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CHÌ,fut. indie. V. Faic. " Chi mi," 1 shall
CHI ANA MH, adv. or "A chianamh," A
little time ago, a little while since.
CHIAR, asp. form of Ciar. " Nuair chiar
am feasgar," When the evening grew
f Chim, or CHioM, I see. i. e. " Chi mi."
CHINNTE, asp. form of Cinnte. " Air
chinnte," Ceitiiinly.
CHINNTE ACH, asp. f,rm of Ciniiteach.
" Ro chinnteach," Very certain.
CHION, asp. form of Cion, s. oftener pro-
nounced " A chion," for want of.
CHIONN, adv. or conj. Because; as; for
the reason that. " Chionn" and " A chi-
onn" may be indifferently used.
CHÌOTa'r,/«<. indie, pass. v. Faic. Shall
be seen ; is seen ; are seen.
CHÌTE, Ipret. sub. v. Faic. Might
CHÌTEADH, S see, might be seen.
CHÌTE A R, Ifut. ind. }hiss. v. Faic Shall
CHÌTHEAR, i be seen ; is seen.
CHITHEADH, pret. sub. act. v. Faic.
Would or could see.
CHITHINN, \st si>fg. sub. aet. v. Faic. I
might, could, or would see.
CHLADHAICH,;.re/. a. Cladhaiuh. Did
dig, did delve.
CHLE ACHD, pret. a. of Cleachd. Did ac-
custom, dtd habituate.
CHLISG, jiret. a. of Clisg. Did start, did
CHLISGE, CHLisGEADH, adv. Soon ; in-
stantly ; in a short time.
CHLU'lNNlNN, pret. sub. of Cluinn.
Would hear.
CHLUINNTE, Was heard, would be
CHO, adv. As, so. " Cko bhrònach," So
CHOG, pret. a. of Cog. Fought, strove, con-
tended, warred.
CHOIDHCH, adv. Ever, always, for ever.
See Chaoidh.
CHOIMEAS, pret. a. of Coimeas. Did
CHOI>rHEAD,;)ref. a. of Coimhead. Did
look, did observe.
CHOINNICH, pret. a. of Coiniiich. Did
meet, did oppose.
CHOIR, A CHOIR, ])rej}. To the presence;
CHOISINN, pret. a. of Coisinn. Gained,
CHON, adv. Provin. Until.
j Chonnairc, ;)rrt. ind. v. Faic. See Chun-
CHRATH, pret. a. of Crath. Shook, did
CHREACH, /»e<. a. of Creach. Did plun-
der, did rob.
CHREID, pret. a. of Creid. Did believe,
C H R E 1 D I N N , ist sing. perf. sub. of Creid.
I would believe.
CHRITH, pret. a. of Crith. Did tremble,
did shake.
CHROCH, pret. a. of Croch. Did hang, did
CHROM, pret. a. of Crom. Did bend, did
curve, did stoop.
CHRUADH AICH,;)re/. a. of Cruadhaich.
Did harden.
CHRUINNICH, pret. a. of Cruinnich.
Did gather, did meet, did assemble.
f Chuabhaik, i. e. " Chaidh sibh," Ye
t Chuadar, They went,
t Chuaidh, pret. ind. v. Thtirig. See
CHUAL', }pret, ind. v. Cluinn. i. e.
CHUALA, S Chuala mi, tù, sè. Sec. I,
thou, he, heard.
t Chcalabhair, Ye heard. ;'. e, " Chuala
f Chualadar, They heard, i. e. " Chual
CHUALADH, for chualas, which see.
t Chualais, Thou didst hear. i. e. " Chu-
ala tu."
CHUALAM, (Chuala mi,) I heard.
CHUALAMAR, We heard. L e. " Chuala
CHU ALAR, See Chualas.
CHUALAS, pret. ind. pass. v. Ciuiiiii.
Was heard.
f Chualas, I heard. See Chuala.
f Chuamar, We went.
CHUCA, prep. To them, towards them.
Often pronounced "h-uga."
CHUGAD, prep. To thee, towards thee,
CHUGAIBH, prep. To you, towards you.
CHUG AINN, /ire/). To us, towards us.
CHUGAM, prej>. To me, towards me.
CHUICE, jirep. To her, towards her.
CHUIGE, />re/). To him, towards him.
CH'UILE, adj. i. e. " Gach uile." Every;
All. Generally pronounced "h-uile."
CHUIMHNICH, pret. a. of Cuimhnich.
Did remember.
CHUIR, jn-et. a. of Cuir, Did put; di.l
send; did invite; did lay; did place ; did
CHUM, pret. a. v. Cum. Did hold; did
keep; did detain ; did shape or form; did

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