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GROCERS— continued.
Morton William C. 805 Cathcart I'd. & 111 i
South Wellington Rt
Mosman James, WH Nortli Frederick st
Muir Gem-Re, 22!) High at. & 9 George st
MuirJames, 182 Main st. Maryhill
aMuir John, 850 Saracen st. Possilpark
Muir John, 233 Saracen st. Possilpark
Muirheart Daniel, 119 Dumbarton rd. P j
oMnnro Hngh, Pollokshaws rd. Crossmyloof
Munn James, 683 Gallowgate, 230 & 232 Lon-
don rd. 12 & 14Duncbattan st.85G Duke st.
& 8G9 Orown st. S S
oMunro David, 193 Main st. Maryhill
Monro John, 227 St. George's rd
Munro John, 297 London rd. &753 Gallowgate
Monro William, 86 North Woodside rd
Murchie William, 503 Govan rd
Murdoch A. & Co. 174 & 176 Garscube rd
Murdoch Thomas, 204 London rd. 64 Green
st. 1 Kirk st. & 605 Great Eastern rd
Murdoch William. 40 Paisley rd. West
Murray John, 185 Dundas st
a.Murrav John & Son, 3S Gibson St. & 111
Great Western rd. Billhead
aNeil Jane, 130 Main St. Maryhill
Noil Thomas, 53 Kirk st. C
oNeill Thomas, 178 Dumbar;on rd. & 76 &
149 Dumbarton rd. P
Neilston Walter, inn. 81 Caledonia rd. S S
Nelson Thomas, 289 New City rd
Nicol James W. 424 New City rd
Nicoll Robert, 197 Dalmarnock rd
NimmoJ.fi; Sons. 73Lanqlands rd. Gn
Nimmo William, 57 Robert st. Gn
Nisbet James, 42 Cook st. T
Nisbet James S. 233 Stirling rd
nNiven John, 32 & 34 Cleveland st
Noble John, 25 Buteter. Strathbungo
Norris Robert, 395 Garscube rd
aOgilvio George, 108 & 110 George st
Oliver Benjamin. 178 Cathcart rd. Govanhill
oOswald Archibald & Sons, 105 Victoria rd.
Page David, 175 Castle st
oParker George, 354 North Woodside rd
Parkhead & Westmuir Economical Society,
22 & 24 Westi; nir st. Parkhead
Parkhead Co-operative Society, Limited, 29
Great Eastern rd ,..,.*,.,,
Particle Co-operative Society, Limited, 40
Well st. P _ â€ΕΎ ,
Patc-rson Brothers. 104 Kenmure St. Pollok-
shields, 6 Matilda pi. Strathbungo, & 17
Lome pi. Mount Florida
Paterson James, 642 Duke st
aPaterson John. 190 Millburn st. Gamgad
hill, & 5 Monkiand st. Townhead
Paterson Robert, 9 Aitkenhead rd. S S
Paterson Thomas, 66 Queen st. Gn
Paterson William. 10 New rd. Parkhead
Patrick James, 245 Dalmarnock rd
Pearson Andrew, sen. 35 Stevenson rd. C
aPeden John, 85 Merkland st. P
aPeden Robert, 168 Sauchiehall st
aPetrie Thomas, 1 Victoria pi. Mount Florida
Pettigrew James, S34Duke st
Philip & Co. 231 Great Western rd
nPickard Jessie, 39 Marlow st. K P
Pickford William 316 Springburn rd
Pollock Alexander. 318 Crown st. S S [st. A
aPollcock D. & F. 236 Main st.&2 Shaftesbory
Polmadie Co-operative Society, Limited, 17
Polmadie st. Polmadie
aPorter James, 40 Maitland St. & 46 Cow-
caddens st
Price James H. 307 Parliamentary rd
Rae John, 225 Eglinton st
Rae Samuel, 222 Fossil rd
Ramsay Mrs. — , 176 Parliamentary rd
Rankin James, 3 Uarinent pi. Shawlands
Rankin William J 2li9 Gairbraid st. Maryhill
& 414 New City rd
Rankine John, 183 New City rd
aRattray Andrew D. 188 Dumbarton rd. & 8
Dowanhill St. P
Rattray John, 80 Queen st. Gn
Reid Alexander, 379 New City rd
aReid & Menzies,381 Garscube rd
Reid Andrew, 2 Whitelaw st. Maryhill
Reid John, 101 Taylor st. Townhead
Reid Robert, 221 & 223 Cowcaddens st
Reid Thomas, 82 King st. C
Reilly William, 76 Kirk st. C
Rennie John, 55 Main st. Tollcross
Restiick James, 195 Duke st
Rhind John G. 3 Regent pi. Shawlands
Rigby James E. 69 Albert St. Townhead
Ritchie George, 477 Gallowgate & 207 Great
Eastern rd
Ritchie George M. 75 Glebe St. Townhead, &
151 Garngad rd
Ritchie James. 79 Ardgowan St. S S
Ritchie John, 402 Gallowgate
Ritchie John, 207 Great Eastern rd
Ritchie John, 500 Springburn rd. & 90 & 122
Cathcart rd
Roberts Barbara, 226 Main St. Maryhill
Robertson D. & H. 25 Albert st. Townhead, &
121 Garngad rd
Robertson David, 121 Garngad rd
Robertson George, 148 Main st. & 8 Whitelaw
st. Maryhill
Robertson Hugh, Sandvhills. Shettleston
Robertson J. & S. 28 Millroad st. & 127 Sister
St. C, & 93 Cathcart id. Govanhill
Robertson James, 74 Main st. Maryhill
Robertson James, 107 Paisley rd. West
Robertson John, 12 Alexandra parade, D, &
156 Parliamentary rd
Robertson John, 447 Garscube rd
Robertson John, 227 New City rd
Robertson John B. 476 St. George's rd
Robertson Matthew, Main st. Tollcross
aRobertson Thomas, 93 Main St. Tollcross
Robertson Thos. 28 Westmuir St. Parkhead
Robertson William, 43 Mansfield st. P
aRobertson William, 242 Dumbarton rd
Rodgers William, 103 Victoria rd. Crossbill, 1
Maxwell rd. Pollokshields, & 9 Herman pi.
Mount Florida [land st. P
aRogers James, 407 Dumbarton rd. & 9 Hynd-
Rogerson David, 297 Paisley rd
Ross Hugh. 50 Grove st
Roy David, 51 George st
aRuddock John W. Blochairn
Russell Adam, 225 Saracen st. Possilpark
Russell George, 232 Springburn rd
Russell James, Crow rd. P
aRussell John, 103 West Graham st
aRussell William, 15G Woodlands rd
St. George's Co-operative Society, 437 St.
George's rd
St. Rollox Co-operative Society, Limited, 151
Glebe St. St. Rollox
Sclanders Andrew, jun. 32 Anderson st. P
Scott John, 9 Crownooint rd. Mile end
Scott John B. 2 Glenpark st. Duke st
aScott William, 147 Gloucester st. S S
aShanks John, 5 Helen St. Gn
aSharp Agues, 252 Saracen st. Possilpark
Shaw & Co. 24 Crown st. H
aShaw & Thomson, 256 Buchfinan st
Shettleston Co-operative Society, Limited,
Main st. Shettleston [Gallowgate
aShields Thomas, 212 Springburn rd. & 152
Sibbald Alexander, 114 Cathcart rd. Govan-
hill, 951 Govan rd. & 29 Hamilton St. Gn
Sibbald Jessie, 460 New Keppoehhill rd
Simpson John B. 81 Raeberry st
Singleton Thomas, 497 Dumbarton rd. P
Skeen George, 48 Parliamentary rd. and 134
Castle st
Slater Alexander, 129 Parliamentary rd. &
134 Garngad rd
Slimmon Hugh, 48 Hutcheson st
Sloan William, 43 Pollok st. S S
oSloss John, 129 West Graham st
Smart Archibald, 380 St. Vincent st
Smoaton William & Co. 33 Shields rd. Pol-
aSmith & Price, 9 Groat Western rd
Smith David, 174 Castle st
Smith James, 159 Castle st
Smith James M. 291 Rutherglen rd
aSmith John M. 144 Rotten row [cen cross
Smith Thomas G. 55 M'Neil st. & 235 Sara-
uSmith Win. 68 & S8 Cowlairs rd. Springburn
Smith William, 71 Castle st
Smitton Andrew, 55 Crown st. H [caddens
Smyth Edward, 14 & 16 William st. Cow-
aSnaden William, 66 Cowcaddens st
Sneddon William. 14 Oswald pi. Whitoinch
South-Eastern Co-operative Society, 427
Govan st
Spence Joseph, 59 Orchard st. P
Spite Francis & Co. 26, 28 & 80 St. Enoch sq.
2S3 New City rd. & 222 Dumbarton rd
aSpringburn Co-operative Society, Limited,
557 Springburn rd
aSproule Andrew, 433 Eglinton st
Stalker John, Moss view, Crossmyloof
aStark James, 117 Dumbarton rd
Steel D. F. 198 Stirling rd
Steel John, 7 Scotia st
Steel William, 397 New City rd
Stenhouse J. & G. 816 Govan rd. Gn
Stenhouse James, 71 Victoria St. Gn
aSteven William, 263 Rummertown rd. Gn •
Steven William, 184 London rd •
Steven William F. 479 New City rd
Stevenson Alexander, 18 Canal st. P D
Stevenson & Barbour, 107 New City rd. 50
Cowcaddens St. & 168 Port Dundas rd
Stevenson J. & N. 250 Parliamentary rd
aStovenson John, 574 Springburn rd. & 287
Parliamentary rd [Gallowgate
Stevenson Thomas, 50 Stevenson st. & 614
Ste70nson William, 212 Saracen st.Possilpark
Stevenson William, 174 Great Hamilton st
Stewart Andrew W. 441 New City rd. & 121
Great Western rd
Stewart Archibald, 39 Copeland rd. Gn, 6
Park Grove ter. Paisley rd. West, & Dum-
barton rd. Whiteinch
aStewart David, 147 Nelson st. S S
Stewart James, 229 Eglinton st
Stewart John C. 414 Springburn rd
Stewart Robert, 89 George st. 14G Gallowgate,
& 214 Main st. B
aStewart Samuel, 94 North Woodside rd
Stewart William, ISO Garngad rd
aStirliug Thomas, 348 St. Vincent st
Stott & Watt, 135 & 137 Norfolk st
Strang James, 189 Duke st
Strang William A. 24 Parliamentary rd
Summers William, 32 Port Dundas rd. 10
Morrison st. & 89 Nelson st. T
Sutherland George, 5 Henderson st,
560 New City r d.27 Gar riochmill r d.
126 Woodlands r d. 576 Garscube rd.
291 Fossil rd. IS Gladstone St. 60
Cambridge st. & 146 Main st. Mary-
Sutherland John, 15 Canning st. C
aTait Benj. 68 Great Western rd. Hillhead
Tait Robert & Co. 21 Kensington ter. Ibrox
Tannock Andrew, 45 Anderson st. P
Tannock William, 197 Gairbraid st. Maryhill
aTaylor Joe D. 75 Langside rd. Crosshill
aTaylor John T. 92 & 94 Thi6tle st. S S
Templeton John, 153 Crookston st. Kingston,
& 122 Nelson st. T
Templeton Robert, 164 South Wellington st.
292 Rutherglen rd. 273 Cumberland St. 130
Paisley rd. West, S S, & 692 Gallowgate
Templeton S. S. 107 High st
Thomson Archibald, 83 Dumbarton rd. P
Thomson Henry, 36 Eastfiehl pi. Springburn
aThomson John, 8 Parliamentary rd
Todd James, 21 Stevenson st. C, 84 Main st.
B, & 303 Dalmarnock rd
Tollcross Co-operative Society, Limited,
Main st. Tollcross
Tofcten James, 507 Dumbarton rd. P
aTowart John, 138 Sandyfaulds st. S S
I aTurnbull James, 4 Cook st. T [bungo
aUrquhart James, 8 Regent Park ter. Strath-
Vallance J. & R. 667 Gallowgate & 69 East
Rose st. C [Gallowgate
Vallance John, 157 Gloucester st. S S, & 550
Vallance Joseph, 39 Gallowgate
Vallance Robert, 21 Marlborough st. C
Walker John & Co. 42 West Nile st
Wallace Hugh, 61 Maitland St. 467 St. Vin-
cent st. 44 & 46 Anderson st. P, & corner of
Summerfield pi. & Smith st. P
Wallace John, 678 Rutherglen rd
Wallace John, jun. 239 Rutherglen rd. 557
Garscube rd. 413 New City rd. & S Spring-
field id
Wullace William, 110 Hospital st. S S
Wallace William, 33 Abercorn st [gnd rd
Wallace William, 462 Gallowgate &141Garn-
Wallace William, 84 Parliamentary rd
oWard Daniel, 131 Thistle st. S S
Warnock Alexander, 246 Crookston st. SS
a Watson C. & G. 11 Westmuir st. Parkhead
Watson D. & R. 68 Great Western rd
a Watson Gavin, 355 Duke st
Watson Hugh R. 104 Dnke st [P
White Bros. 72 Merkland st. & Dumbarton rd.
White Walter, 29 Old Dumbarton rd
Whitelaw Andrew, 52 Grove st
Whiteside R. & W. 12 Crawford st. P D, and
111 Gairbraid st
Whyte William, 96 Main st. Tollcross
Wightmau Jas. 395 New Citv rd. & 1 Braco st
Watson Walter, 96 New Citv rd
Wilkie James & Sons, 93 i'rongate & 176 &
180 Eglinton st
Williamson John, 50 Candleriggs
Williamson John, 157 West Nile st
aWilliamson John, 481 & 483 Sauchiehall st
Wilson John, 7S Paisley rd. West
Wilson^John, 1 & 3 Hyde park st. A
aWilson John, 2s0 Gairbraid st. Maryhill
aWilson John, 18 Kelvingrove st
Wilson Thomas, 25 Bothwellpl. Hillhead
aWishart Jane, 523 Govan rd
aWishart Margaret, 578 Govan rd. Gn
aWithers William, 51 Grove st
Wood William C. 86 Elderslie st [Main St. A
Wotherspoon Andrew, 427 Argyle st. & 96
Wright James, 228 Paisley rd. West, 69 West
Scotland st. & 121 Houston st
Wright John, 177 Cowcaddens st
Wylie & Bowie, 1 Glenpark st. Duke st
Wylie Elizabeth, 166 Garngadhill
Wyllie Thomas, 41 Kent st
Wyper James, 547 Springburn rd
aYoung Alexauder, 114 Sauchiehall st. 1 Old
Dumbarton rd. & 36a Elderslie st
Young Archibald, 144 Duke st
Young John C. & Co. 12 Stewart pl.Whiteinch
(See also the preceding List.)
Anderson & Barclay. 6 Shuttle st
Baillie, Milne & Co. 34 & 40 Caundleriggs
Bowie & Finlay, 89, 41 & 43 Montrose st
Brown, Downes & Co. 45 Dunlop st
Campbell & Henry, 75 Argyle st
Chalmers John & Co. 86 Maxwell st
Chisholm Samuel & Co. 10, 12 & 14 York st
Cooper & Co. 10 & 12 Howard st

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