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Almighty. You can never picture the state you'd be in were
He to say, ' Let him alone.' You spoke of some people whose
chief object was to find out the truth ; and I understood from
your words that you put yourself in the same bundle with
them. But what truth do you mean ? If it is the truth about
God, about sinners, and about eternity, I know you'll never
get that outside God's own Word. And here is what that
says: — ' If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples
indeed, and ye shall know the truth. The secret of the Lord is
with them that fear him.' And the same "Word says: *He that
is not with me is against me ; and he that gathereth not with
me scattereth abroad. Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and
of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also
shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory
of his Father with the holy angels.' Who are the people you
talk about, who lose their sleep in searching for truth, but whose
names are not on the books of Communion ? I'd like to know
them, 'cause I never saw anyone with the least grain on him
who did not belong to Communion. I can't make you out,
even if you can yoarself. To speak my mind plain, I think it's
some notions you've got from those old English books that have
addled your head. I was sorry to hear you speak in the
language of the backslider when you were pointing out the
failings of those who profess. I thought you were above taking
shelter behind anything of that sort, and although I admit
there was a deal of truth in what you said, your conscience
must tell you a story of that kind 'ont hold water before the
judgment seat. Beware, my son, beware! I've no wish to
hurt your feelings, and I wouldn't for the world say anything
to drive you further astray, but really I'd like to hear more of
the publican ring about you. I, also, try to believe there is no
difference of condition in you since you have ceased to profess,
and I can't tell you how glad I am that you continue to come
to service regularly, and that you haven't given way to sin.
But I desire you to remember, my son, that when a shower
comes the rain is always heaviest under the eaves. There is no
verandah to God's house ; so that if you are not inside, you
had almost better be out in the open. It is your own business,
my boy. In a manner of speaking, it is nothing in the world

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