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Bealtuin.n', byàir-tènn, n.f. May-day.
Bean, ben , touch, handle. P.
Bean, ben'n, a woman, a female; gen. mnà
and mnatha; bean ghliiin, a inidwife ;
bean shii'ibhlaidh, a u'oman in child-bed;
bean-tighe, a housewife, a land/adi/; bean
itsd, /he /and/adi/ of an inn; icnn baile,
the lady or priiprietress of a viW'ge; bean
chinnidli, a kinswoman ; bean chiche, a
wet nurse ; bean choimhideaehd, a bride
maid, a maid of honour ; bean nigheadair-
eachd, a laund ymaid, a washer-woman;
bean uasail, a lady, a gentlewoman ; bean
bhrathar athar, a paternal und^s wife;
ii>a7ibrathar màthar, a maternal uncle's
wife; bean brathar, a sister-in-law ; bean
bhochd, a female mendicant, pauper or
hfggar ; bean mic, a daughter-in-law ;
bean shith, a female faiy.
Beann, byann, n.f. a corner, a skirt;
braigh lin, air a ceithir beatinaibh, a sheet
by the four corners. Acts; attention, re-
gard; na d' thoir beaiin air de their e,
pay no attention to what he says; a horn,
/. ; gen. pi. of beinn, a hill.
Beannach, byann'-ach, a. cornered, hom-
BEANNACHADn, byannach-A, n. m. a bless-
ing, benediction, grace ; iarr beannach-
adh, say gr/ice; p. blessing.
Beannachd, byann'-achg, n. m. a bene-
diction, a blessing; beannaciul Dhia leat,
may the blessing of God attend you ; tha
mo bheannachdsa agad, you have my be-
nediction; compliments, respects; thoir
mo bheannachd, bring my compliments
or respects ; farewell ; beannachd leat,
farewell, adieu ; fag beannachd aige,
leave him farewell, bid bim ariieu ; beann-
acd do t'anara is buaidh, a W«sin^ to
thy soul and victory, 0. i beannachd a
sheud is shiubhail leis, may he fare as he
deserves ; beannachd bàird, the poet's
BEANXACHnAiL, byann'-achg-al, a. vale-
dictory, also beannachdach.
Beannachdan, byann'-achg-an, n. m. an
insect that strikes your finger when hold-
ing it.
Beanxaich, oyann'-èch, v. bless, salute,
hail, invoke a blessing ; beanruiicli an
Tighearn O m'anam, bless the Lord, u
my soul. B.
Beannaichte, byann'-èch-tyà, n.f. happy,
holy, blessed ; is beannaichte ?.n diiine
sin nach gluais ann an eomhairle nan
aingidh, blessed is the man v/ho tvalireth
not in the counsel of the ungodly. Ps.
Beanntach, byannt'-ach, a. mountainous,
hilly; pinnacled, rooky.
Beanntachd, byannt'-achg, 71. /. amoun-
tainousness, hilliness. .stec"U'^i»
Beanntaire, byannt'-àr'-à, n. f. moun-
taineer, a Highlander.
Beanntaixn, byannt'-ènn, n. m. an herb.
Beantag, byant'-ag, n.f. a fan, fasgnag.
Beantainn, bent' -hen', j). touching. Pro.
Bearach, bei'-ach, n. f. dog, fish, gobag.
Bearm, byarn, n.f. a small gap or breach ;
a fissure ; v. notch, hack.
Bearnach, byàrn'-àch, a. having brokm
teeth, notched, hacked, full of gaps; n.
f. a female with broken teeth.
Bearr, byàrr, v. shave, crop, B. ; taunt,
gibe, jeer.
BeaRra byarr'-a, a spear, a dart Sh.
Bearradair, byari^-a-'dàr, n. m. a bar-
ber, B. ; a. giber, a taunting fellow.
BEARRAnAiREAciii), byàn"-a'(lai'-achg, n.
m. the occupation of a barber; gibing,
jeering, taunting, criticising.
Bearradii, byarr'-X, n. m. the brow of a
hill ; a precipice ; na shuidhe air a'
bhcarradh ad, sitting on t/iebrow of yon-
der hill.
Bearraideach, byarr'-aj-ach, a. flighty,
light-headed, giddy ; nimble.
Bearraideachd, byarr'-àj àehg, n. /.
flightiness, giddiness ; light-headedness.
Beart, byart, n. m. deed, act; chum a
bhearta iongantach a dheanamh aith
nichte do chlann na daoine, to mak-e
known ids wonderful acts to the sons cj
men. Bible.
Beath, bà'-à, n. m. a birch tree; birch
written beith alsd.
Beatha, bè'-à, n.f. life, food, livelihood ;
welcome, salutation; isamhuil aislinii 's
ar beatha, our life is like a dream ; gheibh
e'bheatlia, he will get his livelihood ; bhur
beathsa, a ghaisgich, you are welcome,
heroes ! dean a blieiitha, welcome him t
se slàinte do bhatha, you'r guile u'el-
come to it; fad làithean a bheatha, all
the days of his life ; bhur beatha an dutli-
aich, you are welcome to the couiitri^,
you are welcome home; an e mo bheatha,
am I welcome'^ bheir duine be tha air
fcigin ach cha d' thoir e rath air eigm.
a man may fore: a livelihood, but cniin t
force success or prosperity . P.
Beath ACH, be'-ach, n. m. and /. an ani-
mal, a beast, a brute ; term of conttinpt
for a person.
Beathachadh, bè'-ach-X, n. m. livelihood,
sustenance, maintenance; a benifice;
fhuairam ministir òg beathachadh, the
young clergyman got a living or a bent.
Jice ; p. supporting, maintaining, feed-
Beathaich, bè'-èch, v. feed, nourish,
maintain, support, cherish, feed; bheath.
aicA e chuid eile, he Jed the rest; beiCth.
aich mo cliuiiraiuJi Ai»i niy sluep, Ji :

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