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Little did "Will know, as was best for me, I had had a week's
notice to prepare, and that his words, instead of comforting,
drove me further into the furnace. I was glad to get away
from him and go home, little thinking that another furnace
awaited me. My supper was on the table, and Abel sat smok-
ing in his arm-chair— both as if expecting me. Miss Hughes
had retired to rest, not being, as Will Bryan would say, up to
the mark. I felt thankful, while eating, that Abel knew no-
thing of my break-down, and uncomfortable, also, at the thought
that he would be sure to get to know ; and that before long,
too. Presently he began questioning me about the prayer
meeting— who was at it, what sort of meeting we had, who had
taken part in it, and so on. I answered sparingly. From the
half sarcastic smile upon his face, I guessed that some one had
gone before me, and given him the ill news.
'•How did you get along with your discourse upon the
chapter ? " he at length said.
" Some one has told you," I replied, and, before I could say
another word my feelings utterly overcame me and I burst
into a good cry.
"What's the matter with you?" asked Abel, when I had
come a little to myself. " All I know is that David Davis in-
vited you last week to prepare something for to-night's meet-
ing. What has happened ? Why're you so distressed F"
I gave him the particulars of my disastrous failure. " Never
mind," he said, when he had heard me out. *'It may be a
blessing to you as long as you live. I remember two lines of a
doggerel English song :
' There's many a dark and cloudy morning
That turns out a sun-shiny day.'
Tell me, do you think of preaching ?"
•'I have thought of it," I mournfully replied; *• but I'll
never think of it again."
" Don't be absurd," returned Abel. " You never saw a good
carter who had not at some time or other upset his trolly, per-
haps hurt himself and the horse into the bargain. You and I
got an occasional tumble before we learned to walk. You

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