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to correspondents. of nis portrait. Miss Aniiii- Mackay's sketch
III Communication* on literary and business of the late Mrs. Mary Mackellar will also ap-
matters, sh»,.hi '■■ <„i<i, ,*.<,,, ,., the Editor, Mr. JOBS pear, with a portrait of the distinguished poetess.
MACKAT, 17 Dunaas Street, Kingston, Glasgow. Our Gamanm-hd celebrity for next month will
>-@-< be our genial friend, Lieut. Neil MacKay, cap-
TERMS OF subscription.— The CELTIC tain, London Northern Counties shinty Club,
MONTHLY will '» tent, ■post free, to any part of the one of the finest-looking Highlanders that ever
United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, und all donned the Highland dress. A portrait of Mr.
countries in th Postal Union forom Dugald Cowan, Edinburgh, who has acted for
so many years as treasurer of the Highland
-p ^ _ . „ iva _ TT . v Land Reform Association, and whose name is
1HE UEL11C tviuiNlriUY. favourably known in all parts of the country,
-"•" ;r "' lv,; will also be given. From these remarks it will
~Z ZT~ " be seen that our next issue promises to be of
special interest
Charles Fraber-Mackistosh, F.SA., Soot, (with plate), - - Bl
The Highland Soldier, s -
Notes on ; tiik Arms and Crest OK the Mackintoshes akd Clan „ , .. ,. „ . ., „ .
| lnTTANi s:s Serial Story.— Next month we shall give the first
Moonlight, '. S4 instalment of a short thrilling romance by the talented
Sheriff Nicolson (with portrait), S5 novelist, Miss Hannah I'.. Mackenzie. The story is
r>i kness khom the Earliest Times, 86 entitled, " A Wrong Righted," and the scene is laid
Gor moot rink mi dusoadh (with music), 87 at the Black Rock, in Koss-shire.
T. D. MacDonald, London, (with portrait), .... 89
A Book-Hvnter's Game-Bag, - • 90-91 Gaelic Prize Competitions. — We would remind
"Irlr^M^D.lNKnTtt-ith portrait), - - 93 our readers that these competitions close on the 28th
The Caithness Fungibles, - '■ • 93 February, and that those who intend competing had
l: "i ' ' ' '. '^"IY'te'sbwuit n'' ^-iv) VLAI ''• - - - 95 better forward their manuscripts as early as possible.
kkviews, 1ID ^ 0TES - --"-- - - ■ 98 we are desirous of continuing our series of portraits
— of representatives of the various shinty clubs through-
_~ ~..„ n ^» n ^ n o out the country, we shall be glad to hear from any
TO OUR READERS. gentlemen in regard to th,- same This also applies
to the office-bearers in connection with the various
THIS number of the Monthly very nearly realises Gaelic, clan, and other Highland societies, as we
our ideal of what a Highland magazine should ^ ul VJf e ' ' ;l --"'' l; ' l, " 1 > ,,J "> represented in the
be. The Celtic Monthly will now compare
favourably with any journal published in the
United Kingdom at the price, and we can with
confidence assert that even the shilling monthlies
cannol give more artistic and life-like portraits
than those which Gnd a place in this month's
issue. Yet we think it is possible to make the
magazine even more attractive, and we intend
in the forthcoming numbers giving social atten-
tion to a new feature, which, we feel suit, will
be of particular interest to our readers.
The Cameron Highlanders. — The Secretary tor
War has officially intimated that the 79th regiment
is not to be merged into the Scots Guards, so that
the irritating proposal has been once more shelved.
We hope the snub administered to these meddlesome
War Olliee officials will be emphatic enough to cause
them to abstain from interfering with the dress or
regimental designation of the Highland regiments for
all time coming.
Our April Issue. — We have already men-
tioned that we recognise no party politics in the
Celtic Monthly. Our countrymen may occupy
different political camps, but in our pages they
meet as Highlanders, members of Clanna nan
Gaidheal, and on terms of amity and friendship,
This month we present our readers with a life-like
plate poii rail of Mr 0. Praser-Mackintosh ;
next month we shall give an equally good like-
oess of I>r. Donald MacGregor, M.I', for Inver-
ness-shire, with an interesting' biograpliii-.-d
sketch. Dr. MaeUregor is well known to a
large circle of our readers, and many of his
friends will doubtless be glad to possess a copy
Testimonial to the Bard of Ledaig. — This move-
ment has now taken practical shape, and full particu-
lars of the appeal will be found in another part of the
magazine. We sincerely trust that the influential
committee appointed will receive sufficient financial
support to enable them to give effect to the pro-
posals set forth in the circular
Back Numbers. — As we are constantly receiving
enquiries in regard to back numbers, we may state
that all these can yet l«- had at the published price.
Those who intend binding the volume at the end of
the year, and require any copies to complete the set,
had better apply for these at once, as only a limited
number of copies are left of the earlier issues. Large-
sized copies of the plates, for framing, can also be
had (price Gd, post free) from the Editor, 17 Dundas
sin ri, Kingston, Glasgow.

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