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M'Laiighlin John, S31 Arffyle sfc
M'Lean Charles, 14J: Watt st. Kingston
M'Lean James, 85 RotliwoU st. Hillhead
M'Lean Laucliliu,33 Commercial road
M'Lean Thomas, 7 St. George's road
M'Leish Peter, 45 Cambridge, st
Macleod Andrew, 5 Lorne pi. Mount Florida
M'Leod J. 7 Cornwall st. Kinuing Park
M'Leod Neil, 58 Rose st. Hutchesoutown,
M'Lintook Adam, 81 Eglintira st
M'RIath Andrew, 75 Victoria st. Govan
M'Millan Alexander, 4 Morrison fit. Kingston
M'Millan Alexander, 162 St. George's road
M'MiJlau Aligns, 374 Duke st. Denuistoun
M'Millan Willium, 180 South Wellington st
M'Nish Peter, 27 North Cobui'g st. & 2 Eglin-
ton terrace, Queen's park
M'Phee David, 1(33 Stirling road
M'Queeu Alexander, 86 North Woodside rd
Madden John, 879 St. George's road
Madden John, 99 North st. Anderston
Maghar William, 30I3 North st. Anderston
Malley Patrick, 16 Victoria st. Govan
Manning John, 49 Koseraont st. Garngadhill
Markland James, 459 Paisley road, 175
Cowcaddens st. and 4 Possil road
Markland James, 339 Guvan road, Govan
Blarshall John, 12 Finnieston st
Martin Francis, 620 Gallowgate
Martin George, 12 Rutherglen road
Mathie Cecilia, 151 Sauchiehall st
Mathieson William, Campbellfiold st. Calton
Main F. S. (boot top), 15 Hiitcheson st
Mein Francis (closer), Balmore st. I'ossil park
Melross Mrs. J. 231 Dumbatton road
Mill John, jun. 44 Main st. Anderston, 133
Parliamentary road, 201 Main st.Gorbals,&
182 Dumbarton road
Miller & Leckie, 1-8 Hope st
Miller Euphemia. 541 Gallowgate
Miller James, 86 Cowcaddens st
Miller James. 324 New City road
Miller William & Son, 541 Gallowgate, and 86
Main st. Brid^eton
Mills John, 44 Main st
Milne Andrew, 105 Grove St. & 44 & 50 North
Wilson st
Milne Andrew, 44 Mount st. Nr. Woodside
Mitchell Andrew, 15 Raeberry st. New City
Mitchell Joseph, 413 Argyle st
MoITat James H. 109 Gallowgate, 117 Main et.
Anderston, & 9 Saltmarket
Moffat John, 144 West Graham st
Monaghan Patrick. 7 St. Mungo st
Montgomery Elizabeth, 95 North st. A
Moodie James, 69 Cedar st
Moore Samuel, o22 Duke st
Moreland John C. 3l Kent st.& 139 Canning
st. Calton
Morrin David, 158 Parliamentary road
Morton Hugh 456 Argyle st. & 65 King st. T
Morton James, 276 South Wellington st
Morton Robert (upper). 47 Oswald st
Muir Daniel, 512 New City road
Muir George "Wm. & John, 210 Duke st
Muir Samuel, 80 Duke st
Muir Thomas, ISS Dumbarton road
Muir William, 24 Eglinton ter. Crosshill
Mulherou Patrick. 82 Hospital st
Mulholland John, 14 Fielding st. B
MulhoUand Pa+rick, 145 Govan rd. Govan,
203 Gallowgate, 15 Garscube rd. & 13
Anderston st
MuUin James. 1 Camden pi. Paisley rd
Mulvanny Elizabeth. 27 Elderslie st. A
Munro Alexander, 26 South Kinniug place
Munro John, 7 Clydegrove ter. Govan rd
Murdoch George, 7 Oxford st
Murdoch James, 377 St. Vincent st. Ander-
ston, & 297 Cumberland st
Murdock James, 92 Stobcross st. & 74 & 70
Dumbarton road, Anderston
Murphy David C. 2(T4 Govan road, Govan
Murphy John, 303 Garscube rd. & 175 Gal-
Murray Fergus, Ferry rd. Plantation, Gn
Murray Forbes, 132 Crookston st. Paisley rd
Murray James, 25 Paisley road
Musgrove Andrew, 179 Craighall road
Napier Robert, West Princes st
Neilson George. 112 Dumbarton road, P
Nicholson Alexander, 44 Cranston st. A
Niven Duncan, 40 Pitt St. Anderston
Nivin Patrick, 282 Main st. Anderston
Nixon William, 11 Tyleiield st. Calton
Notraan Thomas, 44 Russell st
O'Brien Samuel, 45 & 49 Kirk st. Calton
O'DonneU Matilda, 10 Saltmarket
Ogilvie James, 260 St. James st. K P
O'Hagan James, 90 Govan rd. Govan
Oliver William, 154 Dumbarton road
Owen Wallace (boot closur), 45 Union st
Park John & Co. 83 Argyle st
Paterson A. & W. 92 Argyle st. 20 Echo st.
Calton, 9 Bute terrace, Polloksbaws road,
99 Canning st. Calton, 166 Castle st. Town-
head, 349 Dumbarton road, Partick, 855
New City road, 114 Dumbarton road, 102
Cowcaddens, 32 Crown st. 476 Gallowgate,
S2 Main st. Anderston, & 385 Paisley road
Paterson Ceciha, 223 Gairbraid st
Paterson Gavin, 49 Argyle st. & 409 Sauchie-
hall st
Paterson John, 8 High st
Paton Robert, 3 Knightswood pi. Paisley rd
Patton William, 51^:. Centre st. Tradeston
Paxtou William, 25 South Portland st
Payne William, 3 Alexandra ter. Crosshill
Peebles Durie, 384St. George's road
Percy W. & C. 75 & 126 Trongate, 2 Eglinton
St. & 1 & 3 Nelson st. South side
Phillips Forrest, 187 Govan road, Govan
Pitt James, 145 Caledonia road
Purdie Peter & Geo. 193 Argyle st. & 116
Quarrier Agnes, 378 Argyle st.&378 Paisley rd
Quarrier William, 255 Argyle st. & 83 Cow-
caddens st
Quin Michael, lOS Green sfc. Calton
Renwick John, 70 Clyde st. Anderston
Renwick John, 19 Larabhill st. K P
Ramsay Jolin (wholesale), 30 Montrose ts
Ramsay Robert, 26 Rutherglen road
Rankm William, 100 Cambridge st
Redfern William H. 130 St. James st
Reid John. 158 Shields road
Reynolds James, 81 Cumberland st
Richardson Thomas, 341 Springburn road
Robertson Agnes, 477 Gallowgate
Robertson Alexander, 74 Crown st. H
Robertson George, 2S2 Springburn road
Rcbertson James, 596 New City road
Robertson John, 109 Watt st. Kingston
Robertson John, 272 Parliamentary road
Robertson William, 292 & 60 Crown st. H
Koehead William, 420 London road, B
Ross Hugh, 43 Cameron st
Ross James, 284 Argyle st
Ross James, 5 EgUntnn place
Ross John, 227 Sauchiehall st
Ross Robert, 249 Gallowgate
Russell Elizabeth G. 200 Sauchiehall st
Russell John, 68 St. George's road
Rutherford Andrew. 54 Dale st. Tradeston
Saunders Thomas, 786 Gallowgate
Scott £. & @. ^ <8t. 32 Jamaica st.
A, X2,% Cowcaddens st; factory,
26 Kirk st, G--^rbaIs
Scott John, 40 Trongate
Scott P. 196 Kelvinhaugh st
Scott Robert, 841 Dumbarton road, P
Scott Robert & Co. 5 Hyndland st. P
Shanks Bi-others, 95 Union st
Shannon John, 75 Crossburn st
Sharkey Bernard. 9 Port Dundas rd
•^harp John, 117 Maclean st. Plantation
Sharp Robert, 300 North Woodside rd
Shaw Alexander, 761^ Gallowgate
Shearer Duncan. 306 Dumbartonroad, P
Short John, 146 North st
Simpson J. & Co. 9 Park buildings, Paisley I'd
Simpson James, 17 College st
Simpson William, 7^ Dumbarton rd. P
Sinclair James, 150 Buchanan st
Sinclair John, 68 Broad st. Mile end
Singleton Margaret, 37 Crown st. H
*Skaterigg Co-operative Society Limited,
Smith David & John. 173 Trongate
Smith Hugh, 3 Polraadie st. Aitkenhead rd
Smith James, 87 Dumbarton Old road
Smith James, 24 Cambridge st
Smith James, 84 St. George's road
Smith James, 86 Wo-xlland rd
Smith Peter, 41 Genigs st
Smith Robert, 504 Springburn road
Smith Robert, 90 JMaiu st. MaryhiU
Smith Thomas. 48 Dumbarton rd
Somerville Peter. 421 Argyle 8t
Spiers John, 79 Carrick st
Sproat Samuel, 334 Cumberland st
Steel Richard, 71 Canning st. Calton, and
69 Clyde st
Stevenson Matthew, 81 Renfield st
Stewart Francis, 273 London rd. Bridgeton
Stewart George, WnoiUands mad
Stewart Jane, 76 W^riodlands rd
Stewart William, 502 Rutherglen road
SiirHng Allan, Crossmvloof
Stout Robert, 38 Galltix^crate
t;tout William, 283 ^ntsioy rd
Strang Junes, 78 nanib^ifEon rd. Partick
Strang Tliomas, 5 P:irr;;'nefit)ivy rl
Sutherland Joseph, 2 '.-'.. Andrew st. Partick
Sweetman Nicholas, 5--* Cavendish st
Taylor David, 9 Linubill ter. Catbcart rd
Taylor James. 413 Gallowgate
Taylor John, 19 Trongate
Teifer Thomas, 29 Kelvinside avenue
Teller Ales. 142 Cowcaddens st
Tennant Thomas, 21 ArcJgowan st. K
Thomas John, 2 Dunrobin pi. Paisley rd
Thomson Alexauaer, 38 Cook st. Tradeston
Thomson Daniel, 2U0 Watt st. Kingston
Thomson Duncan, 39 Cameron st
Thomson G. R. 6 Canning st
Thomson Gavin, Hi Great Hamilton sC
Thomson James, 17 New City rd
Thomson James, 52y Maitland st
Thomson James, 17 New City rd
Thomson Robert, 199 Duke st
Thomson William, (56 Cornwall st, K P
Timony John, 221) Stirling road
Tindal Alexander, 12 Easton ter. Paisley rd
To uarti Walter, 150 Crown st. H
TuUoch Thomas, 84 Houston st. Kingston
Tweedie William, 123 London rd
Valentine Thomas, 600 New City rd
Vencock Robert, 8 Herbertson st
Walker Andrew, 17 White St. Goyan
Walker Martin, 114 George st
Walker Robert, 408 Springburn rd
Walker William, 4 Copeland rd. Goyah
Wallace George, 108 New City rd
Wallace Robert, 349 Crown St. Gorbals
Wallace William, 56 Watt st. Kingston
Walls Daniel, 29 Victoria st. Govan
Walls Thomas, 3i!9 Argyle st. 4 89 Gallowgate
Walters George, 54 Taylor st
Watson Allan, 4 Bedford st
Watson Thomas, 17 Mair st. Plantation
Watson William, 337 Govan st. H
Watt Thomas, 154 Gallowgate
Watt Thomas B. .Argvle st. MaryhiU
Watt William S. 11 Rutheraleu rd
Webster John, 158 Upper Crown st
Weir David, 457 Dumbarton rd. Partick
Weir Edward, 84 Victoria st. Govan
West of Scotland Boot Depot, 169 Argyle
St. & SO & 32 Trongate
While John, Bazaar, Candleriggs
Whyte James, S5S Dumbarton rd. Partick, &
151 Gt. Western rd
Wilkio George, 13 St. Andrew sq
Wil.iamson George & Son (wholesale), 28
RIontrose st
Williamson John &, Co. 35 Argyle arcade
& 29 Queen st
Wilson & Co. 87 Queen st
Wilson D. & Co. 127 St. George's rd
Wilson Robert, 386 Springburn rd
Wood Archibald, 149 High st
Wood Robert, 520 Rutherglen rd
Woodside Thomas, 43 New City rd
Wright James, 148 Maclean St. Plantation
Wright William, 43 Elderslie st. Anderston
Wright William, 72 Main st. Gorbals
Wylie David, 147 Canning st. Calton
Wvlie Isabella, 143 Upper Crown st. GorbaliS
Wylie James, 18 Russell st
Wylie John & W. 239 Duke st
"Yellowlees Alex. SClydegrove'ter. Govan rd
Yonng J. W. 371 Paisley rd
Young John, 169 Castle st
Young R. & J. 107 Glebe st
Bayue & Dnckett (and boot top), 58, 60 & 63
Brunswick st ; branches, 85 and 169
Argyle st.",>i 80 & 32 Trongate
Birrel Bros. 17 & 19 Candleriggs
Boyd William, 23 Spoutmouth, Gallcwgate
Brown George, jun. 114 Trongate
Bryson John, 6 Candleriggs
Carmichael D. & Co. (upper), 11 Stockwell at
Coyle Brothers, 76 Gallowgate
Gumming Brothers, 142 Trongate
Dalrymple W. & Co. 570 GaUowgate, & 14 •&
16 Henrietta st
Dick J. & R. 242 Gallowgate
Dick B. & J. (gutta perchal, 181 Argyle st. 4
Main st. Anderston, & 36 Charlotte lane;
Factory, Greenhoad
Edgar William, 20 Glassford st
Poulds John & Co. 45 Union gt
Galbraith James (& slipper). 111 Gallowgate
Glen A. B.&Sons(wareliousemeu),9Howard st
Gray John, 7 New Dalmarnock road, B
Gray John & Co. 55 Glassford st
Oreenlees James, 454 Argyle st
Hamilton William (closer), 40 Brunswick st
Hanger Henry, 74 Trongate
Horn. LiddellA Co. 18 Glassford st ; factory,
67 John St. Bridgeton
.Jackson & Lamb, 70 Stockwell st
Kay Wilh.'un, 33 Norfolk court
Laskowslu Felix .i Co- 200 Sauchiehall st. &
243 Great Western road
M-Oaflery T. 62 Hntcheson st
M'Caun Daniel, 120 Main st, Anderston
M'Intosh Peter & Sons, 129 StockweU st. &
14 to 32 Goosedubbs st
M'Lean William (uppers), 52 Glassford st
M'Leod Alexander, jun. (boot top manufac-
turer), 21 & 23 North Albion si
M'Roberts James, 109 Brook st. 7JiIe end
M'Vicar Nevin, Campbellfield st. Calton

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