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Telephone Call Offiee(Miss Isabella Aitchi-
boii, in charge)
Terneut Isa (Miss), milliner & dress maker
Turnbull James, miller, Rhymer's mill
Waldie Robert, blacksmith
Wallace John &, Sons, joiners & builders
Wallace David & Sons, agents for Howe
Sewing Machine Co
Wallace David & Sons, drapers & clothiers
Wanless Robert, watch maker
Weatherly John P. bookseller, stationer &
printer & postmaster
Weatherston James, grocer
Weatherston John, watch maker & jeweller
Winchester Isabella (Mrs.)- draper
Wood Janet (Miss), dress maker.Woodville
Young Archibald, boot & shoe maker
Young John M.B., CM. surgeon, & medical
officer of health for the Earlston district
of Berwickshire
Allan David, Georgefield
Anderson John, Town farm
Balmer William, Mellerstain mill
Bertram George W. Birkinside
Bone Alexander, Grizzlefield
Brown Miss Margaret, Whitefield
Brownlie John, Park
Brownlie Alexander, Haughead
Charlton T. Lightfield
Elliot Thomas, Coltcrooks
Fairbairn John, Huntshaw
Fleming John, Craysford Mains
Henderson George, East Morriston
Jierbertson Robert H. Fans
Hogg William, Clackmae
Hope Col. Chas. J.P. Cowdenknowes Mains
Ker James, Earlston
Leadbetter Hugh M. Legerwood
Hogg William, Clackmae
Mather George, Earlston mains
Ormston R. West Morriston
Purves Peter & George, Redpath East end
Shortreid Andrew, Kirklands
Steel Robert, Craighouse
Stirling W. & Sons, Darlingfield
Storie George, Yarlside
Stewart Mrs. Marion
33CCLES is a parish and village, 6 miles
from Kelso station (the nearest) on the
North Eastern railway, nearly 6 miles
north-west from Coldstream, in Kelso poor
combination ; the parish is nearly 8 miles
in length by 6 in breadth, lying to the
west of Coldstream, and bordering on tiie
river Tweed. The surface of the country is
an general level ; the soil is rich and the
grounds are well inclosed. Antonshill is
the residence of James Hunter esq. J.P.
and 'Stainrigg House, the residence of
Jack Little esq. There was once a nunnery
here of considerable size. ' ' Deadriggs,
od Crosshall Farm, in this district, was
formerly the scene of a battle, and a stone
which rises nine feet above the Eurface of
the ground is said to mark the grave of one
of the Percys, who fell in the contest. The
area comprises 12.418 acres; rateable value,
£18,362 ;the population in 1901 was 1,433,
and in 1891, 1,446.
Birgham, formerly called Brigham, from
a bridge once existing here, is a small
village in this parish, 2J miles south-east of
Eccles village.
Leitholm is a considerable village in this
parish, 5£ miles north-west from Cold-
stream. In the village is a United Free
church and a Board school.
Fost Office; Adam Pitt, eub-postmaster.
Letters received through Kel so. De-
livery, 9.20 a.m. ; dispatch, 2.45 p.m.
Postal orders are issued & paid here.
The nearest money order ** telegraph
office is at Leitholm, 3 miles distant
Post Office, Birgham; Robert Thompson.
sub-postmaster. Letters received through
Coldstream. Delivery, 11 a.m. ; dis-
patch, 4 p.m. Postal orders are issued
and paid here. The nearest money order
& telegraph office is at Coldstream, 4
miles distant
Fost, M. 0., T., T. M. 0., E. D. & P. P.,
S. B. & A. & I. Office, Leitholm; Henry
M'Dougall, sub-postmaster. Letters re-
ceived through Coldstream. Delivery,
11.35 a.m.; dispatch, 4.45 p.m.
Chairman, James Lewis Greig
Clerk, William Leitch
Police Station, Leitholm, Hector White,
officer in charge
Established Church, Rev. John Johnston
B.D., M.A
United Free Churches, Rev. D. M'Lean
Black; Leitholm, Rev. John M. Watson
Chairman, James Nisbet
Clerk, Alexander P. Stevenson
Board Schools: —
Eccles, William Leitch, master
Birgham, James Lusk, master
Leitho'.m, James P. Barrons, master
Eccles â– 
Black Rev. D. M'Lean fTT. F. C)
Little Jack, Stainrigg house
Gough Lieut.-Col. Bloomfleld, Belchester
house (postal address, Coldstream)
Greig James Lewis J.P. Eccles house
Hunter James J.P. Antonshill
Johnston Rev. John M.A. (Established)
Johnston John, stone mason
Kerse Charles, carpenter & cartwright
Leishman Janet (Miss), grocer
Leitch William, clerk to parish council,
registrar of births, deaths & marriages,
inspector of poor & schoolmaster
Little Thomas, blacksmith, Hassington
McDougal John, blacksmith
Middiemiss John, stone mason
Ormiston Janet (Mrs. ),blacksmith, Orange la
Pitt Adam, boot & shoe maker & postmstr
Beading Room & Library (David Pitt &
John Middiemiss, joint sees)
Stewart James, grocer
Tait William, farm steward
Turnbull Walter, horse breaker
Marked thus * receive letters through
Marked thus f receive letters through
Greenlaw R.S.O.
*Aitchison John, Lochton
tAitchison William & George, Wester
Print oman
tAitchison George, Kaimes West Mains
fAitken James, Spring Wells
Cowe John> & T. Stainrigg Mains
Darrie George, Hassington Mains
Dawson Alexander, Stonefoulds
•Dawaon Peter, Grizzlerig
Donaldson David, Over Mains
Hamilton James, Bankhea-d
•Hardy William, Langrig
Hume Thomas (exors. of), Wormerlaw
•Lander William, Sainfoin
*Lawrie Thomas, Harlaw
tLugton Andrew, Pittlesheugh
Lugton Rohert, Hassington
•McCraw Hugh, Blinkbonny, Birgham
tM'Dougal James. Eccles Tofts
•Mather James, Easter Printonian
McEwan James, Cross ball
Messer William, Mersington mill
tNisbet James, Lambden
Ormiston William. Kennet Sideheads, Kelso
♦Ormiston John, Battle hill
tScott John, Mersington
• Smith John, Lochrig
Smith James, Leithholm mill
•Smyth John, Birgham
Stark James. Loan Knowe
•Thomson James & Robert, Earnshaw
Thomson. William, Bellmount
•Todd Georsre, Kaimes East Mains
•Watson Robert, Eccles Newtown
White Thomas (exors. of), Whiterig
•Young William, Hume bank
Dunglass Lord J.P. Springhill
Chrstison Philis (Miss), vintner, Fisher-
- man's Arms
Crozier Alexander, blacksmith
Kinghorn "William, grocer
McDougal Robert, carpenter & cartwright
Reading Room (J. C. Lusk, sec)
Thompson Robert, grocer & sub-postmaster
"Wood John, jobmaster
' Leitholm.
Menzies C. T, Karnes
Watson Bev. John M. (U. P)
Broomfield John, carpenter & cartwright
Dunlop Jane (Mrs.), vintner, Plough hotel
Fairgrieve Nellie (Miss), dress maker
Fo9ter Mary (Miss), dress maker
Hislop James, carpenter & cartwright
Hoy William, grocer
Jeffrey George, carting contractor
Johnston Jane (Mrs.), grocer
McDougal Alexander, boot oc shoe maker
McDougal Henry, boot & shoe maker &
Marshall Mary (Mrs.), draper
Marshall Samuel & Son, tailors
Mills George, blacksmith
Reading Room & Library (James P.
Barrons, sec)
Robertson Alice (Mrs.), dress maker
Bobson William 0. hosier
Simpson Margaret (Miss), shopkeeper
Taylor Archd. vintner, Black Horse P.H
Thompson Christina (Miss), dress maker
White Hector, police constable
Wood Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Wood William, jun. slater & plasterer
EDEOM is a parish and village, with a
station about half a mile distant on the
North British railway, and about 3J miles
north-east from Duns, on the bank9 of the
Whitadder, in Kelso poor combination and
Duns small debt court district. The pariBh
is 10 miles in length by 6 in breadth, and
is watered by the Blackadder and Whit-
adder streams. Much of the soil is fertile,
and produces excellent corn. George J. N.
Logan-Home esq. of Broom House, who is
lord of the manor, Sir George Lauderdale
Houstoun-Boswall bart. D.L., Lord Sinclair
D.L., J.P. of Nisbet, Miss Fordyce-Buchan,
George R. Seaton Logan-Home esq. of
Edrom and John Liulf Campbell Swinton
esq. V.D. of Kimmergbame, are the princi-
pal landowners. The area comprises 9,515
acres; rateable value, £16,521; the popu-
lation in 1901 was 1,290, and in 1891, 1,361.
Allanton is a small village in the parish
of Edrom, 1£ miles from Chirnside and 7
north-east from Duns, at the confluence of
the Blackadder and the Whitadder, and a
neat stone bridge crosses the mingled
streams. Blackadder House, the seat of Sir
George Lauderdale Houstoun-Boswall bart.
D.L. is in the centre of the village. The
nearest station is Chirnside, 2 miles dis-
tant, on the North British railway.
Post & M. O. 0. & S. B. Edrom (Railway
Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O.
Berwickshire added); John Wilson, post-
master. Deliveries, 8 a.m. & 5.15 & 6.30
p.m.; dispatches, 7.20 a.m. & 1.30, 6.30
& 6.26 p.m. Telegraph office at Edrom
railway station
Letters for Allanton received through
Chirnside B.S.O. Berwickshire
Wall Letter Box at Allanton cleared at 6.20
a.m. i* 3.20 p.m
Chairman, Sir Geo. L. Houstoun-Boswall bart
Clerk, John Cameron
Inspector of Poor & Registrar of Births,
Deaths & MarriageB, Jn. Cameron.Edrom
Established Church, Edrom, Rev. Macduff
United Free Church, Allanton, Rev. Chas.
School Board, J. B. Kellie, clerk, Duns
Board Schools : —
Edrom, John Cameron, master; Miss S.
Cameron, mistress
Sinclair's hill, James Jackson, master
Allanton, Thomas Anderson, master
North British railway.
Station, Edrom, Adam Brydon,station mstr
Buchan Miss, Kelloe house
Buchan Mrs. ICelloe house
Low Alexander, Laws house
Simpson Rev. M Duff (Estab.). The Manse
Swinton John Liulf Campbell J.P. Kim-
Marked thus • receive letters through
Cameron John, clerk to parish council,
registrar of births, deaths & marriages,
inspector of poor & schoolmaster
Darling Thomas, blacksmith
•Flint John, joiner, Sinclair's hill
Jackson James, schoolmaster, Sinclair's hill
Kerr John, joiner & cartwright, ICelloe
•Patterson W. & D. blacksmiths, Sin-
clair's hill
•Wood Robert, tile maker, Sinclair's hill
•Bell Alexander, Nisbet Rhodes

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