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Edited by JOHN MACKAY, Kingston.
No. 8. Vol. II.]
MAY, 1894.
[Price Threepence,
^JUt MOEE worthy Highlander tbau the
(^J^ki subject of oiu- sketch this mouth it
^^M^ would indeed be difficult to find. Mr. D.
Reid Crow was born at Lochgilphead, Ai'gyll-
shire, and there received the education which
so well fitted him for bis afterwards varied and
active life. His father, Mr. David Crow, was
in his day a well-known architect in Glasgow
and the West of Scotland.
At an early age our friend made his debut in
commercial life in Glasgow, but after a time he
exchanged that centre of industry for London.
There, amidst the bustle of a business cai'eer,
Mr. Crow, who weilded a facile pen, found
time to devote himself to jjress matters, and
many of the newspaper columns of a generation
ago are indebted to him for his able contribu-
tions. His knowledge of the affairs of the
day would soon have brought the young Scotch-
man into public eminence, l)ut about this time
his health gave way, and he was advised to go
Selecting South Africa as his new abode, he
arrived in Natal in 1869. Here he met the
Kev. Mr. Newuham, M.A. Cantab., now a
rector in the south of England, and both being
deeply interested in the subject of education,
they foimded Hilton College, Natal, which has
since remained one of the leading educational
institutes in the colony.
In mUitary matters also Mr. Crow showed
great skill. When war broke out, and the
colony was assailed on the north and west by
the powerful Zulu tribes, he raised a battalion
of volunteers — known afterwards as the Hilton
Carabineers. This company, which formed a
valuable auxiliary to the regular forces, he
commanded in person, his knowledge of the
country I'endering him peculiarly suited for
the duty. On the annexation of the Transvaal
to the British Crown in 1877, Mr. Crow, along
with the celebrated novelist, Mr. Rider Hag-
gard, and Mr. Clarke, R.A. (now Sir Marshal
Clarke, governor of Basutoland), were appointed
to the staff" of Sir Theophilus Sliepstone After
the pacification of the country he was placed
on the Commission of the Peace and appointed
a Sjjecial Commissioner. At Heidelberg, Mr.
Crow had the honour of first officially hoisting
the British flag.
Again, in the Transvaal War of 1880-81, he
distinguished himself in the mUitary operations
at Potchefstroom. Dui'ing this exciting j)eriod,
however, many of his comrades fell. Mr. Crow
and his old friend Col. Clarke became j)risoners
of war untU peace was restored, when they
regained their liberty.
After these eventful times, Mr. Crow again
turned his attention to business, and settled
down in Pretoria. Here he was one of the
earliest and most successful merchants. His
connection with the Loudon markets necessi-
tated his opening an office there, which he con-
ducted himself, taking periodical visits to the
Notwithstanding his eventful career, Mr.
Crow always clierished the warmest interest in
his fellow-countrymen and anything pertaining
to his native country. When, in 1890, the
London Argyllshire Association was formed, he
was unanimously elected president. To this
post he has been re-elected every year, till last
session, when, owing to his leaving London,
the Association hail to reluctantly accept his
resignation. He was, however, elected au
honorary vice-president.
Mr. Crow is a Fellow of the Roj'al Colonial
Institute, a member of the National Liberal
Club, and holds a high position in the Masonic
fraternity. Though yet in the prime of life,
he has retired from business, and, like a true
Highlander, has selected Ardrishaig as his
place of residence. That he may live long to
enjoy the fruits of his well-earned leism-e will
be the heartfelt wish of all his numerous
friends. Neil Macmillan.

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