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tlie period of thebttLiii; of Flodden, in which oouflict, it is asserted,
the brogue makers or "souters" of Selkirk took a distinguished
part. As a further proof of the consequence and ability of the
professors of this craft, it appears from the town records that
when the Hif^hland army, in 1745, commanded the magistrates of
Edinburgh to furnish six tliousaud pairs of shoes, these civic
officials made a call upon the burgh of Selkirk for no less than a
third of the quantity, which was supplied, and soon after a few
hundreds more. The principal manufactures now carried on con- .
siat of various descriptions of woollen goods — tweeds, tartans, i
plaids and shawls, wool spinning and tanning. A railway is open i
from here to Galashiels, where it joins tlie Waverley line of the
North British system, thus giving to Selkirk railway coramunica- |
tion with most parts of Great Britain. The town possesses two
principal inns — the County and the Fleece. Branches of the
British Linen Company's Bank, the Union Bank of Scotland,
and the National Bank of Scotland, are settled here, and there is a [
Savings Bank. The introduction of manufactures has caused a i
great augmentation of the population of the town, and a material
extension of its ancient limits. As a royal burgh Selkirk is governed
by a provost, two bailies, a dean of guild, and eleven councillors,
one-third of whom retire annually. The sheriff's court is held on
Wednesdays and Fridays. The magistrates hold criminal courts
as occasion requires. Quarter Sessions are held on the first '
Tuesday of JIarch, May, and August, and last Tuesday of October, I
special justice of peace courts as found necessary. The places of '
public worship are a church of the Establishment, a Free church, >
two for United Presbyterians, an Independent, an Episcopalian,
and a Roman Catholic chapel. The institutions for education in
Selkirk comprise, besides the Parochial school, a burgh school,
subscription school, Koman Catholic school, and some private
academies. The inhabitants support a public library and a
Mechanics' Institute.
The rivers Ettrick and Yarrow form a junction about a mile and
a half above Selkirk, and empty their waters into the Tweed-
About two miles below the town the beautiful mansion of Bowliill
(belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch), the stately ruins of New-
ark Castle, the fertile straths, and the serpentine windings of the two
rivers, together with many elegant seats, form beautiful scenery,
romantic and diversified. Philiphaugh, the residence of Sir John
Murray, is a beautiful castellated mansion; amongst others may
be noted Sunderland Hall, and Broadmeadows. The market is
held on Wednesday, and fairs on the 5th April, and 31st October.
Acreage of the parish, 22,558; population in 1871, 5,633, and of the
town, 4,640.
Ettrick is a parish situated in the south-west part of Selkirk-
shire, bordering on Dumfriesshire; this parish is very mountain-
ous, Tbirlstane Castle, the residence of Lord Napier, is situated
in Ettrick. There is an Established church, and a parochial
school. Acreage, 42,387; population in 1871, 434.
KiRKHOPE parish is a presbytery of Selkirk. It formerly formed
part of the parish of Yarrow, from which it was disjointed in
1851. The parish is very hilly, there being eight hills in the pai'-
ish above the height of 1,000 feet. A church of the Establishment,
and two small endowed schools, are situated at Ettrick Bridge
End, a small village in Kirkhope. Acreage, 22,724; population, in
Yarrow is a parish in the presbytery of Selkirk, lying south-west
from that town. The parish is very picturesque, and its praises
have been well sung by Hogg, the " Ettrick Shepherd," to whose
memory there is a monument at St. ilary's loch. This loch is a
great resort for visitors in summer. There are an Established and
a Free church here, also a Board school. Acreage about 42,000 ;
population in 1871,662.
Caddonfoot is a quoad sacra parish in the north-eastern divi-
sion of the county, erected in 1870. It has a church and school
in connection with the Establishment.
From all parts at a quarter before eight morning.
From Edinburgh, Dalkeith and Galashiels at nine morning.
To Edinburgh, Galashiels, Hawick, Jedbm-gb, Kelso, &c. at ten minutes before six morning, and half-past two afternoon.
To Edinburgh, Dalkeith and CarHsle at ten morning.
To Hawick, Melrose, London and all parts of England at ten minutes past four afternoon.
To Edinburgh at a quarter-past seven evening.
Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank.
Post Office Receiving House at David Nicholson's, Ettrick Bridge End.— Letters arrive (from Selkirk) at twenty
minutes past twelve noon, and are despatched thereto at twelve noon.
The nearest Moneij Order Office is at Selkirk.
Post Office Receiving House at James Amos's, Ettrick.— Letters arrive (from Selkirk) at a quarter-past four after-
noon, and are despatched thereto at a quarter-past eight morning.
The nearest Money Order Officcia at Selkirk.
Post Office Receiving House at William Bell's, Yarrow.— Letters arrive (from Selkirk) at one afternoon, and are dea-
atched thereto at a quarter before five morning.
The nearest Money Order Office is at Selkirk.
Alexander Mr. David C. the Firs, Philiphaugh
Anderson Captain — , Cacrabank, Ettrick
Anderson Mr. George, Heatherliehill
Anderson Mr. George, Hawthorn bank
Milne James S. Esq. Beechwood
Murray Sir Jolin, Bart, of Philiphaugh
Napier Dowager Lady. Thivlstano Castle
Napier the Right Hon. Lord, ThirlstaneCastle
Nichol Rev. John.Leslie Cottage, Philiphaugh
Anderson Hy. Scott, Esq. (Provost), Dovecot ' Paton Mr. Robert, Aunieston
Anderson Thomas, Esq. of Shaws
Ballantyne Mrs. Christina, Maple Cottage
Bathgate Mr. James, Heatherlie terrace
Bathgate Mr. John C. Heatherlie
Bathgate Mr. William, Ettrick terrace
Bell G. W. Esq. The Woll, Ashkirk
Brown Mr. Andrew, Rosemount Cottage
Brown Mrs. Isabella, Comely bank
Brown Mr. James, Thornfield
Brown Mr. Thomas, Woodburn
Brown Mr. William, Ettrick Lodge
Brydone Mr. William, r.n. Green bank
Brydone Mr. William H.Green bank
Pattison J. P. Esq. The Hainings
Plummer Charles S. Esq. Sunderland Hall
Pott George, Esq. Borthwickshields
Pringle Alexander, Esq. Whytbank
Roberts Mr. Alaxauder, Manor hill
Roberts Mr. George, jun. Ettrick haugh
Roberts Mv. George, Wellwood Park
Roberts Mr. James, Bannerfield
Robert:; Mr. Thomas, Byethoru
Robertson Misses — , Bridge Park
Rodger Gt;orgc, Esq. Philipburu
Rodger Mrs. — , Bridgelands
Rodger Mr. Peter, Elmpark
Buccleuch His Grace the Duke of, Bow HIU Russell Rev. James, Yarrow Manse
Buchan Miss Isabella, Tower st
Carre Riddell, Esq. Caverscare
Chalmers Rev. John, Ashkirk Manse
Clapperton Mr. George, HeatherUe bank
Davidson Rev. James, Eden hill
Deans Mr. William, Parkside
Dennistown J. W. Esq. Hangingshaw
Dobie Mr. David, Levenlea
Douglas Mrs. Jessie, 43 High st
Elibank the Hon. Lord, Elibank
Falconer Rev. John, the Manse, Ettrick
Farquharson Rev. James, the Manse
Giles Rev. Alexander, Free Church Manse,
Gordon Mr. William, Beech villa
Johnstone Mr. John, 20 Highst
Kerr Mrs. Agues, York Cottage
Laidlaw Mrs. Isabella, Tower st
Lane Rev. Edward, d.d. Broomhiil
Lang Hugh M. Esq. Broadmeadows
Lang Mr. Patrick, Viewfleld
Lawson Rev. John, Ettrick hrae
Leitch Mr. Richard, Heatherhe burn
Lo:ke Mr. James, The Parsonage
Lockhart Allan E. E^q, j.p. Borthwick brae
M'Criudale Rev. Thomas, Free Church
Manse, Yarrow
M'Millan Rev. Hugh, Kirkhope Manse,
Ettriclt Bridge end
Scott Mrs — , of Rodono
Scott Mrs. Elizabeth, Upland Cottage,
Ettrick rd
Scott Mr. Fiugland, Ladhope, Yarrow
Small Rev. Robert, The Manse, Caddonfoot
Smith iMr. Thomas, Braeside House
Sprot Mark, Esq. of Riddell
Stoedman Mr. John, Kaveusheugh
Steven Rev. William, Free Church Manse,
Ettrick rd
Trotter Mr. William, 5 Heatherlie terrace
Turnbull Mr. James, Knowe'park
TurnbuU Mr. John, Ettrick view
Turnbull Mr. Richard, Knowe park
Turner Mrs. Isabella, Heatherlie Cottage
Waddel Mr. James, The Hermitage
Waddel Mr. Thomas, The Priory
YeUowlees Mr. John, Grecnsidc
Board Schools (Parochial): —
Ashkirk — Archibald M. Dunlop, master ;
Jane Low, mistress
Caddonfoot— Thomas Lister, master ; Miss
M*Donald, mistress
Etti'ick — Daniel Dewar, master
Kirkhope — Hugh M'Moran, master
Philiphaugh—Alexander Marshall, master
Jennie Smith, mistress
Yarrow — William Boll, master
Yarrowford — George Marshall, master
GiLaiANscLEucH ScHooL, Kirkhope— Thos.
Elliot, master
Heatlie Margaret, South port
Laidlaw Helen, Ettrick terrace
Redford Green School, Kirkhope — Richd.
Hogg, master
Rom:an Catholic School, High st— Rosa
M'Nulty, mistress
Burns George (for W. A. Wood), Heatherlie
Dickson Robert (commission), Station
Lewis George (shipping), 13 High st
Stewart & Co. (agricultural implements),
3 West port
Watson Richard (commission), Buccleuch
Hutcheson John, 2 Marketplace
Little Margaret, 17 Market place
Reid Alexander, 42 High st
Gumming Thomas, 20 ^Market place
Douglas Robert, 18 Market place
, Heatlie Robert, 9 High st
Hope Robert, 11 Market place
Board Schools (Bm-gh):—
Back row — James Millar, master ; — Fair-
weather, mistress [mistress Mitchell Alexander, Tower st
Chapel st— Peter Paton, master; — Crow, Scott Thomas, 6 High st
: High st— Alexander ScoU, master; Jane , Selkirk Go-operative Store Co. Limited, High
Gellatly, mistress 1 st. & 7 West port

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