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Rankin J. & J. chiua & glass dealers, 16 & 17 Great Clyde st
Rankin James, contractor, 51 White vale st ,
Rankin James, butcher, 64 Elderslie st
Rankin James, ironmonger (Anderson & Rankin), 100 Buccleuch st
Rankin James, commission agent (Wilson & Rankin), 110 Hill st.
Rankin James, shoe manufacturer (Rankin, Steel & Co.), 849 Duke
St. Denuistouu
Rankin James, draper, 382 Springburn road
Rankin James, commission merchant (Wilson & Rankin), 110 Hill
St. GarnethilU
Rankin Jossie, draper, 65 West street, Tradestou
Rankin John, master mariner, 259 Great Western rd
Rankin John, joint agent for City of Glasgow Bank & collector for
the burgh of Govan, 5 Osborne place, Copelaud road, Govan
Rankin John, spirit dealer, "2 Grceavaie st
Rankin John, grocer & provision dealer, 414 New City road
Rankin John, saddler, 184 Hope st; house, 235 Bath st
Rankin John, smallware dealer, 471 Gailowgate
Rankin John, coal master, S3 Jamaica st ; honse, 3 Wilton crescent,
Great Western rd
Rankin John, butter factor, 22 Stockwell place; house, 122 Crown
st. Hutchesontown
Rankin John W. painter, 38 Renfrew st
Rankin Margaret, academy, 57 Great Western rd
Rankin Margaret, baby linen warehouBe, 95 Great Western rd
uouse, 365 Sauchiehall st
Rankin Robert, newsagent, 125 George st
Rankin Robert, grocer, 162 Caledonia rd
Rankin Robert, victualler, 241 Main st. Bridgeton
Rankin Robert, victualler, 1(J2 Caledonia rd
Rankin Robert, jeweller (Lawsou & Rankin), 10 Hilton ter. Crosshill
Rankin, Steel & Co. shoe manufacturers, 26 Kerr st. & 189M Main st.
Rankin Thomas R. oil and colourman, 40 George at
Rankin William, shoemaker, 100a Cambridge st
Rankin William, carver & gilder, 48 Renfrew st
Rankin William, wright, Springburn rd; house, 4 Welfield st
Rankin V/illiam, letterpress prmter, 146 Reufield st
Rankin William, dairyman, 193 Duke st
Rankin William, tailor, ^c. 333 Arcyle st
Rankin VTilliam &, Sons, cork merchants &. manu-
facturers (successors to John Mitchell & Son), 10 Carlton
place* Corbals
Rankine David, civil engineer (Johnstones & Rankine), 197 Pitt st
Rankiue George C. agent, 82 London st
Rankine James, shipping agent (James Rankme & Son), 3 Belmont
crescent, Great Western id
Rankine James & Sou, shipping agents, &c. 5 Cathcart place, Sau-
chiehall st
Rankine John, slater, 30 Abercromby st
Rankine Mary, householder, 63 Great Western rd
Rankine Robert & Co. engineers & millwrights, 35 Paisley rd
Raphael Robert, merchant (Leisler, Bock & Co.), 9 St. James's
tt-rrace, Hillhead
Ratclia'e J. & Co. (Rochdale), flannel manufacturers, 181 Trongate —
Thomas Nicol, agent
Rattray Alexander, oil & colonr dealer, 196 Dalmarnock rd. B
Rattray & Logie, gashtters & plumbers, 15 Ashton pi. Hillhead
Rattray Andrew, grocer, 3 DowanhiU place, Partick
Rattray Brothers & Smith, accountants, 54 St. Vincent st
Rattrp,y Charles, toy & hardware merchant, 14, 16 & 20 Candleriggs
Rattray David, gas burner manufacturer, 104 Dale st. T
Rattray David, accountant (Rattray Brothers & Smith), 5 Berlin
terrace, PoUokshields
Rattray (ieoi-ge, pawnbroker, 20 Orr st. Mile end
Rattray James, grocer, 434 Uutherglen rd
Rattray James, chiua dealer, 374 St. Vincent st
Rattray John, plumber & gaslitter, 94 Kenlield st
Rattray John, plumber (Rattray tS Logic), 43 Kelvinside avenue
Rattray John, grocer, 566 Rutherglen rd
Rattray Patrick, accountant (Kattray Brothers & Smith), Laurel
ViUa, CrosshiU
Rattray Peter, contractor, Gamgad hill [Hillhead
Rattray William, measurer, 121 West Regent st ; house 45 Cecil at.
Rattray William, provision merchant, 16 Crown st
Ravenawood Quarry Co. 40 St. Enoch square, and Bavenswood,
Ravey John, shopkeeper, 124 Garugad rd
Rawlinson Reid, newsagent, 274 Dalmarnock rd
Rawson Robert, watchmaker, 218 South Wellington st
Rawyards Goal Co. coal masters, 5 Dixon st — Wm. Barr, agent
Ray Neil, tobacconist, 51 North Albion st
Ray Stemhridge, teacher of music, 46 Claremout stj
Raymond Charles, printer, 61 Waterloo st. Calton
Raymond Joseph, painter, 244 Buchanan st
Raynor John R. surveyor of customs, 246 Bath st
Readman George, manager of Clydesdale Banking Co. 30 St. Vincent
place ; house, 28 Woodside place
Readman Grace, householder, 2 i^enton terrace, Crosshill
Readman Henry, victualler, 264 London road, & 831 Nuneaton st. B
Readman Henry & Co. spirit dealers, 90 Kirk st. Calton
Readman James B. manufacturing chemist, 175 Buchanan st
Real Estate Security Co. Limited, 149 St. Vincent st— Jameson, Son
& Maclae, agents
Recreation Halls, 59 East Howard st
Reddle Charles, writer, 51 St. Vincent st ; house, 6 ^\'oodlands ter
Reddie J. C. marine insurance broker (Bennett, Brown & Co.), 6
Woodlands terrace
Redpath Adam, grocer & spirit dealer, 12 Westmuir st. Parkhead
Redpath Catherine, milliner, 20 Gardner st
Redpath Samuel J. agent (VVheeler & Wilson's sewing machines),
Caledonia Villa, Cainbnslaug
Ree William, engineer, 2 Beaufort terrace, Crosshill
Regan James, shopkeeper, 189 West Princes st
Regan Peter, confectioner, 81 East Rose st. Calton
Regan William, marine store dealer, 23 Anderson st. K P
R«gttiit Club, 146 West Regent st
Registrars' Oflices: Anderston District, 8 Minerva st — John Hamil-
ton ; Blackfriars District, 70 Bell st— James M. Thomson ; Blytha-
wood District, 25 West Nile st — James Slrnthers ; Bridgeton Dis-
trict, 27 Mordaunt st— James Tait ; Camlachie District, 62 Water-
loo st — Daniel Sinclair ; Calton District, 44 Canning st — Alexander
Waddell; Cathcart District, Cathcart— Andrew Camduflf; Den-
nistoun District, Cathedral lodge, Castle st — Peier Ferguson;
Gorbals District, 94 South Portland st— NicoIM'Dougall ; Govau
Churcn District, 2 Osborne pi, Govau — Thomas Steel; Hutche-
sontown District, 395 Crown st — Donald Hamilton ; Kelvin Dis-
trict, 173 Shamrock st— William Buchanan ; Kinning Park Dis-
trict, 310 Scotland st— A. "Wilson; Milton District, 21 Crossbum
st — Alexander Dewar; Partick District, Partick — Gavin Paisley;
St. Rollox District, 121 Kennedy st — Gavin M. Buchanan ; Trades-
ton District, 92 Gloucester st — John Brown
Reichmann & Co. (successors of), commission, iron, coal, &c. mer-
chants, 49 West George st
Reid A. & Co. stockbrokers, 97 Buchanan st
Reid A. & M. milliners, 428 Argyle st
Reid Adam, jun. commission agent, 4 North court, Royal Ezchftnge;
house, 10 Smith st. Hillhead
Reid Agnes, householder, 377 Bath st
Reid Agnes J. provision dealer, 101 Govan st
Reid Alexander, engineer, 17 Albert drive, Crosshill
Reid Alexander, fruiterer, 211 Rutherglen rd
Keid Alexander, provision dealer, 126 Broad st. Mile end
Reid Alexander, tea merchant (Semple, M'Lean & Reid), Laar«l
bank, Hillhead
Reid Alexander, victualler, 16 Blaclean st. Plantation
Reid Alexander & Sons, dyers, 140 Hope st; works, Govan & Burn-
brae, Milngavie
Reid Alexander F. grocer, 157 Caledonia rd. & 115 Crown st
jtteid & Co, brewers, (London), 99 West George st — C. Morrison &
Sons, agents
Reid & Co. masons' tool manufacturers, Union place, North st. A
Reid & Cook, engineers & colUery furnishers, 3 Oswald st
Keid & Cumming, writers, 154 West Regent st
Reid & Gait, accountants *fc Insurance agents, 217 West George st —
See advertisement
Reid & M'Lean, brick builders, Portman st. Kinning Park^j
Reid& Mair, accountants, 40 St. Vincent place
Held & Maitland, cabinet makers, 13 Eglinton st
Keid & Thomson, wine merchants, 36 Royal Exchange square
iieid &. Todd, xnauuiacturers of portmauteauSf
overland trunks, wardrolies, waterproof leg:-
g^ing^s, &.C ; umbrellas, sunshades (St.c ; desks*
Uressing: cases, fitted 1)a.g:s and work boxes suit"
able for presentation; croquei; and foot balls; a
lar^e selection at nsoderate prices; umbrellas
re-covered in one liour; ftS, SO, 54, & 56 Glass-
ford St. &. 73 IXrilson st
Reid Andrew, coal and firewood dealer, 34 Milton lane, Cowcaddeni
Keid Andrew, flesher, 7 Main st. Gorbals
Keid Andrew, dairyman, Maclellau st. Plantation
Keid Audrew biscuit manufacturer, 22 North Albion st
Reid Angus, victualler, 56 South Coburg st
Reid Ann, householder, 50 Walworth terrace, Kentrd
Keid Archibald, fruiterer, Bazaar, Candleriggs
Keid Archibald, traveller, 324 Scotland st. Kingston
Keid Archibald Oi Co. stock brokers, 97 Buchanan st
Reid Arthur, tobacco importer (Macleod & Ktid, Hillock flouse,Gn
Reid Brotbt^rs, engineers and colliery furnisbers,
67 St. Enocb square ^ house, HJ. 2Celving;rove »t
Reid Catherine, furnitur.. broker, 3 Havaunah st
Keid Charles, flesher, 44 Miilroad st
Keid Christina, flesher, 29 West Milton st. Port Dundas
Keid Christina & Isabella, hosiers, 250 Main st. Anderston
Keid David, comuiissiou ageut, 80 Uuion st
Keid David, surveyor, 2d4 I^uchanan st
Reid Eleanor, dressmaker, 30 Cornwall st. Paisley vd
Reid Eliza, victualler, 253 Main st. Bridgeton
Keid Ehzabeth & Co tobacconists, 26 Bridge st
Keid Francis H James, coal masters, 36 Argyio arcade, and Stone-
law, Rutherglen
Reid Gilbert S. spirit dealer, 47 Nelson St. Tradeston
Keid Gregoi, draper, 297 Duke st
Reid Henry, ironmonger, 156 Argyle st ; house, St. Clair House, Ay-
toun rd. PoUokshields
Reid Hugh, house factor & builder, 50 Main st. Shettleston ; Mea-
dow rd. Tollcross
Keid Hugh, spirit dealer, 283 Buchanan st; house, 164 Renfrew st
Keid Hugh, saddler, 60 Hospital st
Keid Hugh, chemist, 423 Aigyle st ; house, 206 North st
Ktjid Hugh, maltster, 775 Duke st
Keid Hugh, clothier &, draper, 8 West Muir st. Parkhead
Keid Hugh, general dealer, 318 Cathcart rd
Keid Isabella, dressmaker, 45 BreadJbaue st
Reid Isabella, householder, 14 Walmer crescent. Paisley rd
Keid J. & I), shirt manufacturers, 127 Stockwell st
Keid J. & E. stationers, bookbinders, and paper rulers, 41 Argyle st
Keid J. & F. coal masters, 36 Ai'gyie arcade, and Stonelaw Collier-
ies, Rutherglen
Reid James, dyer (Henry Monteith & Co.), Blantyre Lodge, Blantyre
Reid James, telegraph superintendent (G. & S. W. Reid), 4 St. An-
drew s st.
Reid James, dyer (Alexander Reid & Sons), Hillock House, Govan
Keid James, tobacconist, 13 Trongate
deid James, bookseller A stationer, 144 Argyle st
Reid James, engineer (Neilson & Co ), 10 Woodside terrace
Reid James, hoaseholder, 1 Meadowbank, Partick
Reid James, fruiterer, 489 New City rd [st. Hillhead
Reid James, commission merchant (Ferguson & Reid), 24 Glasgow
Keid James, furniture broker, 14 Nicliolas st [Burubank
Reid James A. writer (M'Grigor, Donald &, Co.), 4 West Garden Bt,.
Reid James G. carver (Kay & ±leid), 2 Sandyford rd
Reid Jane, shopkeeper, 392 St. Vincent st

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