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Tn mRRFspnwDFNTS US to make the P rice tnree P ellce . and if possible
TO CORRESPONDENTS. ^ & few tQ the g . bufc we cb()se ^
All Communications, ,m litcrttrtf unit h,isim-SS , , ,1 i • mi • f ±1
»•««,, .fcouM ( Mr«.«i *« the i:„iu„; Mr ,,ohs kee P to the lesser P rlce - The experience of the
MACKAY, n Bundas Street, Kingston, Glasgow. past months has, however, convinced us of the
i-®-t wisdom of the suggestions made by our friends,
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.— The CELTIC and after serious consideration we have decided
MONTHLY will be sent, post free, to any part of the to give effect to them when we start our second
United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and all volume in October. We feel certain that such
countries in the Postal Union— for one year, 3s. a change would be welcomed by all our readers,
aud it would further give a better chance to the
" magazine. Our proposal is, to add other four
THE CELTIC MONTHLY. pages, making 20 pages of literary matter each
AUGUST, 1893. month, and to increase the price to threepence
— - - -..--. ,---^rr^;: (4d p 0S t free). From the first number we have
oojsttejwts. felt our efforts seriously hampered by the limited
nature of our space, and for this reason we have
L.^,iL*xM*,-r>.»*u..SKK».>o»T,wi.i. 1 ^< l -. . • -MX had to aban( i on seV eral interesting features
The Land or the Gael (a poem). ir.4 which we intended to introduce. We have still
alkxandkr FBASER(»ith i.ortrait), 105 on hand contributions which were sent in for
Our Canadian Letter, 166 the first issue. Our readers will appreciate the
(ii r Mosical column, 107 alteration we propose, when they notice the
Our nem Issue, - - . . n,, increased interest and variety of contents which
Tna Black Watob Memoriai h Iberkeldy, • • - -ion . J , ... .
datb of Fingal and Ossian 171 * ne increased space will allord. We hope,
A" Choiknbauh (a poem), 172 specially, to devote more space to Gaelic contri-
John Mackay(" Ben Keay") (with portrait), - - - -173 butions, and we have beside us several most
A Book-hunter's Gamr-Bau (Part II ), - -174 excellent poems and articles by well-known
kkv™» R '' LL - OKTHEKE4YFKXU '''' ES - 179 '' '- '- -no Gaelio s « holars . whioh we shall print in our
early issues. The series of beautiful plate-por-
„ _ _ _ _ M .. _ _.__._._ traits will also be continued, and we need hardly
a1 Dc^nJ . Sa >' that theSB add a Value t0 the ™ a S azi ™
OUR READERS. w l lich time wi| , certain ]y enhance. Many of
our readers consider the plate alone worth the
With the next issue of the Celtic Monthly we price we charge for the magazine. Portraits of
complete our first volume. The experiment of well known Highlanders, representing the vari-
starting a first-class illustrated Highland maga- ous Highland and Gaelic societies and shinty
zine at a popular price was no doubt a danger- clubs, will also appear in each issue, and we
ous one, but the result has verified our opinion hope in time to present our readers with like-
that it was possible to make such an undertak- nesses of representatives from all the societies
ing a success. Our modest literary venture im- in connection with the Gaelic race, at home and
mediately sprung into favour, and at once abroad. By means of these fine portraits High-
attained a circulation such as no former High- landers become acquainted with the form and
land magazine ever enjoyed. It gathered around features of countrymen whose names they know-
it a staff' of contributors whose names in many by repute, but whom they have often little chance
instances are " household words " among High- of meeting in the body. In our next issue we
landers, and the number of its well-wishers was will be able to present an attractive programme
only limited by the extent of its circulation. for the second volume, which will prove of
The C. M. was started under the most auspi- special interest to our readers in the Western
cious circumstances, and, notwithstanding the Highlands and Islands.
past history of such enterprises, its success is Meantime, we enclose an order form for the
not to be wondered at. We can only express next volume, which we trust all our annual
our deep indebtedness to the many friends who subscribers will fill up and return to us at once,
have rendered us such valuable assistance, in so that we may have the list of subscribers coin-
ciding to the interest of our pages, and in help- pleted as early as possible. We trust that, our
ing the circulation of the magazine. We have readers will do what they can to interest their
profited by our editorial experiences of the past friends in the magazine, and induce them to
year. Being constantly in communication with become subscribers. We hope we shall be able
so many of our readers in all parts of the world, in our next issue to intimate that our list of
our ideas in regard to the conduct of the maga- subscribers exceeds four figures. Our friends
zine have been somewhat broadened. From the will greatly favour us by returning the enclosed
beginning, many of our friends strongly urged form on receipt.

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