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SGE 85
ScEiMHEiL, -E, adj. (Sgèimh). C. S. Vide Sgèimh-
Sgeimhich, -idh, sg, v. a. (Sgèimli). 1. Adorn, or-
nament : orna, decora. C. S. 2. Beautify, make
fair : pulchrum redde. C. S.
SaiunucHTE, pret.part.v. Sgèimliich. 1. Adorned,
ornamented : ornatus, decoratus. C. -S". 2. Made
fair, beautified ; pulcher redditus. C. S.
Sgeimhle, I^ s. in. et liret. part. v. Sgelmlilicli.
Sgeimhleadii, j 1. A skirmish, a fight: velitatio,
certamen. C S. 2. A surprise : res improvisa.
C. S. 3. A bitterness of speech, biting words :
verborum mordacitas, verba mordacia. C. S. 4.
A skirmishing, act of skirmishing : velitandi actus.
C. S. 5. Bickeriug act of bickering, or using bit-
ter language : verba mordacia adhibendi actus. C.
Sgeimhlear, -ElB, -AN, s. M. (Sgcimlileadh, etFear),
1. A fighter, disputer : certator, disputator. C. S.
2. A user of bitter words : mordacium verborum
adhibitor. C. S.
Sgeimhlearacud, s. f. ind. (Sgeimhlear). 1. A
habit of bickering, or quarrelling : velitandi, rixan-
di consuetudo. C. S.
Sgeimhlich, -idh, sg, v. a. et 71. (Sgeimhle). 1.
Surprise, alarm : aliquem iniprovisò opprime, ag-
gredere, vel conturba. C. S. 2. Skirmish, bicker,
scold : velita, rixare. C. S. 3. Use bitter words :
verba mordacia adhibe. C. S.
Sgèin, -e, «. m. C. S. Vide Sgeun.
Sgèineach, \ -EicHE, et -E, adj. (Sgein). C. S.
Sgèineil, j Vide Sgeunach.
Sgeinm, -e, s.f. C. S. Id. q. Sgeilm.
Sgeinmeach, -EiCH, 1 cK^'. (Sgeinm). C. S. Vide
Sgeinmeil, -e, j Sgeilmeil.
Sgeinmeachd, s.f. ind. (Sgeinmeach). C. S. Vide
Sgeinnidh, -e, s. m. Flax, or hemp thread : linte-
um filum. C, S. Scot. Skiny. Jarn.
Sgeib, -e, -ean, s. f. A rock in the sea : cautes, in
mari scopulus.
" Ràinig a gaoir mi o 'n sgeir."
S.D. 131.
Her scream reached me from the sea rock. Per-
tigit ejus exclaraatio me a scopulo in mari. Wei.
Ysgithrog. Dav. Scot Sker, Skar, et Skerry.
Isl. Skaer, scopulus maris.
Sgeireach, -EICHE, odj. (Sgcir), Rocky, full of
rocks : scopulosus, C. S.
Sgeireag, -eig, -an, s.f. dim. of Sgeir. A little sea-
rock : scopulus maris exiguus. C. S.
Sgeireagach, -aiche, adj. (Sgeireag), Full of lit-
tle sea-rocks : scopuUs maris exiguis frequens. C
Sgejth, -e, a vomit, matter thrown up from the
stomach : vomitus, quod voniitum fuit. ' Phill am
madadh air ais chum a sgeith fein." 2 Pead. ii. 22.
The dog is returned to his own vomit again, lle-
versus est canis ad suum ipsius voraitum. " Sgeith
an ruin," et " Sgeith na muice raara." C. S. Cer-
tain marine substances, the genus Medusa, of na-
turalists : mariuse formationes quxdaiu, genus Me-
dusa. " Sgeith nan reultag." C. S. A glutinous
substance vulgarly believed to fall from the stars :
res quaedam glutinosa e stellis vulgo decidisse cre-
Sgeith, -idh, sg, v. a. et n. (Sgeith, «.), Vomit,
throw up : vome. " Garbh thonna na fairge a
sgeitheas an nàire fein mar chobhar." Ind. i. 13.
Raging waves of the sea that vomit their own
shame as froth. EfFuratae undffi maris quae vomunt
sua dedecora sicut spumam.
Sgeith, -e, «. m. et pres. part, i; Sgeith. Vomiting,
act of vomiting : vomendi actus. C. S.
Sgeith, -idh, sg, v. a. Cut out, reduce to a shape :
disseca, sicut pannum ad vestem conficiendam, in
formam redige. Provin,
Sgeith, ì i- c> • .i, -j
Sgeitheacii, -eiche, adj. (Sgeith). 1. Nauseous,
causing to vomit : nauseum, vel vomitum provo-
cans. C. S. 2. Ready to vomit : ad vomendum
proclivis. C. S.
Sgeitheadh, -idh, s. m. ct pres.part. v. Sgeith. C.
S. Id. q. Sgeith.
Sgeitheadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Sgeith.
Cutting out, act of cutting out, or reducing to
shape, or form : dissecandi, ad formam quandam
redigendi actus. Provin.
SokiTHTEy pret. part. v. Sgeith. Cut out, reduced to
shape, or form: dissectus, ad formam quandam red-
actus. C. S.
Sgeitiite, pret. part. v. Sgeith. Vomited, cast up :
vomitus. C. S.
Sgeitiirich, -E, s./. (Sgeith), A vomiting : vomi-
tus. as.
Sgeòc, -eòic, -an, s. m. A long neck : collum per-
longum. C. S. et 3ISS.
Sgeòcach, -aiche, adj. (Sgeòc), Long-necked :
collum perlongum habens. C. S.
Sgeòcag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Sgeòc), A long-necked
female : femina collo perlongo. C S.
Sgeòcan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. dim. of Sgeòc, q. vide.
2. A long-necked youth, or boy : juvenis, vel puer
cum longo collo. C. S.
Sgeod, -EÒID, -an, s. 111. C. S. Id. q. Sgòd.
Sgeòdach, -AiciiE, afj/'. (Sgeod). C.S. Id. q.
Sgeòdag, -aig, -AN, s. m. MSS. et C. S. Id. q.
Sgeog, -eoig, s. m. Provin. Vide Sgèop.
Sgeogair, -e, -ean, .«. in. A foolish talker : blate-
ro. 3ISS. et C. S.
Sgeogai BEACH D, S.f. ind. (Sgcogair), Foolish talk :
stultiloquium. 3ISS. et C. S.
Sgèoil, ffen. et pi. of Sgeul, q. vide.
Sgeòlach, «. m. The name of one of Fingal's cups :
Fingali cujusdam è poculis noraen. Macf, V.
Sgeòp, -òip, s. m. A torrent of foolish words: stul-
tiloquentias profluvium. MSS.
Sgeòpair, -e, -EAN, s. m. (Sgeòp, et Fear), A tat-
tler : blatero. C.S.
Sgeòpaibeachd, s. f. ind. (Sgeopair), A tattling,
prattle: stultiloquentia. C^S.

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