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Y^^J^j^^Mj^ -
nithear an Pòsadh, aclit ag an mnaoi,
agas mar an gcedna ni hagan mnaoi a-
tà cumas a cuirp fèin ach agan bfear
odo cheangail Dia fad fa chumandfa
abfochair acheile, do chum gheine-
amhna agcloinde da dtdgbhail, agas
da naltrum an eagla Dhe, do mhe'd-
ughadh Rioghachta Criofd. Aranadh
bhurfm gidhbe hiad cheanglus Did,
mar fo re che'ile, ni heidir andealugh- "7 . f-
adh no afgarthain re cheile, acht mur ^^h>ul^.^J^!'y<-^i'- i^^^j^^!'^'^'--^^
thograidis do toil ache'ile, feal tamai'll, /^i^/iiu«.e S. j|<>^'--- i^^^^J' ^/^^^r'^^
dul 6 cheile do dhenamh vn-nmdhe, ^*-iMU ^'>^dj^***^-*Jlf*<^^*^ t*^^ ^
agas throifge, agas do dhenamh blmrr "^' <^'*^^-r"*^^'^'
dithill anoirchill na haimfire mead- , 1* o
honuighe. .-â– Agas gan ambeatha do fruvcL* ,
chaidieamh fada abfegmhuis acheile,
ar eagla ceachtar dhiobh, do dhul ali-
en no agcuntabhairt anaibhirfeoir do
bhridh neamhghloine. Agas ar an-
adhbhm-fin do tfeachna thruaillidh an
chuirp no adhaltrais, ata dfiachaibh ar
gach einfhear, abhean fe'in do bheith
aige, agas ar gach en mhnaoi afear fe-
in, do bheith aice. londas go bfuil
but the wyffe ; and likewyse the wyfe hathe no power over her own
body, but the howsband; forasmoche as God hathe so knytt theym
together in this nnituall societie to the procreation of children,
that they should bi7ng theym up in the feare of the Lorde, and to
the increase of Christes kyngdome.
Wherfore, they that be thus couppled together by God, can
not be severed or put a parte, oneles it be for a season, with
th'assent of bothe parties, to th'end to gyve theym selves the
more ferventlie to fastyng and prayer ; gyvyng diligent hede, in
the meane tyme, that their longe beyng aparte be not a snare to
bryng them into the daunger of Satan through incontinencie.
And therfore to avoyde fornication, every man oughte to have
his owne wyffe, and every woman her owne howsband : so that

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