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Grocers — Continued.
Ferguson Samuel, High st
ton est Samuel, Bi aid wood
Forrest William, South lane
Frazer Jane, Hien st
Gilchrist John, Braidwood
Oileln ist William, Hieh st
Gilchrist William, Braidwood
Graham James, High st
Hamilton Martha, Hamilton st
Hamilton Robert, Kirkton st
Hensliilwond George (and seed deal-
ei), High st
Hvs'.np John, Braidwood
Mf Cart John, Hieh st
Martin Daniel, Kirk ton st [ton st
Reid John (& spirit dealers), Kiik-
Russell Robert, High st
Scoular Koberf, Hamilton st
Smith Jomn (& spirit dealer), Kirk-
ton st
Stark James, Clvde st
Waddcl Margaret, Market place
Waiker John, Braidwood
Watson Alexander, High ss
Wiper William, HiKh st
\oungAlexi(&spirit dealer), High st
Black Bull, Vhos. Ca-sells,High st
Braidwood Station Inn, John Hys-
lop, Braidwood I wood
Caledonian, Henry Springall, Braid-
Cnmmercial, Ja-jet B. Somerville,
Kirktun st
Cross Keys, Davie! Walker, High st
Crown, Hope M't'iieen, Market pi
Letters, Marion Mnir, High st
Letters, James VVadd. II, Clyde st
Railway, Jane Hastie, Kirkton st
Iron Manufacturers.
Shotts Iron Company (pig), Cas-
tlehill Ikon Works, and at
Shotts — Mr. James Kerr,managtr
M'Minn Hugh, High st
Morton Robert, High st
Shirlaw JamesC* glazier), Market pi
Xiinen and Woollen Drapers.
Forrest J. & W. High st
Jack John, High st
Hislop Thomas, High st
JVluii Michael, High st
Pillans Richard, Chapel st
Roxburgh Archibald, Braidwood
Marshall James, Chapel st
Russell Robert, Hamilton st
Stewart & Hgrniliun, Kirhton st
Dickson Thomas High st
M'Minn Hugh, Hieh st
Dick William, Chapel st
Fone«t Hubert, Mount Vernon
Milliners & Dressmakers.
Bi-owiilie E.iien, Highst
Forrest Agnes, High st
Forrest Catherine, Market place
M'Intvre Sarah, High k V
Thomson Klizaheth, Kirkton st
Millwrights <&. Engineers.
Del; James, Hiah st
Wilson John, Kirkton st
See Grocers, life.
Dickson Thomas, dealer in Birmingham
goods, High st' eet
Easton John, stocking maker, &c,
Hamilton street
Fraser John, session clerk, and registrar
of births, deaths & marriages. Carluk.8
Hamilton Thorn is.tile maker, Braidwood
Levis John, rrnp»r, Kirkton st
Ludlow .Id n, tinsmith, Clyde st
Morton Ge' rge, tile rnjiker, Braidwood
Ritchie John, oail maker, Chapel st
Russell William, slater and plasterer,
Bank tane
Safely Isabella, watch maker. High st
Shaw Jamps, confectioner, High st
Stewart James L .druggist and inspector
of poor, Kirkton st
Thomson David, ale and porter dealer,
High street
Bouglas Janus, High >t y
Cuilen William, m.d. Kirkton 8t
Grossart William, m.d. Kirkton st
Kerr William, Kirkton st
Rankin Daniel R. Market place
Selkirk Andrew, m.d. Kiiktou st
Barr Robert. Ki'Kton st
Brown William, Chapel st
Forrest Robert, Market place
Gilchrist James, Kiiktou st
Lindsay James, Market st
M'Causlane Alexander, High st
M'Qneen George, High st
Staik Thomas, Hamilton st
Stewait Mat' hew. High st
Wood Merchants.
Brownlie Afexander & Robert,
Stewart st, and at Earlston
M'Kinnetl & Dyer, Kirkton st
Maitin Jame'-, Kirkton 'st
"Wrights &. Carpenters.
Graham John, Hiah st
Hastie James, Market place
| Morton Robert, High st
Prentice Archibald, Hamilton st
Tervitt John, Clyde st
Wilson Allan, Hamilton st
Wilson Adam, Biaidwood
Wynti John, South lane
Batiks John, saddler, Kirkton street
Bow Thomas, cooper, H ami (ton street
Brown James, printer, Market place
Castle Hill Store. .John Gardiner,
Cringan Robert, watch dealer and
jeweller, C yde street
Places of Worship,
Parish Church. .. Rev. John Wvlie
Free Church.. Rev. John While
Original Secidkh's Chapel. ..Rev.
James Anderson, and Rev. Thomas
Hobart, a m,
Congregational Chapel... Rev. W. J.
Roman Catholic Chapel, Carluke...
Rev. John M'Cay, priest
Unitrd Presbyterian CHAPEL...Rev.
Alexander Neilson
Agricultural Societf, Carluke ...J.
Hamilton, Esq., patron; Messrs A.
Davidson and A. Forrest, treasurers;
Mr. Thomas Matthews, secretary
Gas U orks, Mount Vernon ... Robert
Martin, treasurer
Sheriff's Offices, Carluke... William
Freeland and James Morion, sherifl's
Subscription Libr>rt, Carluke
W il lii. m Cassels. librarian
St: MP Office. Kirkton street... James
L. Slewarl, distributer
Useful Knowledge Society, Carluke,
...James Gilchrist, ti easurer ; William
Grossart, secretary
Conveyance toy Railway,
Station, at Carluke. ..Win. Smith, agent
Station, at Braidwood William
Chrislie, apent
To CASTLEHILL, James Cassels
Stewart streei. daily
To KD'IN BURGH, Alexander Wilson,
To GLASGOW, Alexander Cassels, from
his house, High slreet, Tuesday and
To LANARK, Robert Watson and Wm.
Storey, Monday and Thursday, and,
somc'.imes daily
'ARNWATH is a village 'or small town) and burgh
of barony, in the parish of its name, 25 miles s.s.w.
from Edinburgh, 27 e.s.e. from Glasgow, 7 N. from
Biggar, and the same distance E. from Lanark, situate
on the main road between the latter town and Edin-
burgh'. It consists of one street, nearly half a mile in
length; about the centre is the tolbooih, a plain old
for superiority in which are awarded medals and
prizes in money.
The church, a modern erection, stands at the wes-
tern end of the town, contiguous to a fragment of the
ancient edifice, which, pi tor to the reformation, be-
lo gcd to the cathedral of Glasgow? the stone frame
of the north window is still entire, and presents a tine
building, in front of which is the cross, an obelisk, specimen of masonry in the Gothic style; another
whereon the distances from Edinburgh to various portion of the old building is now used as a sepulchre
places in ClydeMlaleandAyrshire are distinctly marked, by the Lockhart family; it contains the remains of
The houses, which ate neat slate-roofed dwellings, I the former lords of the manor, the Somervilles, and a
have considerably augmented in number of late- years. ! tomb on which a Lord Somerville is represented lying
The inhabitants are employed, some in hand loom I in complete amionr, along with the riguie of his wife,
â– weavine, and others in agriculture. Sir N. M'Donald j in 'he exact costume of the fifteenth century. About
iLock hart, Bart., of Lee and Carnwath, is superior of I a mile to the north-west of Carnwath are the sbat-
the boigh.; Mr. _S. Gray, of Lanaik, writer, is the tered ruins of Cowdailly Castle, in former ages the
'baron baillie. The estate is held id the Crown, on
payment of a pair of red hose, which are run for annu
ally on the day suece ding the August fair, and fol
eat of the Somervilles. The market, which is on
Friday, is principally for meal. Faiis are held on the
Ja-t Friday in March (new style), lor hiring servants;
lowed by athletic games, to the successful competitors i" the first Thursday in July (old style), lor horses and
78iJ vo

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