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Droch-rùn, ùin, -ùintean, s. m. (Droch, efRùn),
Malice : malignitas. C. S.
Droch-rùnach, -aiche, mìj. (Droch-rùn), Malici-
ous : malignus. C. S.
Droch-shian, -iain, -iantan, s. m. (Droch, et
Sian), Bad weather : coeli intempestas. C. S.
Droch-sgeul, -eòil, s. m. (Droch, et Sgeul), De-
traction, a bad story : detractio. C. S.
Droch-shuil, -ÙLA, s.f. (Droch, et Sùil), An evil
' eye : oculus fascinus. C. <S'.
Droch-shuileach, -eiche, adj. (Droch-shiiil), Hav-
ing an evil, or malignant eye : oculos fascinantes,
vel noxios habens. C. S.
Droch-spiorad, -aid, -adan, s. m. (Droch, et
Spiorad), A devil, fiend, bad spirit : cacadaemon.
Droch-theangach, -aiche, adj. (Droch, et Tean-
ga), Ill-tongued : contumeliosus. C S.
Droch-thionnsunadh, -aiuh, -ean, s. m. (Droch,
et Tionnsgnadh), III commencement, ill imagina-
tion, conspiracy : res male inchoata, male ficta,
conjuratio. C. S.
Droch-thoillteannach, -aiche, adj. (Droch, et
Toillteanach), Ill-deserving : male meritus. C. S.
Droch-thoillteanas, -ais, s.m. (Droch, et Toillt-
eannas), Demerit : meritum, indignitas, culpa. C. S.
Droch-thuairisgeul, -eoil, -an, s. m. (Droch, et
Tuairisgeul), An ill report : infamia. C. S.
Droch-thuar, -uair, s. m. (Droch, et Tuar), 111
colour, ill aspect, or omen : tinctus luridus, omen
infaustum vel infelix. C. S.
Droch-thuigsinn, -e, s. f. (Droch, et Tuigsinn),
Misapprehension : sinistra rei interpretatio. C. S.
Droch-uair, -e, -ean, s. f. (Droch, et Uair), An
evil hour : sinistrum fatum. C. S.
Drogaid, -e, -ean, s. /. Drugget, linsey woolsey :
pannus e lana linoque contextus. O'R. et C. S.
Fr. Droguet.
Drogha, -ach, -an, s. m. A hand fishing line : se-
ta, linum piscatorium. Foe. 51. Vide Dorgh.
• Droibheil, -e, adj. Difficult, hard: difficilis, ar-
duus. Llh. Vide Draghail.
Droich, -e, -ean, *. m. (Droch), A dwarf: nanus.
Voc. 8. Scot. Droich, Dearch, Derch. Jam. Su.
Goth. Dwerg. Vide Ihre, in voc. Germ. Zwerg.
Vide Wacht. in voc. Isl. Dwerger. Dan, Dvaerg.
• Droichead, -eid, -an, MSS. Vide Drochaid.
Droicheanta, ] adj. (Droich), Dwarfish: pumilius,
Droicheil, -e,/ quasi nanus. OR. et C. S.
Droidheachd, s.f. i,id. Llh. Vide Draoidheachd.
Droigheann, I^ -inn, «. »1. A sloe, bramble, thorn :
Droigiiionn, j prunus, spina, rosa. " Agus droigh-
ionti agus foghanain bheir e mach dhuit." Geti. iii.
18. And thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to
thee. Et spinas et carduos feret ea tibi. Wei. et
Arm. Draen, et Draenen.'Z>nc. G'enw.Dorn. Wacht.
■ B. Bret. Drain, Draenog, erinaceus.
Droighneach, -ich, «./. (Droighionn). 1. Thorns :
spina;. " Mu 'm mothaich bhur coireacha teas o
'n droighnich." Salm. Iviii. 9. Before your pots
can feel heat from the thorns. Antequam sentient
vestra; ollae calorem ab spinis. 2, Lumber in one's
way : impedimenta. C. S. .^. A common name of
places : loci nonien, frequens satis. C. S.
Droighneacii, -eiche, adj. (Droighionn), Thorny,
abounding in thorns : spinosus, spinis abundans.
Droighnein, e, -ean, «. m. A thicket of black thorn:
dumetum. C. S.
Droimlein, -e, -ean, s.f. An elder, or alder bush :
sambucus. Llh.
Droineach, -eiche, adj. Ragged : pannosus. Procin.
Droing, -e, s. m. A people, tribe, race, persons, folk,
those : gens, populus, tribus, proles, homines, illi.
" B' esan athair na droinge a ta gabhail còmhnuidh
am buthaibh." Gen. iv. 20. He was the ftuher of
those who dwell in tents. Erat ille pater illorum
qui habitant in tentoriis.
Droinip, -e, s. f. coll. Tackle : armamentaria. A.
Dbot/v. -achan, s. /M. A pot-hook, chain, link of a
chain : ollaris ansnp, catena, catenae series. C. S.
Drolachan, -AiN, -an, s. m. 1. A button neck:
fibulae vestis constringentis collum. C. S. 2. pi.
of Drola, q. vide.
Drolabhaid, -e, -ean, *. f. Intricacy, lumber in
one's way : perplexitas, impedimenta. Provin.
Drolag, -aig, -an, s.f. dim. of Drol. A chain-link,
iron-loop, plough-hook : catena, catenae annulus,
hamus ad armamenta aratri pertinens. C. «S'.
Droll, -uill, s. m. 1. The tail of an animal : Cau-
da. C. S. Vide Dronn. 2. An unwieldy stick,
a door bar : rusticum baculum, obex. O'R. 3. A
lazy idiot, a sluggard : segnis, torpidus. C. <S'.
Drollaire, -ean, s. m. (Droll, et Fear), A slug-
gard, saunterer : piger, ignavus. C. S.
Drollaireachd, s.f. hid. (Drollaire), Sluggishness,
a sauntering habit : inertia. " Drollaireachd
spionnaidh." C. S. Brute, or inactive strength :
robur belluinum. C.S.
Drom a, gen. of Druim, q. vide. " Cnalmb an droma."
Voc. 15. The back-bone : spina dorsi.
Droman, -ain, s. m. The bore or alder tree : sam-
bucus nigra. Llh. Ajyp. et Lightf.
Droman, -ain, s. m. dim. of Druim. 1. A ridge :
lira. O'R. 2. A dromedary : dromas. Llh.
Dromanach, -aiche, adj. (Droman), Ridgy, fur-
rowed : liratus, striatus. C. S.
Dromannan, ^/. of Druim, q. vide.
Drong, -ding, -oinge, -ean, s.f. Salm. xvii. 7. Ed.
1753. Id. q. Droing, et Dream.
» Drong-chlann, (Drong, et clann). Soldiers :
milites. MSS.
Dronn-uinn, s.f. 1. A rump, the Bard's portion of
the mutton, on receiving of which any one is obliged
to compose a verse : uropygium, portio carnis bardo
debita apud Gaelos, et ab eo accepta, statim car-
men coraponere solet. 2. A ridge, the back : dor-
" I 'coimhead air dronn an t-sail."
Carth. 297.
She looking upon the ridge of the sea. Intuente
iUà dorsum sahs.
Dronnach, -aiche, adj. (Dronn), White backed or

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