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lOL 5
-AiDH, -EAN, s. m, (lodhol, et
Aoradh), Idolatry : idololatria.
, -EAN, s. m. (lodhol, et Aoradh),
ivorshipped : idolum colenduni.
m. Deceit, fraud : dolus, fraus.
mhallachadh, 's de ghò.
làn a tà."
Salm. X. 7.
and fraud, his mouth is full,
fraudisque, ejus os est
ulj. (logan). I. Deceitful : do-
J. Reluctant, backward : invi-
Reluctance, backwardness, ti-
ition, a flinching : luctatio, fas-
tergiversatio. MSS. et Pro-
An image to be v
C. S.
toGAN, -AIN, -AN, S. :
" De 'n iogan,
" A bheul-san
plenum. Gr. iixm
losus. 3Iacf. V. i
tus, aversus. Sletv.
tidium, timiditas,
Iogh' na", s. pi. Ross. Salm. cxvi. 3. marff. Vide
loGHNADH, -AIDH, -EAN, «. »!. Astonishment, won-
der, surprise : stupor, animi perturbatio.
" Chiteadh am fè na fairge
" Coilltean le 'n carraigibh eighinn,
" 'S clann aig amharc le ioghnadh,
" Air smùidean Thaura fuidhe."
S. D. 283.
In the calm of the deep might be seen woods with
their ivy rocks, and children looking with wonder
at the smoke of Tura beneath it. Fas in tran-
quilitate pelagi erat videre sylvas cum rupibus suis
hedereis, pucrosque intuentes cum stupore Turae
fumum interne.
lOL, pref. Implying variety, many : vocibus praefixa
syllaba, significansque varietatem, plures. Llh.
loLA, -ACHAN, s.f. A fishing station: piscandi sta-
tio. Hebrid. et N. H.
loLACii, -AiCH, -EAN, S.f. A shout, a cry, a crying
aloud in exultation, or triumph : clamor, acclama-
" — 'S c' ait am bheil Liughar na feile,
" 'S Fad-eighe nan iolach cruaidh ?"
S. D. 307.
And where is Lugar the hospitable, and Fadetha
of loud cries ? Ubi est Lugar hospitalitatis, et Fade-
tha clamorum arduorum? Lot. ululo, to howl. Gr.
layiit, clamor ; òXoXu^w, clamare. Hebr. ^^"i ial,
• lolach, -aich, s. m. Loss, damage : jactura, dam-
num. Llh.
loLACHDACH, -AICHE, adj. (lolach). 1. Shouting
for joy, merry : prae gaudio acclamans, hilaris, lae-
tus. R. M'D. 6. 2. Disastrous, destructive : ca-
lamitosus, exitialis. MSS.
loLAiNN, -E, -EAN, S.f. (ladh, et Lann), A corn, or
barn-yard : conterminum horreo septum. C. S.
loLAiNNEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (lolainn), Abounding in
corn-yards : conterminis horreo septis frequens.
1 lOL
loLAiR, -E, -EAN, »./. (IÙ1, et Adhar), An eagle:
" Mar iolair reubta le dealan na h-oidhche."
ith the lightning of night. Si-
* Iolair, i. m. Much, variety, diversity, plenty :
multum, varietas, dissimilitudo, copia. OB. et
ÌLAR, adv. Downward: deorsum. Provin.
)L-BHEISD, -E, -EAN, s. m. (lol, et Bèisd), A ser-
pent, snake, adder : serpens, anguis, viper. Provin.
)i,-BHEusACH, -AICHE, fflcj?'. (lol, et Bcus), Versatile,
various in manner : vafer, mutabilis, versatilis. O'R.
et il^^^S-.
)L-BHUADHACH, -AICHE, odj. (lol, et Buadhach),
Victorious, triumphant, all-conquering : victrix,
triuinj)hans, late debellans. Steiv. Gloss.
)L-cHRiDHEACH, -EICHE, adj. (lol, et Cridhe). 1.
Fickle, inconstant: levis, inconstans. MSS. 2.
Double hearted, deceitful : fraudulentus, fallax. O'R.
IL-CHEARD, I -BIRD, et -AICH, «. m. (lol, Ct
iL-CHEARDACH, J Ceàrd), A jack of all trades :
omnium horarum homo. MSS.
>L-cnEARNACH, -AICH, s. m. (lol, et Ceàrn), A po-
lygon : figura multos angulos habens. MSS.
iL-CHEARNACH, -AICHE, adj. (lol, et Ccam), Mul-
tangular: multangulus. MSS.
>L-CHOSACH, -AICHE, adj. (lol, et Cos), Having
many feet : multos pedes habens, O'R.
>L-CHRUTHACH, -AICHE, adj. (lol, et Cruth). I.
Multiform, various, inconstant : multiformis, varius,
inconstans. O'R. 2. Comely, well featured : spe-
ciosus, bonum vultum habens. O'R.
iL-DAMHSA, -AN, «. m. (lol, et Damhsa), A ball,
promiscuous dance, a country dance : celebres
choreae, compositus, communisque saltatus, multi-
modus salientium modus. OR. et MSS.
iLDANACH, -AICHE, (idj. Ingenious, well gifted :
ingeniosus, ingenito praeditus acuraine. O'R. et
IL-DATHACH, -AICHE, odj. (lol, ct Dath), Of di-
vers colours : versicolor. Llh. et Voc. 139.
featured : valde v
.L-GHILLEACH, -EICHE, «rf/. (lol, Ct GiUe), Com-
plex : multiplex. Sh. et OR.
L-GHUTH, \ -AICHE, odj. (lol, et Guth), Of
L-GHUTHACH, j various tongues : multarum cal-
lidus linguarum. OR.
L-GHLEUSACH, -AICHE, adj. (lol, et GIcus), Mani-
fold, complicated ; multiplex, complex. O'R. et
L-GHNÈITHEACH, -EICHE, adj. (lol, et Gnè), Of
all kinds, various, heterogeneous : varius, dispar,
multorum generum quid. O'R. et Stew. Gloss.
iL-GIINÌOMHACH, -AICHE, 0^'. (lol, Ct Gnìomh),
Ingenious : ingeniosus. MSS.
L-GHONACH, -AICHE, ad/. (lol, et Gon), Vulnific :
vulnificus. Stew. Gloss.
IL-GHRÀINEACH, -EICHE, adj. (lol, Ct Grain), Very
ugly : horridus, teterrinius, perhorridus. 3ISS.

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