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Sealant^ lazy, indolent
Ssimhidh, mild, gentle, fiiigle
Ssnnail, happy, profpennis
Sgfilceara. g'iving hard blows
S^abulhich, carrying helmets
SgraifTf, a gloomy, contrafted ap-
. pearance
Sianfach, harmonicas, pleafant
Sionn, here, in this place
Sli^heach arthil, fly
Slifneach, chips
Smeorne, point of a dart, or ar-
Smuifeach, ftirring up, moving
Smut's, no fmucis, marrow
Snafachadh, to foften, affeft
?)no!adh, to fmell, fufpctl
Sogh, profperity, pleafure
Soibhet/fach, well-bred
Sonnta, courageous
Soighne, pieafant, agreeable
Spailp, pride, felf-conceit
S/jea/a, a fcythe, mowing-hook
Spe'irid. itrength, ability, liveHncfs
Spcalanta, acute, cutting
Spiocach, narrow, mean, churliih
Spuineach, that phmdereth
Sracaireachd, tearing away, ex-
Sraoiicacb, given to tear
Srolbhratach, having colours of
filk, or fattin
Straonadb^ to turn, ftumble
Starbhanach, itout, robiift, fteady
Stacadh, to deafen
St am, an upib.rt
Ste'.rnadby to il:eer, manage, regu-
Sl-)c, a trumps' t, founding horn
Strianacby a badger
Stuagh^hreannacby rough, gloo-
my, full of waves
Suigeariachy joytul, glad
Sniairc. a St Kildian bird
Sunnadt^ likencfs, comparifon
Sunngha-jihachf given to boalt
^allcsafachy that 'rcorncth, dli-
Tnin, cattle
lo.ijlealach^ a traveller, fojourner
Taoghas, the grave
leai/fanach a philofopher
1eamhaii\ pieafant, agreeable,
Teircadh. a recommendation
Teh, njfeis, an air
Yfughmhaiicach, contentious, quar-
Tiotifgnavihach, dovifing, ploting
Ticigaireach, fierce like a tiger
Tinneanas, fits
Yiunnal, match, likencfs, compa-
Tocbdfheargacb^ that rageth filent-
Tvcbailleach, that rootcth out, ex-
To'c, wealth, riches
Tfj!chmuirc\ loving, affctlionate
Toicbiofdalacby prefuming, arro-
Todhar, bleaching, alfo manuring
loimhij'r.ìl^ judicious, fenfibie, fa-
To?n(f^ ti-a Tuama, a grave, tomb
Tortail, tight, flout, respeclful
Tòrradh, buriid, alfo heaping up
Tojialach, prefumptUGus, arrogant
Inahhair, a home- (tail, home-
Treifaii, flrong, of great power
Ireunthoifgeacby brave, and expe-
Trioia'itn, trifling
Triochad^ thirty
Trofg^ a codfiili; alfo a booby, a
1rua^hv:hcl!acb^ compafflonate,
Tudr, food, colour, appearance;
alfo omen
Tiiiriofgach^ that fa\reth., or hcw-
tth down

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