisky; foreshot.

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