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J. HE parish of Shotts lies in the north-east quarter
of the county, and is 14 miles in length by abont 10
in breadth ; bounded by New Monkland on the north,
Botliwell on the west, Cambusnethan on the south,
and the county of Linlithgow on the east; the Anion
find the Aven have their sources within the district,
which is likewise watered by the streams of the North
soul So lth Calder, running through the extensive re-
seiyoir and Lilly Loch which supplies the Forth and
Clyde Canal, as likewise several mills. This parish
abounds in coal and ironstone. The original name is
Cambusnethan parish is situate in the middle
ward of the county, on the north-east bank of the
Clyde, from which it stretches, in an eastern direction
a distance of thirteen miles, by three in breadth. There
are luxuriant orchards throughout this district, and the
apples of Cambusnethan have long been in high esti-
mation. Freestone, ironstone and coal abound beneath
the surface of the land. In this parish are the exten-
sive Coltness Iron Works ; also two places of worship
of the establishment, a Free church, two for the
United, and one for the Reformed Presbyterians, like-
said to be derived from that of a noted robber, Ber- wise three schools, one of which is patronised by the
Coltness Iron Co., the others being the parochial and
Wilson's endowed. The village stands on a cross
road a little eastward of the thoroughfare from Glas-
gow to Lanark, fifteen miles from the former and ten
from the latter town. The large viliage of Wish AW
(in which there is an extensive distillery), is in this
parish, in which stands Wishaw Castle, the residence
of Lord Belhaveti, whose extensive grounds extend
some distance into the parish of Shotts. Two fairs
are held at Wishaw— on the second Thursdays in May
and October.
Stain is a village in Camtmsnethan parish, situated
close to the works of the Shotts Iron Company, and
between five and six miles from Wishaw; some re-
spectable shops, an inn, post office (where money or-
ders are granted and paid), Congregational chapel and
endowed school, are all that it contains worthy of no-
tice; an omnibus runs between this place and Wishaw,
morning and evening.
POST OPTICS, Wishaw, William [lodger, Post Master— Letters from all parts arrive (from Mo-
therwell) every morning at eight and a quarter before twelve, and evening at a quarter past seven ; and
are despatched morning at a quarter to ten, afternoon at three, and evening at half-past seven.
Money Orders granted and paid from nine in the morning till six in the evening.
Post Office, Cleland, Agnes Smith, Post Mistress~*-Le\tevs from all parts arrive (from Motherwell)
every morning at half-past nine, and six in the evening; and are despatched morning at ten, and evening at
a quarter past six.
Post Office, New Mains, Gavin Russell, Post Master— Letters from all parts arrive every morning at
nine, and at half-past eight evening; and are despatched evening at six and twenty-five minutes before nine.
Post Office, Salysburgh, Mary Boston, Post Mistress — Letters from all parts arrive(by foot post from
Hollytown) at ten morning; and are despatched afternoon at half-past one.
Post Office, Stain, William Torrance, Post Master— Letters from all parts arrive every morning at ten
minutes past eleven, and afternoon at one; and are despatched at half-past tour afternoon.
Money Orders granted and paid from nine in the morning till six in the evening.
tram, or Bartram, the Rob Roy of his day; he was shot
in the reign of Robert II, about half a mile east from
the church, which spot still retains the appellation
Shotts-burn. The village of Cleland is in this parish,
close to which i he Omoa Iron Works are situated;
there is also a very neat school, and school-house, the
site for which was given by the proprietor, and built
by subscription, and is now supported partly by the
proprietor. The village called Kirk-n'-Shotts, stands
on the south road, betwixt Edinburgh and Glasgow,
in a bare and elevated part of the district, fifteen miles
from Glasgow and twenty-seven from Edinburgh. The
present church was erected in 1820, in the centre of
the parish, on a commanding site. The works of the
Shotts Iron Company, are situate about three miles
and a half west of the church ; a great number of
hands are employed in this establishment; the company
patronise a school, and provide a house rent free for
the master. There is another school here, endowed
by the late Mr. Wilson, of Whiteburn.
Wonility, Gentry and Clergy.
Aitken William, Esq. j.p. of Chapel
Belhaven the Right Hon. Lord,
Wishaw Castle
BellJol n, Wishaw
Brown Itev. Peter, Wishaw
DufM Rev. James, Wishaw
Grant Rev. J. D. Shotts
Houldsworth Henry, Esq, i.P.Colt-
ness House
Hunter James. Esq. j.p. of Auld-
housebum, Ayrshire: residence
Newrnains House, Lanarkshire
Lochart James, Esq. j.p. Castle hill
M Conachie Rev. James, Stain
Mackenzie J. Monro, Esq. j.p. for
borough & county, Glasgow road,
Marshall James, Esq., Goodurk hill
Martin Rev. Robert. T. Wishaw
Walker Gavin, Esq. Hill-house ridge
Watt Rev. William M.ShottsManse
Coltness Iron Works School—
Robert Weir, master; Charlotte
Watt, mistress
jFree Church School, Dykehead
— Donald M'Intosh, master
Infants' School, Wishaw — Ann
Lindsay, mistress
Omoa Iron Works School— Jas.
Boag, master
Parochial Schools :—
Shotts — William Paterson,master
Cambusnethan — Andrew Giffen,
Public School, Wishaw — Bryce
J. Macauley, master
Shotts Company's Schools,
Shotts — Robert Brown, master
Millar James, Esq. j.p. Wishaw Park Wilson's Endowed ScHooL,Stain
Miller Rev. Peter G. Cnmbusnethan | —Robert M'Nab, master
Ritchie Rev. John, Shottsburn
Robertson James, Esq. of Lonchope
Scott, Rev. Andrew, Bonkle
Smith Rev. Ralph C. Dvkehead
Steel William, Esq. of Stain
Stewart Sir Henry J. S., Bart., j.p.,
of Allantou
Stewart Robert, Esq. (ofMurdos-
town), Murdostown Castle
WaddellWilliain.Esq. Easter Moffat
Auctioneers and Appraisers.
Shirlaw & Son, Wishaw
Thomson William, Wishaw
BaillieJohn, Wishaw
Craig Robert, New Mains
Currie Hamilton, Wishaw
Douglas Robert, Wishaw
Ferguson Robert, Carbusnethan
M'JVlillan James, Cambusnethan
Pender John, Wishaw
Renwick William, Wishaw
Sandiland William, Wishaw
Smellie William, Wishaw
Smith James, Wishaw
Stewart John, Cambusnethan
Thomson Andrew, Wishaw
Thomson James, Wishaw
Watt James, Cambusnethan
British Linen Co. (Sub-branch);
Wishaw— — (draws on the parent
establishment Edinburgh, and
Smith, Payne & Smiths, Lon-
don) — James Gilchrist, agent
City of Glasgow Bank (Branch),
Shotts (opeu on Mondays)
Thomas Matthews, agent
City of Glasgow Bank (Branch),
Wishaw — (draws on the London
Joint Stock Bank, London) — Jas.
Shirlaw, agent
Royal Bank of ScoTLAND(Bratich)
Wishaw (draws on Coutts &
Co., and the Bank of England,
London) — James Miller, agent
Brownlie James, Bonkle
Gray Daniel, Wishaw
Gray William, Cambustiethau

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