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Earl Enascll lias graciously faTom-efl J. T. Davenport with the following :— " Extract of ft clc-ratcli
from Mv. AVehh, H. B. M.'s Consul at Manilla, dated Sept. 17, 1861 :—
**'The reuicdy most efficacious in its effects (in Eindeuic Cholera) has heeu fonnl to bo
i'CHLOKODVKE, and with a small quantity given to mc by Dr. Burke I have eaved several livos.' "
*.* Earl Eussell communicated to the College of Physicians that he had received a dispatch
from Her Majesty's Con?ul at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera has been ragiu=r fearfully, and
that the ONLT remedy of any service was Chlohodyke.— See "Lancet," Dec. 31, ISSt.
E.tbfaais frovi tihe Gekijval Board of Health, London, as to its elEcacy in Cholera.
* . i l«tStiigo, or Prsmonit ,^ry.— In this stage tho remody acta as a charm, ons.dofe.geilora'.'y sufTi-
2nd St.Tge, or that of Vomiting and Pui'ginij.— Iii this stage the remedy possesses great power,
more than nnj other \ve are acquainted with ; two or three doses being sufficient.
3rd. Stage, or Colhtpse.— Ill all casos rcgtormj the Pulse, po stronglj' Ave ^vfe ephifinfcc-(J of the
iuamenso vtilup of this remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity 61 adopting it iu iall
. .caees. : ij-.i'ini p _i : oj:i.:i mmV ;xisifvf lo .ssivv.- ''■—■'
i'li' ■ Frem Dr. Thomas SANMroED,'I'iL<)gttfee West., C6i-t. * . i i..
I will thank you to 'send me a further supply of Chlorodyna. It was tdie most efficacious ron??dy
cr used, affording relief in violent attacks of Sp^.sms within a minute after being taken. One
jpalitut in p.artitadar, who has suffered for years with ppriodical attacks of Spasms of a mo.>t painful
nature, and unable to obtain relief from other remedies, such as opium, &c., finds nothing so
,^pmpt and efficacious as Cblprodyne.
• : : j'm^n W. Vesalids Peitmbsow, M.D.
I have no hesitation in stating that I have never met with any medicine so eifieacious as an
Anti-Spasmodic and Sed.atnve. I have used it in Consumption, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other
diseases, and am perfectly satisfied with the resuUs.
Dr. M'MiLLMAK, of New Galloway, Scotland.
■*'^' I conaidcr It tlie most valualile medicine Iniown.
G. Hatwae-d, Ebq., Sui-geon, Stow-on-ye-WoId.
I am now using Di-. J. Collis Browije's Chlobodyne, with marvellous good effects in allaying
iuTcterate aickuess in pregnancy.
J. C, Baeer, Esq., M.D., Bideford.
It is, without doubt, the moat valuable aud ce^-tain Ano-iyne we have.
Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta.
_ Two doses completely cured me of Diarrhoea.
C. V. KiDOUT, Esq., Surgeon, Egham.
As an Astringent in severe Dia-iTliceaandnn Anti-Fpasmodioiu Colic with Cramps in the Abdomen,
the relief is instaaitaneous. As a Sedative in Neuralgia and. Tic- Douloureux its effects were very
remarkable. Ju Uterine Affections I have found it extremely valuable.
,- . ■ ' 'Tfoiii J. H'GriGOR CftOFT, M.D., M.E.C.P., London, late Staff-Surgeon to H. M. F.
f 9'^; '■ f* ' ; A^otxnilT,- 26, 185\
^-jf. '^,7^ After proscribing Dr. J. Coxlts Browne's Chlobodtne for the last three yeoi-s, ia severe
QOSfS of Noiu'iilj^ia and Tic-Douloiu-eus, I feel tba*; T am in a position to testify to its valuable etTcct.^.
- EeAliy, in some cases it acted as a charm, when all other means had fyiled. Witliout being askod
for this report, I must come iorwai'd and state my candid opinion that it is a most valuabls
mediuine, and I have i-ecommended several chemists in this neighbourhood not to be without it for
From Jiro. E. GoutsiONE, M.D., late Principal Surgeon to the Steam-ship
Great £as£cm.
T can confidently state that Chlorodjue is an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic, liaviu:?
used it in Neuralgia, Hysteria, Asthma, and Con$umption with remarkably favourable resuUs. It
relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes, where the patient had suffered eleven years in a mo.sl'.
distressing manner, no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect.
From Dr. B. J. Boulton k Co., Horncastle.
Wo have made pretty extensive use of Clilorodyne in our practice lately, arid look upon it as an
excellent dii-ect Sedative and Anti-spasmodic. It seems to allay pain and irritation in whatever
or„'r«n. nnd from whatever cause. It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtainable by
arty otbo-r remedy, and it seeois to jjossl^ss thia great advantage over all other Sedatives, that it
leaves no ugplejis.nit after-efiecls.

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