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North British & Mercantile -Murray & M'Combie, 103
Union st. local secretaries; William Paul, 177 Union st;
George D. Rutherford, 124 Union st ; J. Leith & Sons, Exchange st ;
Burnett & Reid, 20 King st; Alexander Stronach, jun. 20 Belmont st :
& George G. Whyte, ISO Union 6t. agents
Northern— L. M'Kinnon, jun. & Son, 28 Market st ; Alexander Kemlo,
74 Union st ; Sinclair- Spark & Taylor, 129 Union st ; Paull & William-
son, 12 King st ; MaeDonald & Scott, 81 King et ; Benjamin Saunders,
162 George st ; Edmonds & Macqueen, 10 Bridge st ; Burnett & Reid,
20 King st ; Downic & Bennett, 1 Adelpbi ; William Scott, Exchange
st ; J. & D. Duncan, S Castle st ; George Allan, 56 Castle st ; W. Booth,
173 Union Bt ; Marquis, Hall & Milne, 147 Union st ; Peter Clark, 83
Union st ; Alex. Duffus, 21 Bridge st ; Stronach, Duncan and Duguid,
35a Union st ; Alexander F. Wight, 11 Union buildings ; John Crorn-
bie, 74 Union st ; B. Spark, 74 Union st ; Alex. Meffefc, 26 Belmont st ;
William Sim, 22 Belmont st; A. Stronach, jun. 20 Belmont st; Ander-
son & Rae, 16 Union ter — See advertisement
Northern Accident— Peter Clark, 83 Union st. & John C. Willet,
124 Union st
Northern Plate Glass Insurance Co. Limited, 21 Bridge st— John
Muill, secretary
Norwich & London Accident & Casualty— Mennio and Brown, 2
Trinity buildings, & C. & P. H. Chalmers, 13 Union ter
Norwich Union (life)— Sincl ah-- Spark & Taylor, 129 Union st ; Mennie
& Brown, 2 Trinity [buildings, Peter Clark, 83 Union st ; and Robert
Davidson, 2 Correction wynd
Pelican (life)— David Mitchell, 24 Adelphi
People's Universal (life)— Andrew Marr, 103 Park st
Phiunix (fire) — Robert Davidson, 2 Correction wynd
Plate Glass— John Sheed & Co. 44 Marischal st. & John Crombie, 74
Union st
Provident (life) & County (fire)— Youngs ton & Storie, 124 Union st
Prudential— William J. Leigh, superintendent, 2 Dee pi ; Thomas
Varley, assistant superintendent, 20 Mount st, West ; William J.
Clayton, assistant superintendent, Lome Bank Cottage, Broomhill rd
Queen— William R. Reid, 123^ Union st; Jenkins & Marr, 16 Bridge
st ; & Robert D. Leslie, 75 Union st
Railway Passengers' — J. M'Kay Moir, 37 Market st
Reliance Mutual (life)— Parker & M'Combie, 129 Union st; Sinclair?
Spark & Taylor, 129 Union st ; & John Crombie, 74 Union st
Rook (life) — Thomas Buxton, 84 Union st
Royal (fire)— Reid and Wilsoue, 146 Union st ; John Cruickshank, 24
Belmont st ; John Watt, jun. 34 Castle st ; & Paull & Williamson, 12
King st
Rotal Exchange — J. Collie Smith, 14 Adelphi
Royal Liver Friendly Society — D. M'Callum, 18 Marischal Bt
Scottish Accident — George Allan, 56 Castle st
Scottish Amicable — John Rust, jun. 4 Bridge st. and Alexander
Edniond, jun. 229 Union st
Scottish Equitable — Thomas Shives, 74 Union st ; William Hunter,
14 Adelphi ; J. Aiken, 55 Marischal st ; & A. Finlayson, 34 St. Nicho-
las st
Scottish Legal — Robert Davidson, Calsayseat rd
Scottish Lite Assurance Co.Limited,1 Adelphi — Downie & Bennett,
resident secretaries for Aberdeen & district
Scottish Metropolitan, 13 Bridge st — Simpson and Cruden, resident
secretaries ; Alexander Wilson, 34 Marischal st ; Eraser and Duguid,
Bridge st ; W. R. Reid, 123^ Union st ; & Marquis, Hall &Milne, 147
Union st. agents
Scottish Provident Institution, 34 Bridge st — James D. Mackie,
local secretary ; Paull & Williamson, 12 King st ; & A. Stronach, jun.
20 Belmont st. agents
Scottish Provincial — John Sharp, 113 George st ; James Henderson,
Hadden st. Woodside; J. & A. Webster, 42 King st; Robertson and
Lumsden, County buildings, Castle st; L. M'Kinnon, jun. & Son, 23
Market st ; C. & P. H. Chalmers, 13 Union ter ; MaeDonald and Scott,
31 King st ; A. R. D. Lcask, 19 Marischal st ; Marquis, Hall & Milne,
147 Union st ; Peter Clark, 83 Union st ; John Crombie, 74 Union st;
Stronach, Duncan & Duguid, 35a Union st ; James & George Collie,
25 Union st ; A. F. Wight, 11 Union buildings ; J. and G. J. Harvey,
15 Adelphi ; & Hugh M'Lennan, 71 King st
Scottish Union & National— W. B. Reid, 123?^ Union st ; John S.
Watt, 34 Castle st ; David Stewart, 83 Union st ; John C. Willet, 124
Union st ; Yeats, Milne & M'Donald, 46 King st ; & Marquis, Hall &
Milne, 147 Union st
Scottish Widows' Fund — Stronaoh, Duncan & Duguid, 35a Union st j
John B. Nicol, 89 Marisohal st ; W. Booth, 173 Union st ; C. D.Yonng,
6 Exchange st ; & George G. Whyte, 130 Union st
Standard (life) — L. M'Kinnon, jun. and Son, 23 Market st ; Alexander
Cochran, 152 Union st ; George G. Wilkie, 15 Regent quay ; Alexander
Wood, 48 Blarisohal st ; & Burnett & Reid, 20 King st
Standard Fire Office, Limited — Alexander D. Milne, 31 Adelphi
United Kingdom — J. M'Kay Moir, 37 Market st
Universal Plate Glass Insurance Co.— Jarn.es A. Scott, Market st
(See also Fishmongers, d£c. <St also Herring
Angus George, 14 Bank st. and Pal-
mers ton rd
Brander James, Albert quay
Brown John, 2S Wellington st
Brown Mackie, Wet Fish market [law
Caie Alexander & Co. Wet Fish market & Point
Caie George, Torry
Christie R. & A. Wet Fish market
Clyne Thomas, 20 Gallowgate
Craig Alexander, Albert quay
Crombie William, Point law
Davidson Geoige & William, 17 Regent quay
Davidson Thomas, Point law
Duthie Alexander T. Point law
Farquharson Henry, Point law
Findlay L. & Son, Pocra quay
Fletcher Alexander, Clay hills
Forbes Thomas, Torry & Wet Fish market
Gerrie James, Point law
Jenkins Thomas, Point law
Gordon Charles & Son, 57, 67, 69 & 71 Green
M'Combie James & Co. Point law
M'Robbie Alexander, Point law & 8 George st
Marshall & Co. Spring garden
Michie Alexander, Point law
Milne James, Point law
Mortimer Peter, Albert quay
Petrie James & Co. Clayhills, and at
Edinburgh and Glasgow— John
Brown, manager
Ross Henry, Point law
Sharp &, Murray, Point law
Thomson John, Point law
Tulloch Alexander, Point law
Tulloeh Lawrence, Point law
Walker R. & W. Wet Fish market & Pocra quay
Walker Thomas, New Pier rd
Watson George, Point law
Whyte & M'Leman, Albert quay
Wood William, Torry
Davidson George & William, 17 Regent quay
Hogarth & Co. 82 College st
Brown William, 36 George et
Davidson Alexander, 20 Carmelite st
Duguid David & Son, 5 Flour Mill brae
Garden William, tZSm Union st
Gordon J. &G, 73 Nether Kirkgate-
Milne William, Y.i Stifling fit
piayfclF Oharle* & Co. 142 Union at
gtypvy ftaorgoi 4 Mavkot gallory
Ritchie John, 125 George st
Robertson John â– â– & gun maker), 128
Union st
Routledge W. & Son (salmon bag net
makers, hemp or cotton ; fishing
lines, &c.)» 219 Gallowgate— See advt
Anderson Margaret, 5 Basement floor, Market
Anderson William (& ice), 12 Carmelite la
Brown James, 62 & 63 Basemant floor, Market
buildings, & 215 Union st
Brown Margaret, Wet Fish market
Catto William (game), 24 Roscmount pi
Christie George (game), 60 Windmill brae
Craig Eliza, Basement floor, Market buildings
Craig Isabella, Basement floor,Market buildings
Douglas Eliza, Basement f!oor,Market buildings
Duncan James, 12 Great Western rd
Farquharson William, 8 & 9 Basement floor,
Market buildings
Forbes Thomas, 68 & 69 Basement floor, Mar-
ket buildings
Garioch Peter (merchant), 13 Hadden st
Garrow James, jun. 7U Basement floor, Market
Garrow Robert, 26 Hadden st
Gauld Alexander, 24 Hadden st
Hector Andrew E. (lessee of salmon fisheries),
Altens, Nigg & 167 Crown st
Johnston Peter (salesman), Albert quay
Lees Margaret, Basement floor, Market bldgs
Leiper Jane, Basement floor, Market buildings
Livingstone Jane R. Basement floor, Market
Livingstone John, 11 Carmelite la
M'Kinlay James, Basement floor,. Market bldgs
Main & Co. 82 .King st
Melf William {& fish salesman), 46 Market st
Milne Robert, 9 Rose st
Noble George, Basement floor, Market bldgs
Noble Jane, Basement floor, Market buildings
Ph-rie G. B. 1 & 2 Basement floor, Market bldgs
Ross Henry, 6 Basement floor, Market buildings
Smith John (game), 26?>£ St. Andrew st
Smith Margaret, Basement floor, Market bldgs
Summers & Co. 22 Hadden st
Walker James, 12 Basement floor, Market bldgs
Walker R. & W. Wet Fish market
Wohleva John, 47 Thistle st
Wood Agnes, Basement floor. Market buildings
Wood Jane, Basement Moor. Market bldgs
Wood Margaret, Basement floor, Market bldgs
Wood William, Basemfint floor, Market blflga
Aberdein Helen, 142 Cansewayend
Abernethy David, 191 George st
Aiken Arthur, 11 Upper Kirkgate
Anderson & Lindsay, 24 West North st
Anderson George, 84 Park st
Anderson James, 131 Roscmount pi
Anderson John P. 89 Loch st
Arthur Margaret, 14 Park st
Bowman Alexander, 10 Justice st
Brown Andrew, 66b College st
Burnes Alexander, Powis ter
Burnett James, 119 Great Western rd
Catto William, 24 Rosemount pi
Cruickshank James, 37 Skene st
Davidson John, 27 Park st
Davidson William (trustees of), 4 Mounthooly
Donald Alexander, 16 Queen st
Donaldson Robert, 57 Commerce st
Duncan Alexander, 51 West North st
Eddison John, 26 Shiprow
Enislie James B. 38 Woolmanhill
Farquharson Charles, 42 Skene sq
Gordon Adam, 89 Skene sq
Gordon James, 7 Holburn rd
Gordon John, 74 North Broadford
Gordon John, 89 Gerrard st
Gordon Bobert, 4 Don st. Old Aberdeen [st
Grant John, 78 East North st. & 10 St. Clement
Harrowes William, 260 George st
Henderson Matthew, 125 Hadden st. Woodside
Knowles George, 76 Causewayend
Laing James, 11 Hadden st. Woodside
Low John, 1 Holburn pi
Lyon Alexander, jun. 4 East North st
M'Donald Andrew, 07a Kpittal
M'Hardy James, 11 Holburn st
Mackay William, 82 Virginia st
Maitland John, '68% Barron st. Woodside
Mason Thomas & Son, 64 St. Nicholas st
Mathcson Bobert, 80 Holburn at
Meston Charles, 42 Leadside rd
Millar James, 158 Gallowgate
Minty William, 10 West North st
Moir William, 97 George st
Mutch George, 13 Cotton st
Mutch William, 86 Bnn-Accord st
Northern Co-operative Company, Limited, 68
Loch st. Branches : 40 Commerce st ; 39 &
41 Thistle st ; 209 Gallowgate & 78 Virginia st
Northern Meat Co. 208 Gallowgate
Richardson John, 11 Upper Kirkgate & 30
Claremont st
Reid Alexander, 3 Bank st. Ferrylnll
Rose George, 17 York st
Boss Andrew, jun, 133 George st
Rangster George, 198 Gallowgate
Shirreit's Brothers, lft East North eft
Sfceno Allan, 12 Murywoll nt

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