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Alexander John Balfour (J. B. Alexander
& Eeid), 47 John street
Murison &. Campbell, 3 Meriden street
Ship Builders.
Montrose Ship Building Co. (John Fletcher,
proprietor), Waterside
Ship Chandler.
Davidson MisB Mary H. 28 & 30 Wharf st
Ship Owners.
Johnston Joseph & Sons, America street
Montrose Steam Tug Co. (James Mitchell,
manager), Dock buildings
Murison & Campbell, 3 Meriden street
Brown James & Son, 21 Mill lane
Petrie John, Waterside
Black Mrs. Kate, 60 Castle street
Boyd John, 91 Castle street
Bunch Mrs. Mary, 3D Kincardine street
Christie Mrs. Ann, 42 Southesk street
Cochrane Mrs. Ann, 9 Hill street
Cumming Mrs. Janet, 81 Murray street
Duers John. 4 St. Peter's place
Durie Mrs. Jane, 19 Mill street
Faddie Mrs. Mary, 5 White's place
Fife Mrs. Isabella, 11 River street
Fraser Hector, 98 Castle street
Gibson Miss Jessie. 17 White'* place
Goodiellow Mrs. Robina. 8 India street
Hilton Mrs. Agnes, 11 Hill street
Jack Mrs. Mary, 32 Victoria street
Jackson Mrs. Betsy, G6 Ferry street
Jansen John, 3 Shore wynd
Langlands John. 69 Castle street
McDonald Miss Susan, 7 Upper Hall street
McDonald Mrs. Mary Ann, 2 Academy sq
Martin William, 11 Southesk street
Miller Mrs. Diana, 1 Apple wynd
Milne George, Bossie island
Mudie John, 20 New wynd
Nicoll David. 50 Castle street
Reid Mrs. Eliza Jane, 1 Reform street
Rew David, 12 Melville gardens
Ross Mrs. Margaret, 24 India street
Smith Mrs. Mary A. 33 Mill street
Somerville Mrs. Jane, 30 Mill street
Somerville Mrs. Jessie, 1 Market street
Thompson Mrs. Isabella, 35 Southesk street
Thomson John, 7 Shore wynd
Turnbull Mrs. Georgina, 26 Castle street
Watt Mrs. Clementina, 1 Ferrv street
Watt Mrs. Mary Ann, 48 North street
Wiikie Miss Jessie, 3 Commerce street
Shuttle Makers.
Wylie James & Co. 3 Dorward street
Wyllie John & Son, 3 Dorward street
Slate Merchants.
Lindsay John & Son, 43 Hill street
Keillor James & Sons, 39 Northesk road
Lindsay Jnhn & Son. 43 Hill street
Macdonald James, 77 Castle street
See Official.
MUIRDRUM, see Panbride.
MUTRHEAD, see Liff.
MT7RROES is a parish, the kirktown
of which is G miles north-east of Dundee;
the nearest railway station is at Kingennie,
1 mile east, on the Dundee and Forfar sec-
tion of the Caledonian railway; the parish
is bounded by Inverarity and Monikie on
the north. Mains and Tealing on the west.
Dundee and Mains on the south and
Monirieth on the east, and in extent is
about 8 miles from east to west by 4 north
to south; it lies on the road from Brechin
to Dundee, and is in the small debt court
district of Dundee. The greater part con-
sists of arable land, but there are several
quarries. There are remains of castles at
Powrie and Ballumbie. Mrs. J. A. Gra-
ham-Wigan, of Maidstone, Kent ; Captain
John Douglas M. Guthrie, of Gagie House,
Murroes; Walter T. J. Scrymsoure-Stewart-
Fotheringham esq. of Tealing House, Dun-
dee; Henry Scrymgeour-Wedderburn esq.
of Birkhill, Cupar-Fife; the Rev. Dr.
Ogilvy Ramsay, of Westhall, and John H.
Millar esq. of 10 Abercromby place, Edin-
burgh, are the principal landowners. The
area comprises 6,088 acres; rateable value,
£11,000; the population in 1891 was 773,
and in 1901, 1,041 in the civil and 908 in
the ecclesiastical parish.
Marked thus * are Notaries.
Burness & Dickson, 97 High 6treet
•Campbell Donald Stewart. 186 High street
•Findlay James Bemviek (Burness & Dick-
son), 97 High street
Key & Lindsay, 170 High street
Key William Anderson (Key & Lindsay),
170 High street
Lindsay Jas. Adam (Key & Lindsay), 15
Hill street
•Lyell Alexander (& deputy J.P. clerk),
SI High street
Middleton Alexander, 186 High street
Myers & Wills, 3 George 6treet
Officer John Scarnel, 3 George street
*Hoss William, 10 Castle street
Smith David, 5 Castle place
Walls William Crabb, 97 High street
•Wills David Crombie (Myers & Wills), 3
George street
Spirit Dealers.
See also Grocers.
Black William (Southesk), 37 Wharf street
Boyd Daniel T. 67 & 69 High street
Clark Edward, 84 Murray street
Crowe Gordon, 17 Mill street
Low George (Albert), 48 Market street
Mackie David, 9 Northesk road
McQueen James(Salutation inn),71Bridge st
Morgan W. B. 103 Murray street
Peeler Charles (Tally Ho"). 3 New wynd
Robertson James, 32 & 34 High street
Smith George, 88 High street
Sturrock Mrs. Jane, 86 Northesk road
Balfour Eobert R. 137 High street
Bowman George A. 4S High street
Burnett Robert G. Hume street
Davidson David P. 21 & 23 Castle street &
16 High street
Douglas David, 87 Murray street
Fyfe James, 35 Murray street
Jolly William, 106 Higli street
Sinclair Robert L. 78 High street
Ward James, 55 High street
Stone Masons.
Alexander David, 20 Reform street
Black James, 40 Mill street
Ford James & Son, 10a, George street &
Melville lane
Reid & Burnett, George street
See Medical List.
Christison James, 166 High street
Edward & Sons, 4 to 8 Jahn street
Jessop Thomas, 15 & 17 Murray street
Kinlock William, 52 Murray street
Logan David, 100 High street
Lyall David, 20 High street
Meffan David, 37 Ferry street
Mills Alexander, 21 Murray street
Pert Alexander, 10 Castle place
Selby James & Co. 58 High street
Sheret Robert D. 94 Murray street
Smith James P. & Sons, 208 High street
Third & Reid, 110 High street
Walker William, 180 High street
Letters received through Dundee arrive at
8.30 a.m. The nearest post office is at
Kingennie & money order & telegraph
office at Broughty Ferry, 4 miles distant
Chairman, John G. Soutar
Clerk, Hugh Alexander Forsyth
Inspector of Poor. Collector of Eates &
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages,
Hugh Alexander Forsyth
Established Church, Rev. James Nicoll
Chairman, John G. Soutar
Clerk, Hugh Alexander Forsvth
Board School, built for 165 children ; aver-
age attendance, 140; Hugh Alexander
Forsyth, master
Guthrie Capt. Jn. Douglas Maude, Gagie ho
Johnston David, Dnntrune houBe
Liddel Mrs. Kerryston bank
Morrison William, Burnside
Nicoll Bev. James (Established)
Sturrock Mrs. Kerryston bank
Duncan, Galloway & Co. Ltd
Dnntrune & Westhall quarries
Mudie Eobert, blacksmith, Kellas
Tea Dealers.
London & Newcastle Tea Co. 28 High street
Teachers of Music.
George Samuel, 2 Panmure street
Mackenzie William, 18 John street
Mackintosh Misses J. & H. 21 Melville lane
Temperance Hotels.
Christieson Mrs. Ellen, 84 High street
Queen's (Matthew M. Todd), 113 High st
Roberts Misses Elizabeth & Jessie, Hillside
Timber Merchants.
Millar Eobert & Sons, Victoria planing mills
Tinplate Workers.
Glen John, 38 & 40 Murray street
Lackie David, 39 High street
Whimster William S. & Son, 115 High 6t
Tobacco Manufacturer.
Cuthbert James, 41 Bridge street
Tobacco Pipe Maker.
Jolly James, 24 Lower Hail street
Godfrey Tarabella, 14 Murray street & 18
Castle street
Gray Alexander, 105 High street
Mitchell Miss Margaret M. Town buildings.
Scott David & William. 102 nigh street
Sheret Andrew, 40 High street
Spence William G. 118 Murray street
Swapp Arthur, 153 High 6treet
Sorrel & Co. 59 to 61 Bridge street.
Watt & Son, 77 Ferry street
Fairweather George, 23 George street
Grieve Alexander, 2 to 8 Murray street &..
19 Northesk road
Jamieson Thomas Adie, 76 High street
Japp J. & F. 23 to 27 Baltic street
Reid John Bruce, 19 & 21 John street.
Sorrel & Co. 59 & 61 Bridge street
Veterinary Surgreon.
Garvie J., M.B.C.V.S. 70 New wynd!
"Watch Makers & Jewellers..
Aitken Robert, 125 Murray street
Clark David D. 33 High street
Davidson John R. 68 High street
Sheriffs James R. 115 Murray street
Edward Thomas, 148 High street
Slogie William, 4 Castle street
Walker James S. 138 High street
Watt William, 91 Murray strertt
Window Fittings Mfrs. (Patent).
Ford James & Son, 10a, George street &
Melville lane
Hud & Ford, Panmure row
Wine & Spirit Merchants.
Low George, 120 High street
Moir William & Sons, 7 & 9 High street .
Wocd Carver.
Scott Robert, 79 Murray street
Forsyth Hugh Alex, registrar of births,
deaths & marriages, collector of rates,
inspector of poor, clerk to parish council
& school board, Dnntrune
Shepherd Charles, blacksmith, Brighty
Sturrock George, joiner, Kellas
Todd John, miller. Windy mill
Alexander David, Mill of Brighty
Bowden Alexander, Westmarch of Dnntrune.,
Bowden Alex. jun. Muirhouses
Brown John G. Cruighill
Callender James, Windymill
Clark James, West Mains of Gagie-
Fenton Betsy (Mrs.), Myreton
Fenton Peter, Middleton
Guthrie Thomas. Easter Gagie
Johnston John, Leyshade & Whitehouse-
Hynd Robert, Littfe Gagie
McGlashan John, East Town of Gagfe
Mackie Andrew, Knowehead
Melville James, Barns of Wedderburn
Nicoll William, Gagie
Nicoll William Hunter. Brighty
Ogilvy Jane (Mrs.), North Powrie
Scott Arthur, Powrie
Smith David. Murroes & Murroes mill
Soutar John G. Westhall
NEYAY, see Eassie.
NEWBIGGING, see Monikie,
SCOT. 53

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