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clashed with shield and corslet. Heavy feet rattled on the pavements.
Masses of rock were hurled from the heights and walls. The ruins of the
jastle supplied an abundance of missiles, and stone succeeded stone, and
irock followed rock down the passage.
i " Forward to the gate ! Down with the rebels ! " became louder as
'the storming party neared the front.
On they came. The defenders retreated, driven back by the stream
of assailing soldiery. A dreadful encounter took place in front of the
gate. The platform was crowded with fierce pirates and Islesmen fight-
ing to desperation. Shouts, shrieks, and curses rent the air as the de-
fenders on the platform fought on the very edge of the precipice, for the
parapet had been cleared away when hurling stones down the narrow
passage. Many ot the defenders were thrown over, and many a groan
rose from beneath. The axes fell heavily on the gate. Lead, stones, and
inflammables were poured on the heads of the assailants, but crowds of
fresh jackmen swarmed to the assault. The blows followed in quick
succession, and rang throughout the whole castle.
" Down with Lorn and his hirelings ! " resounded from the battle-
ments, as shower succeeded shower of missiles and burning lead.
" Down with the gate !" and "Down with Brian and his plundering
crew !" rose from the assailants as they continued to thunder on the gate.
The shouting grew louder as the bolt-studded doorway swung on its
hinges. A few additional blows and it gave way with a crash. Over it
rushed the men of Lorn. Met by the small garrison in the courtyard, a
desperate struggle ensued, but the superior numbers and equipments of
Loin's soldiery placed the defenders at a disadvantage, and they were
soon driven to death or submission.
Brian and his friends took refuge in the tower, which was the only
strengthened place remaining. The axes soon thundered on the strong
door, Avhich did not long resist. The soldiers rushed tumultuously over
it, but the worst part of the storming had still to bo accomplished. Only
one man could ascend the narrow turret stair at a time, and the followers
of the Viking had resolved upon an obstinate defence.
" Fire the tower !" shouted some. " Eoast the pirate in his lair.
Bring forward a flambeau."
" Silence !" shouted Lorn. " The rebel must be taken alive. "We
shall roast him at leisure. First let me see him. Storm the stair ! The
man who flinches dies."
The assailants fell one by one before the defenders, till the stair was
almost choked with dead. The assault continued. Man after man at-
tempted to force the passage in vain. The defenders held out stoutly,
but their number gradually decreased, until only one or two remained.
A few more sacrifices and the tower Avould be in the hands of Lorn. The
voice of Brian was heard urging his followers in the defence. In his
frenzy he shouted down curses on the head of Lorn, and at times he
wished to descend and annihilate the assailants, but he was borne back
by Cyril and Clement.
The stair was at length mounted, and stoving in the hall door, the
soldiers filled the apartment, where a few hours before the revel was in-
terrupted at its height. A scene of tlie direst confusion met their eyes.
The benches were overturned, and the ale drenched the table and floor.

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