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5GR0CH, skròch, v. scratch with nails, &e.
ScROCHAiLL, skròch'-èly', scrawl, scribble.
£GR0CHL\nH, scrochl'jli, pt. scrawling,
scribbling ; n. m. a scrawl, a scribbling.
SuROG, skrog, 1». bice, as a horse; n.f. the
head in ridicule ; n./. a bite, a mouthful ;
sgrogemi, fie bit me; v. n. also tighten
quickly your head-dress ; sgrog do bhon-
aid ort, tighten your boniut on your
head; doff.
ScRotiAiD, sgr6g,-àjj, n.f. an old hat or cap.
Sgrogaire, sgrùg'-urr-à, n. m. biter, car-
Scroll, skroll, large wide piece, obsolete.
Sgroilleag, skròlly"ag, n./. large piece
of skin or any peeling scraped off.
Sgkotii, skrò, n.f. large thick sod.
Sgrub, skrùb, v. hesitate, delay. (Teut.)
Sgrubail, skrùb'-al, adj. hesitating, scru.
pulous, {Lat. scrupulus); niggardly par-
simonious. (Tiut.)
Sgrubaire, skriib'-ùr-à, n. m. a churl,
Sgrubaireachd, skrùb'-aèr.achg,n^ggard-
Sgrubanta, sgrùb'-ant-à, adj. scrupulous;
parsimonious ; sgrubantac/id, scrupu.
losity, niggardliness.
Sgrud, skrùdd, v. scrape thoroughly, search
minutely, scrutinize, examine minutely.
Sgrudadh, skrùdd'-X, p<. searching; n.m.
utmost scraping of any thing in a dish.
Sgrudaire, skrùdd'-ur-a, n. m. scrutinizer.
Sgruioean, skrùèg'-àèn, n. m. neck of a
Sgruidte, skrQjj'-tya, pi. cleared out or
wholly searched; scrutinized, perfectly
freed or cleared.
Sgrlit, skruèjt, n. /. an old decayed per-
son. North.
Sguab, skilab, n.f. a sheaf of com; a be-
som, broom, brush ; v. sweep, sweep a-
Sguab AC H, skualy-ach, n. /. a brush,
ScUABAnH, skùàb'-X, pt. sweeping, clean-
ing; n. TO. art of sweeping or cleaning.
SciiABANTA, skùab'-ant-a, adj. portable,
Sguab-lion, skùàb'-lèn, n.f. a sweep-net.
Sguch, skiich, V. strain, sprain. Ni'rth.
Sgudall, skùdd'-al, n. m. trash, offals.
Sgudalair, skùd'-al-aèr, n. m. a scullion,
drudge; a mean fellow. North, sguid-
Sgugach, skùg'-ach, n. m. a soft boorish
Sci'iDS, skùjsh, D. dress flax, switch, drive.
Sguidseach, skùjsh'-ach, n. m. a tall, slen-
der, young girl : — prostitute, stripling. .V.
SciiDSEADH, skujsh'-À, pt. dressing, lash-
Sguidseanach, skùjsh'-àèn-ach. v. m. a
very tall, slender, very young man.
Sguir, skùèr, v. cease, stop, give over, de-
sist; j^uir dheth, stop, desist, cease, i>e
done ufH.
Sguit, skuejtt, »1. pi. skates, foot-board.
Sgl'lan, skùU'-an, n.f. large basket. X.
Sgulair, skùir-àèr, n.f. a large old hat.
Sgi'M, skùm; see Sgiom, scum.
Sgur, skùr, n. m. cessation, stop ; buidh-
eachas gun sgur, thgnks without ceasing;
pt. ceasing-, desisting, leaving off; stop-
ping ; ma'n do sgiir sinn, ere we desisted,
or ceased, or left off'; gun sgur, uncea-
singly, incessantly.
Sgur, skijr, v. scour, burnish, rub up;
sguradh nan iarran, burnishing the fire-
Sgurachdai.nn, skùr'-achg-ènn, pt. ; see
Sgurainn, skfir'-ènn, lye, or ley : any
trash of liquor in contempt ; topla^h.
Sgurr, skùrr, n. m. a large conical hill.
Sgort; seeSgiut, scud, sweep away.
Shabh, hav, part, rfròsàbh; shabhe, he
Shabhail, hàv'-al, p. v. sàbhail; shàhhail
e, he saved, he escaped, he preserved, or
kept dear.
Shaibhir, hiv'-er, asp.f. saibhir, plenti-
ful, &c.
Shail, hà'l, asp.f. sail, heel; a shall, his
Shaill, hàèly', past, saill; shaill e, lie
Shalach, hal'-ach, gen. sail, of the heel.
Shamhach, hav'-ach, asp. of sàmhath,
quiet, still.
Sh ANNT, hanntt, covetousness, greed.
Shanntaich, hànnt'-èch, v. I coveted, en.
Shaoil, hao'l, p. v. I supposed, or ima-
Shaor, haor, p. v. I freed, absolved, &.e.
Sharaich, hàr'-èeh, p. v. I oppressed, hurt.
She, he, asp. form of se, six; a she fhein,
his six.
Sheac, hechg, asp. form, I withered, <!e.
Sheachd, hechg, a. 'sheachd fir, his seven
men ; also of seven.
Shealg, hyalg', asp. a shealg, his hunting.
Sheall, hyall, p. v. sheàll mi, I beheld,
Sheap, hyèp, p. v. shèap e, he sneaked.
Shearc, hyerug, p. v. shearg ise, she with-
Sheas, has, p. v. sheas e, he stood, he sus
Sheid, haij, p. V. blew; shèid oiteag o'n
aonaich, a blast fi am the hill blew.
SheinNj hàènn, v. p sheinn e, he san .

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