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siTREACH, shajt'-ryach, adj. neighing.
SiTRicH, shajt'-rrech, n. /. continuous
SniBHAiL, shù2'-ul, w. go, proceecl, walk;
s'dtbhlaidk sinn le 'n anam do 'n àraich,
we shall accompany their souls to the bat-
tle Jield, Oss. ; traverse, search ; shiubh-
ail mi am baile, / traversed or perambu.
lated the whole city ; die, depart this life ;
siiibhlaidh sinn gu lèir, we shall all die,
SiUBHAL, shù'-al, pt. traversing, perambu-
lating, searching ; a' siubhal a' bhaile,
traversing the town ; dying, act of dying ;
tha e siubhal, he is dying; time, course,
trip ; so mo sitibhalsa, this is my time ;
miirsanta-sinbhail, a pedlar, pachman,
hauker; \ui:\\i\ siubhail, travellers; tlia
i air shiubhal, she {the mare) is salaci-
ons; time, trip; air an t-siubhal so, at
this time; sinbhail eile, at another time;
bithidh fios do sheud do shiubhail agam-
sa, / shall know the object of your pursuit
m journey ; adv. once, at a time; siubh.
al a chaidh mi do'n ghalldachd, once I
went to tlie Low country; an dubh-
shiubhlach, the street-walker ; air gach
siubhal, at every trip; hea.n.sbiùbl>la,
woman in cliild-bed; iiikihe - shiùbhla,
confinement at, or before child-birth.
SiUBiiLACii, shul'-ach, a. nimble; travers-
Siuc, shùchg, way of calling horses in Lewis.
SiucAR, shCichg'-ar, n. m. sugar, (Fr.sucre).
SiucH, shèùeh, n. m. a drain, sewer. Scotch.
Si ID, shudd', V. fall to ; swing.
SiUDADH, shudd'-l, n. m. commencement.
SiCDAN, shijd'-an, «. m. oscillation, swing-
ing ; a siiidan a nunn is nail, oscillating
this way and that way ; ri siiidan, vibra-
ting, swinging, oscillating,
SiuuANACii, slmd'-an-ach, adj. swinging,
rocking, oscillating, vibrating.
SiUG, shùg, inter, mode of driving away
h ens.
SiuiL, shQ'll, gen. pi. seòl, sails, &c
SiuitSACii, sliurs'-ath, n.f. a whore.
SiuttSACHD, shilr'-achg, n.f. whoredom.
SiuTiiAD, shiV-ad, v. say away, fall to, com-
mence; swing; contracted Siùd.
Slabhacan, slàv'-aehg-an, n. m. sea-edi-
ble weed, styled by the Scotch Slogue.
Slabiiag, slav'-ag, n.f. a horn-pith.
hJLABiiRAinn, -RAICH, slav'-rèch, n. f. a
chain ; slabhraich òir, gold chain ; pot
hanger; gen slabhraich i hence Maclau-
ran, from a most singular tradition about
a sea-nymph.
Slabiiradair, sla\'-rad-aèr, n. m. chair-
Slachd, slachg, t>. beat, thrash; 71. tn.
Slachdaxaich, slàfhg'.an-èch, v. beetle.
Slachdraich, slachg'rèch, n. f. inecisant
Slab, slàdd', rum. havoc, carnage; 's iad
a rinn an stad, what havoc they have
made ! 's ann an sin a bha an slad, that
was the awful place for carnage \ v.
cause to fag, fag, deprive of strength ;
shlad sin seachad iad, tliat made them
fag; it palled on their stomach; shlad
e mo chll bhuan, it deprived me of my
strength; — robbing, rob. Mncdnald.
SL41GHT, slaoejt, n. f roguery, knavery,
villainy; v. sneak or steal by; shlaigiit
e seachad, he sneaked or stole by ; better
than slaotghl, because ao is always long
and marked thus, ao ; short a5 in the key.
Si.aightear, sla6ejt'-àer, n. m. rogue, vil.
lain, knave.
SLAiGiiTEARACHn, sla6èjt'-ar-achg, n. /.
roguery, villainy, sneaking.
Slaigiiteii,, sla6èjt'-al, adj. roguish,
Slaim, slàèm, n.f; see Sglaim.
Slaine, slàèn'-à, more or most healthy.
Si.AiNTE, slàenjt'-à, 71. f. health, salvation ;
mar chir mheala, tha briathra taitneach,
milis do 'n anam, agus n' an sliiinte do n.i
cnàmhan, pleasant words are as an honey-
comb, sweet to the soul, and health to the
boms ; chionn gun do dhlochuimhnich
thu Dia do shlàinte, because thou hast
forgotten the God of thy salvation ; toast ;
thoir dhuinn sliiinte, give ns a toast;
dh' Ò1 sinn do dheoch slàinte, we drank
to your health; air do shlàinte, to your
good health ; slàinte agadsa, thank yoiu.
Sir, or Madam,
Slainteala( HD, slàèiijt'-al-achg, ru f.
Slainteil, slàènjt'-al, a. healthy, solitary.
Slais, slash, V. last, drub; n.f. a lash : a
great quantity or number; slais èìsg,
great number offish; fhuair*iad slais,
they got a great quantify.
Slamb, slambb, n.m. jam, jelly ;— lock. /r.
Slamban, sìàmb'-an, n. m. curds and
Slan, slàn, adj. healthy, in good health,
sound ; whole, perfect, unbroken ; am
bheil thu slan, art thou tn good health}
thoir dhomh slan e, give it me whole ;
slan \eat,fare thee well I farewell 1 gu 'in
a slan gu 'n till thu, may you return in
health; an slan duit, art thou welli a
nighean nan òr-chleaclid, an slan duit,
maiden ofihegoldin locks, art thou Welti
tha i gu slan fallan, she is perfectly well,
she is hale and sound ; òighean bhoidh-
eaeh, slan leibh, ye pretty maids, fare-
well! Oss. Ar.; gu'm a sldn a chi rai
thu, well may I see you,
Slanach, slan'-ach, a, convalescent.

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