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Letter-writing, or the art of
conveying our ideas to one
another througli the raedium of
ink and paper, forms a most im-
portant part of one's education;
and without a competent know-
ledge of this noble art, no person
is fit to transact his business
with advantage.
The learner, as soon as he is
taught the use of the pen, should
be made to write the names of
the objects around him on his
slate, or on paper ; and then a
short description of the utility
or beauty of each of them, in
the form of a letter to the Mas-
ter, to be corrected and improved
by hirtì. The pupil will be
thus, by degrees, led to the art
of composition.
In writing to relations, some
endearing epithet is always put
before the kindred title in
English, and after it in Gaelic ;
as, Dear, Beloved, Revered, or
Honoured Father, or Mother.
Conclude a letter to either thus,
— Your very affectionate, duti-
ful, or loving Son or Daughter,
— as the case may be.
Children should adopt the
most respectful, as well as the
most endearing mode of address
towards their parents.
Tha Litir-sgriobhadh, no
alt giùlain ar smuaintean gu càch
a chèile tre chònadh ìnge agus
pàipeir, a' deanamh suas roinn
ro-fhèumail de ionnsachadh
neach agus gun eòlas cuimseach
air an innleachd òrail so, cha
n-'eil neach sam bìth freagarrach
airson a ghnothaich a chur air
aghaidh gu coromach.
Cho luath 's a dh-ionnsaicheas
am foghlumach fèum a' phìnn,
is còir a thoirt air, ainmean nan
nithe a ta mu 'n cuairt da a
sgriobhadh air a sgleit, no air
pàipeir ; 'an dèigh sin, cunntas
gearr mu mhaith, no mhaise
gach aoin diùbh ann an uidheam
litire do 'n Mhaighstear gu bhi
ceartaichte agus leasaichte leis-
san. Mar so stiùirear an sgoilear
a chuid 's a chuid gu alt co-
'An sgriobhadh gu càirdibh,
cuirear focal-gràidh eigin roimh
an*ainm dhàimheil 'sa Bheurla
agus 'na dhèigh 'sa Ghaelig ;
mar, Athar, no A Mhathair Ion-
mhuinn, Ghaol* Urramach, no
Onarach; co-dhùinlitir gu h-aon
diubh mar so, — Bhur Mac no
Nighean Ghràdhach, Ghaolach,
no Dhleasannach, — mar thach-
ras do 'n chùis a bhi.
Is còir do chloinn co-labhairt
fior mhodhail cho math 'us fior
ghaolach a ghnàthachadh do 'm
• The genrler n.nd case of the noun addressed must be attended to, — We say,
Athar Ghaoil, A Mhdthair Ghaol ; in the vocative case.

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