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America :
Allan &State Lines (J. & A. Allan), 25 Bothwell street
G. & J. Burns (Cunard Line), 30 Jamaica street
American Line (A. & A. Malcolm), 40 St. Enoch square
Amsterdam :
George Gibson & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
James Kankirie & Son, 130 West Nile street
Ancona, Genoa, Gibualtak, Leqhokn, Messina, Naples,
Palekmo, Trieste, Venice :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers Lim.), 47 Diiion street
Spanish, Portuguese, Italian & Mediterranean Steam Packet
Office (Robert Mackill & Co.), 53 Bothwell street
Antwerp :
Clyde Shipping Co. Limited, 21 Carlton place
George Gibson & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Ascension, see Algoa Bat
Asia Minor, Constantinople, Coapn, Patras, Sicily,
Tdhket :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Australia :
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
Thomas Law & Co. (Shire Line), 123 Hope street
Peninsular & Oriental Line of Steamers (Escombe Brothers
& Co.), 68 St. Vincent street
Buenos Atres, Monte Video, Newfoundland, Philadel-
phia, Portland (U. S. ), St. John's (N. F. ) :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
Baltimore, Montreal, Quebec :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
Donaldson Brothers, 53 Bothwell street
Banavie, Poolewe, Salen, Ullapool :
David MacBrayne, 119 Hope street
Barcelona, Bavonne, Huelva, Nantes, St. Nazaire :
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
Bari, Catania :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
Batonne, see Barcelona
Bilbao :
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
R. Mackill & Co. 53 Bothwell street
Bombay :
(Clan Line) Cayzer, Irvine & Co. 109 Hope street
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers Lim.), 47 Union street
P. & O. Steamers (Escombe Brothers & Co.), 68 St. Vin-
cent street
Bordeaux, Cadiz, Chakente, Seville :
James Gardiner & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
Boston :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Cimard Steamship Co. Limited (G. & J. Burns, agents), 30
Jamaica street
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers Lim.), 47 Union street
Brazil :
P. Henderson & Co. 15 St. Vincent place
Bremerhaven, Christiansand, Copenhagen, Konigs-
BERG, Pillau, Stettin :
James Currie & Co. 43 Renfleld street
Brisbane, Fremantle, Queensland :
Thomas Law & Co. 123 Hope street
Calcutta, Gape Town, Colombo (Ceylon) :
(Clan Line) Cayzer, Irvine & Co. 109 Hope street
Canada :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
Donaldson Brothers, 53 Bothwell street
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers Lim. ), 47 Union street
Cape Colonies :
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
Donald Currie & Go. 137 West George street
Cape Town, see Calcutta
Catania, see Bari
Chaeente, see Bordeaux
China & Jap.in :
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
P. & O. Steamship Co. 68 St. Vincent street
Christiansand, see Bremerhaven
Colombo (Ceylon), see Calcutta
Constantinople, see Asia Minor
Copenhagen, see Bremerhaven
Corfu, see Asia Minor
Cronstadt :
James Gardiner & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Delagoa Bay, see Algoa Bay
Denia, see Aden
Dieppe :
Charles H. Seligmann & Co. 59 St. Vincent street
Dunkirk :
George Gibson & Go. 24 St. Vincent place
• Charles H. Seligmann &, Co. 59 St. Vincent street
East Africa, see Algoa Bay
Egypt :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
R. Mackill & Co. 53 Bothwell street
Genoa, see Ancona
Ghent, Terneuzen :
George Gibson & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Gibraltar, see Ancona
Halifax (N. S.), St. John (N. B.), United States :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
Donaldson Brothers, 53 Bothwell street
Hamburg :
James Currie & Co. 45 Rentield street
Hamburg- American Steamship Go. (Andrew Weir & Co.),
94 Hope street
Havre, Pabis, Rouen :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
Huelva, see Barcelona
India :
Clan Line (Cayzer, Irvine & Co.), log Hope street
Hall Line (Escombe Brothers & Co.), 68 St. Vincent street
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers Lim.), 47 Union street
Peninsular & Oriental Line of Steamers, 68 St. Vincent at
Italy :
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
Anchor Line (Henderson Bros. Limited), 47 Union street
Charles H. Seligmann & Co. 59 St. Vincent street
Japan, see China
James Rankine & Son, 130 West Nile street
Rotterdam Lloyd Line of Steamers (Escombe Brothers &
Co.), 68 St. Vincent street
Kaijachi, see Aden
Konigsberg, see Bremerhaven
Leghorn, see Ancona
Lisbon :
James Gardiner & Co. 24 St. Vincent place
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
R. Mackill & Co. 53 Bothwell street
Madagascar, see Alooa Bat
Madras :
P. & O. Steamers (Escombe Bros. & Co.), 68 St. Vincent st
Malaga, see Algiers
Malta, see Alexandria
Marseilles :
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
Anchor Line (Henderson Bros. Lim.), 47 Union street
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
Mauritius, see Algoa Bay
Mediterranean :
John Bruce & Co. 67 West Nile street
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Burrell k Son, 54 George square
Anchor Line (Henderson Bros. Limited), 47 Union street
J. & P. Hutchison, 31 Hope street
Melbourne, see Adelaide
Messina, see Ancona
Mossel Bay, see Alqoa Bat
Mozambique, see Algoa Bat
Nantes, see Barcelona
Naples, see Ancona
Natal :
(Clan Line) Cayzer, Irvine & Co. 109 Hope street
Donald Currie & Go. 137 West George street
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
New York :
J. & A. Allan, 25 Bothwell street
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
G. k J. Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Cunard Steamship Co. Limited (G. & J. Burns, agents),
30 Jamaica street
Hamburg- American Steamship Co. (Andrew Weir & Co.),
94 Hope street
Anchor Line (Henderson Bros. Limited), 47 Union street
New Zealand :
Moses Buchanan, 52 St. Enoch square
P. Henderson & Go. 15 St. Vincent place
P. & O. Steamship Co. 68 St. Vincent street
Newfoundland :
J. C. Peacock & Co. 65 Robertson street
North America, Montreal, Quebec, St. John (N.B.) :
Donaldson Brothers, 53 Bothwell street

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