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252 CUMNOCK (new).
Gordon John (Mrs.), boot maker
Gray J. & Co.coal masters, Pathhead colliery
Gray Peter &. Son, watch makers
Gray John, tailor
Hanson George M.B., CM. surgeon, Spring-
Henderson James, grocer
Herbertson cc Hanson, chemists & druggists
Herbertson Richard Gilbertson L.H.C.P.
Edin., L.F.P. & S.Glas. surgeon & medi-
cal officer
Hood Robert, boot maker
Hunter John, baker & grocer
Hyslop James, ironmonger
Iacopucci Pietro, confectioner
Johnstone Andrew, saddler
Kerr Mary (Mrs.), spirit dealer
Kirkland Thomas, draper & tailor
Lammie Ellen (Miss), grocer
Lanemark Coal Co. limited, coal mnsters
(shipping ports, Ayr & Troon) & brick
makers (Thomas M. Brown, managing
partner; Peter Dowie, sec.);T A " Lane-
mark, New Cumnock." See advert
Lawrie Gavin, ju'n. grocer & spirit dealer,
Craig bank
Lind William, Afton hotel
Love James, butcher
M'Farlane James, butcher
McGregor Annie (Mrs.), spirit dealer
M'Kechnie John, ironmonger
McMurray & Co. grocers
McNaulty Janet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Mathiesnn David, joiner
Millar Janet (Mrs.)- shopkeeper
Moodie Alexander, registrar, inspector of
poor, rate collector, heritors' clerk &
clerk to the sub-committee of the county
council & to the school board
Murray William, grocer, Bank
New Bank Coal Co. (The), coal masters;
shipping port, Ayr; T A ''Bank, New
Cumnock "
Park Agnes (Miss), tobacconist
Potts Alex, colliery salesman, Lanemark
Robertson James, miller (water)
B orison Margaret (Mrs.), stationer & news
Scott George, bank accountant, Bank of
Smellie Archibald, manager of the New
Bank Coal Co
Smith Daniel 0.. Af.RTW.S. vet. surgeon
Templeton Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, Path-
Town Hall (William Tweedie, sec)
Turnbull Hugh & David, mineral water
Turnbull William (reps, of), blacksmiths
Tweedip Tames, joiner
White James, hair dresser
Young James, Castle inn, & horse hirer
Young Janet (Miss), confectioner
Arthur Alexander & Gilbert, Benston
Baird Mrs. Flora M. & Andrew & John,
High Garcleugh
Beattie Andrew & John, Old mill
Brown John, Loch Browan
Bruges Edward C. Da'cig
Craig & Cunningham, Lethans & Clockline
Clarke John, Penclose
Craig John, Mansfield hill
Donaldson James, Auchincross
Douglas John, Dalhanna
Dunlnp Adam, Polquhorter
Gall John. Littlemark
Gamble Mrs. Margaret. Waterside
Hamilton Hugh, Pnlshill
Hastings James, North Bog
Houston James, Laight
Howat Samuel. West & East Polquhorter
Kerr William, Knockshinnoek
Lammie William, Glen
Latta Robert W. & John, Craigshields
Lawrie James, Lanehead
Lawrie John, Knockbirnie
Lennox John, Auchingee
Lindsay Thnmns, Kigliead
M'Cartney Andrew, Polquheys
M'Cartney Hugh, Gatehead
MoKerrow George, Whitehill
Mackie Adam. Hall of Auchincross
McWilliam John D. Blackcraig
Mitchell Thomas. Meikle Creoch
Muir James, Lochingarroch
Murdoch James, Low Riggend
Nairn Cnthhert, Farden
Patprson Gavin. Coal Crenoh
Patrick Mrs. Margaret Black, Laglaff
Pmudfoot John, Lanemark
Robertson James, Marshal. mark
Sbankland George, Rigg
Shankland James, Low Garcleuch
Sharp James, South Bog
Sloan James, Roughside
Sloan William, Corsoncon
Sloan William, Castlemains
Sloan William, Mansfield hall
Smith Andrew, Straid
Smith John, Beoch
Somerville Rt. Mansfield mains & Cairnhii:
Steel James (trustees of), Merkland
Steel William, Fardenreoch & Greenburn
Stevenson James, Nether Cairn
Stevenson James H. Rottonyard
Stewart John, Brockloch
Struthers Andrew, Waterhead
Vallance Robert, Calton
Watson James, Dalleagies
Watson John, Burnfoot.
Weir David, Braehead
Weir James, Loch hill
White William, Muirfoot
Wilson' James, Ashmark
Wilson James, Burnton
Young John, Lowes
CUMNOCK (OLD) is a town in the
centre of the county, east of Ayr, and with
Holmhead was in 1866 erected into a police
burgh, and is governed by a provost, two
bailies and. six commissioners ; it is also a
considerable market town, 60 miles south-
west of Edinburgh, 16 east of Ayr, and
south-south-east of Kilmarnock, on the road
between Dumfries on the south-east and
Glasgow on the north, and is 43 miles
north-west from the former and 40 south
from the latter. The Glasgow and South
Western line has a station half a mile east,
and the Ayr and Cumnock line a station a
quarter of a mile south of the town. The
parish of Old Cumnock, which is in the
poor combination of Kyle and the head
of a small debt court district, extends 9
miles from east to west by 3 from north to
south, and is bounded north by Sorn, east
by Auchinleck, south by New Cumnock and
west by Ochiltree. Cumnock consists of a
square, at one time the cemetery, and
several main streets, and is situated in a
deep sheltered hollow, at the confluence of
the Glaisnock and Lugar waters. The
manufacture of various kinds of woollen
fabrics, and wool spinning and dyeing have
been introduced. Two engineering firms
are engaged in the manufacture of agricul-
tural implements. Three banks have
branches here, viz. the Clydesdale Bank
Limited, the Bank of Scotland and the
Royal Bank of Scotland. The Town Hall,
opened in 1885, is an edifice in the Classic-
style, from plans prepared by Mr. K. S.
Ingram, of Kilmarnock, and was erected
at a cost of nearly £3.000, towards which
the 3rd Marquess of Bute contributed £500
and the site. There is also a Public Library,
established in 1792 by a company of share-
holders. Baird's Institute, erected in 1891,
at an expenditure of close upon £3,000,
was the gift of the late John Baird esq.
of this town, who left funds both for its
construction and endowment ; it contains
a museum, billiard, reading and recreation
rooms. The Marchioness of Bute has built
and furnished a hospital here at an expense
of over £2,000. The sum of £20 annually,
left for free education by the late Charles
Duncan, merchant, of London, a native of
this parish, has now, by the Commissioners
of Endowments, been mostly applied to
higher education in the public school. Three
newspapers, the " Cumnock Chronicle,"
the " Cumnock News " and the " Cumnock
Express," are published here on Friday.
There is a church of the Establishment, a
United Free church, entirely rebuilt at the
cost of Miss Crichton, of Hillside, Cumnock,
and now seating 520 persons, Independent
and Baptist chapels, and a Roman Catholic
church, the cost of which was defrayed by
ttie Marquess of Bute. A cemetery was
formed a few years ago a little to the
south of the town, at a cost of about
£1,000. The market is held on Thursday,
and the fairs on the fourth Thursday after
Candlemas, the Thursday after the 6th of
March, the Wednesday after the 6th ot
June, and the 27th of October. The castle
of Terringzean, now in ruins, is in the
neighbourhood, also Dumfries House, a
seat, of the Marquess of Bute, who likewise
holds the title of Baron Crichton of Cum-
nock. The old churchyard at Barrhill, near
the town, was at one period the place of
execuiion, and contains the remains of
three persons who were shot on the spot in
1685 by a party of Highlanders, for their
adherence to the Covenant ; here also Alex-
ander Peden, commonly called " the
Prophet," wa3 buried ab the gallows foot.
In 1891 a fine monument of Aberdeen
granite, 21 feet high, and of Gothic design,
was erected to his memory, at an expense
of £300. The Marquess of Bute; Johu
Marshall esq. of Glaisnock; Lieut. -Col. R.
Bannatine-Allason, of Logan, and the trus-
tees of the late P. C. D. Boswell esq. of
Garrallan, are the principal landowners.
The area of the parish comprises 14.169 1
acres; rateable value in 1903 was £28,809,
which includes £10,602 of the burgh; the
population in 1891 was 4,712, and in 1901
was 5,144, including 3,088 in the police
Post, T., M. O., T. M. O., Express Delivery
& Parcel Post Office, S. B. & Annuity &
Insurance Office, Ayr road; George Stod-
dart, postmaster. Deliveries, 6.30 a.m. &
1.30 (callers only), 4.45 & 7.5 p.m. ;
Sunday (to callers onlv), 9 to 10 a.m. ;
dispatches, 9.15 a.m. & 1.10, 4, 5.52, 9 &.
10 p.m
Town hall, Glaisnock street.
Provost, Thomas McCaughie
Bailies, Samuel Galbraith o; Robert Craig-
Commissioners, Six
Town Clerk & Collector of Burgh Rates,.
Archibald Brakenridge
Procurator Fiscal, Dav.d A. Adamson
Burgh Court Clerk, Thomas Andrew
Treasurer, George Begg
Burgh Surveyor, Thomas Goldie
Medical Officer, C. A. McDonald, Ayr
Held in the months of January, May, July
& October, for same parishes as J. P.
Sheriff, David Brand
Sheriff Substitute, W. Campbell Shairp
Sheriff Clerk, W. S. N. Patrick
Sheriff Clerk Depute, Thomas Andrew
Held on the first Monday in each month
for parishes of Cumnock, New Cuninock,.
Ochiltree, Sorn, Mauchline, Muirkirk &.
Procurator Fiscal, Archibald Brakenridge
Clerk Depute, Thomas Andrew
Office, Town Hall, Glaisnock street.
Chairman, James Gray
Clerk, Collector of Poor Rates & Inspector
of Poor, David Smith '
Registrar-, Adam Urquhart, Ayr road
Cumnock Cemetery, John M'Lellan, sexton
Inland Revenue Office, Glaisnock street,
Archibald Brakenridge, sub-collector
Stamp & Tax Office, Glaisnock st. Archi-
bald Brakenridge, sub-distributor
Athenaeum Library, Glaisnock street, Geo.
M'Kervail, librarian; George Begg, sec
Baird's Institute, Lugar street, John Stod-
dart, caretaker
Cottage Hospital (Marchioness of Bute's),.
Sister Zeuobiu, lady superior
Police Station, Robert Cunningham, supt
Freemasons' Lodge (St. Barnabas, No. 230),.
J. C. H. Kirkland, sec. Waterside road
Ayrshire Imperial Yeomanry (Earl of Car-
rick's Own), B Squadron, Lieut.-Col.
David W. Shaw, commanding ; John.
Jamieson, lieut. ; Squadron-Serge. -Major
Donald M'Candie, drill instructor
2nd Vol. Bat. Royal Scots Fusiliers (E
Company), Cape. John Craig; Rev. H. C.
Begg, acting chaplain ; Thomas C. Paris,
Established Church, Rev. John Spence
United Free Churches, Rev. John Warrick
M.A. & Rev. Alexander M Donald
Independent, Rev. William Matheson
Baptise, Rev. Thomas Jones
Evangelical Union, Barrhill road
Roman Catholic, Rev. Daniel Keogh, priest
Chairman, Thomas Hunter
Clerk & Treasurer, Archibald Brakenridge
Schools : —
Cumnock, John Dick M.A. head master
Garallan, John B. Wilson, master
Skares, Miss Jessie Wilson, mistress
Barrhill Road (Roman Catholic), Sisters
of the Sacred Heart, teachers
On the Glasgow & South Western Line.
Station, half a mile from the town, Robt_
Dickson, station master
On the Ayr & Cumnock branch.
Station, Cumnock, John M. Reid

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