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Godfrey, N., & Co., 91 W. Camp-
bell street
Graham, H., & Co., 138 Byres rd.
Greenlees, R., & Co., 42 Great
Clyde street
Incandescent gas mantle manu-
facturer, Falk, Stadelmann A
Co., Ltd., 76, 78 Great Clyde st
Keith, James, & Blackman
Co., Ltd., high pressure, incan-
descent burners and mantles, 90
Mitchell street
ILewtas, E. & G. 0., National
Lamp Works, Manchester ;
agents, Peter W. Turner &
Son, 29 St. Vincent place
Lorimer, F., 70 Wellington st
M'Dougall & Sons, Jail square
MacKay, W. U., & Co., whole-
sale agents for the Welsbach
and Sunlight Cos., Ltd.,
104 Sauchiehall street
M'Pherson Bros., 78-80 Argyle st
Mandlestam, Joseph C, &
Co., 42 Main street, Gorbals
Milne, James, & Son, Ltd.,
Ill St. Vincent street
Paterson, Wm., & Son, whole-
sale agents for Bray's incan-
descent burners and mantles,
&c, Welsbach burners supplied
and fitted on, 1 Bothwell circus
Rosenberg, Adolf, Ltd., Canal
Bank, Rockvilla
Smith, Robert, & Co., 90 Com-
merce street, s.s.
The General Incandescent Light
Co.. 20 West Campbell street
The Incandescent Fittings Co.,
359a Argyle st
The Scottish Electrical and Incan-
descent Light Co., 145 Trongate
Thompson Bros. & Co. (Glasgow)
Ltd. (incandescent burners and
chimneys), 29 to 39 Surrey
street, s.s.
Veritas Light Co. (The), 74, 76,
78 Great Clyde st
Wood, E. A., 87 Gallowgate
Wylie & Lochhead, Ltd., 45
Buchanan street
(Floor Tiling).
Campbell, Achnach & Co. (india-
rubber), Thistle Rubber Mills,
110 and 112 Commerce St., s.s.
Clyde (The) Rubber Works Co.,
Ltd., 2 Clyde st., Port-Dundas
India-Rubber (The), Gutta-
percha and Telegraph
Works Co., Ltd. (The Sil-
vertowu Company), Royal Ex-
change square
Liverpool Rubber Co., Ltd., 54
Gordon street
Macintosh, Chas., & Co., Ltd., 5
Royal Exchange square
MacLellan, George, & Co., Glasgow
Rubber Works, Mary hill; ware-
house, Baltic chambers, 50
Wellington street
Murtay, M'Vinnie & Co., Ltd.,
manufacturers of "Anchor"
patent interlocking lubber tiling,
Mavisbank quay, s.s.
North British Rubber Co. Ltd., 62
Buchanan street
Silvertown India-Rubber Co.
Royal Exchange square
Stewart, A. M'P, 52' Oswald st
The Leyland & Birmingham
Rubber Co., Ltd., 49 Queen st
The Northern Rubber Co., Ret-
ford ; agents, Goudie & Whittet,
85-93 Howard st
Acme Manufacturing Co. (rollers
for wringers), 77 West Nile st
Ancoats Vale Rubber Co. (Ltd.);
Hugh Loudon, agent, 68 Gordon
Anderson, Whan & Co. (knives for
pads, washers, mat punches), 21
Muslin st., Bridget on
Angus, Geo. & Co. Ltd., 116 Hope
street; works, St. John's Works,
Newcastle on-Tyne
Argyle Rubber Co., 33 Jamaica st
Bates, W. & A., Ltd., 10 Bridge st
Bell's United Asbestos Co., Ltd.,
9 Howard street
Boardman Bros., Manchester, 99
Waterloo st
Broadhurst & Co. Ltd. Manchester,
India-rubber manufacturers ; F.
M'Innes, agent, 39 Hope st
Cairns, A., & Co., 98 Commerce
street, s.s.
Campbell, Achnach & Co., Thistle
Rubber Mills, 110, 112 Com-
merce St., s.s
Campbell, Jas. 120 Wellington st
Campbell, W. H. & Co. 65 Jamaica
Clydesdale Rubber Co., 58 Gordon
st. and 2-4 Renfield st
Clyde (The) Rubber Works Co.
Ltd., 2 Clyde st., Port-Dundas
Continental Tyre & Rubber Co.
(Great Britain) Ltd., 3 Cadogan
Cochran, Thomas, & Co., agents
for Rochdale Asbestos Co., Ltd.,
73 Robertson st
Carrie, Thomson & Co., 45 Jam-
aica street ; wholesale depart-
ment, 9 Howard street
Dermatine Co., Ltd., agents
Frew Bros. & Co. 90 Dobbie's
Duff, Win. A. M., & Co., 74
York street
Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., of Manor
Mills, Aston, Birmingham, 61- 63
Bath street ; telephones, 4898
Nat., 1180 P.O.; telegrams,
" Pneumatic."
Fraser, Bios. 104 W.Campbell st
Goudie, Jas. T. & Co. 49 Queen
Harburg and Vienna India*
Rubber Co. of Great Britain,
Ltd. ; agent, William Matthew,
8 Waterloo place
Hutchison, Main & Co., Ltd.,
Springvale Works, Cowlairs
Impervious (The) Rubber Co., Ltd.,
38 Falfield street, s.s.
India-Rubber (The), Gutta-
percha and Telegraph
Works, Limited (The Silver-
town Co.), 2 Royal Exchange sq
Ingram, J. G. & Son, 74 York st
Irwell & Eastern Rubber Co. Ltd.,
Manchester; 95-97 Holm st
Liverpool Rubber Co., Ltd., 54
Gordon street
Macdermott, J. B. 11 Bothwell st
Macdona'd, John, & Son, Ltd. (in-
terwoven metallic flexible tub-
ing), Watt street, Maryhill
M'Dougall, James, & Co., 97 West
Campbell st
Macintosh, Chas. & Co. Ltd.
5 Royal Exchange square
M'Lellan, G., & Co., india-rub-
ber, asbestos, and waterproofs,
Glasgow Rubber Works, Mary-
hill; warehouse, Ball ic chambers,
50 Wellington street
Moenich, Oscar & Co., Ltd.,
London ; representative, A.
M'Dougall, Davaar, North ave.,
Moseley, David, & Sons, Ltd. 126
Ingram street
Moulton, George Spencer &
Co., Ltd., makers of Spencer-
Moulton motor tyres ; tel. Nat.,
444 Argyle; telegrams, "Motyre,
Glasgow "; 65, 67 Bothwell st
Munro, Robt. & Co. wholesale
warehouse and offices, 13 Queen
st., Glasgow; and Kelvin Rubber
and Tarpaulin Works, Kilbirnie
North British Rubber Co. (Lim.),
62 Buchanan st
Northern (The) Rubber Co., Ret-
ford; agents, Goudie & Whittet,
sole makers of leatherite sheet-
ing, joints, &c, for h.p. steam,
acids, alkalis, &c. 85-93 Howard
Pegler Bros. & Co. 54, 56 Brown
st., Anderston
Reddaway, P., & Co., Ltd.,
45 Hope street ; works, Pendle-
ton, Manchester
Richards, Thomas R., & Co., agent,
41 Ann st., city
Robertson, Peter, 32 Queen street

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