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Baird William, burgh assessor, 9 Hall-
Craig street
Brown Jas., wood merchant, Chapelhall
Campbell John, eating house. Graham st
Claik Thomas, snp.-rintendent of the
county police. Miller's place
Dunlop / iexander, veterinary surgeon,
Calderl ink
Findlay ! obert, boat owner, Cairnhill
Gordon tVillram, preserver of animals,
Grahf ji street
Hende. jnn John, mineral borer, Easter
Henry Join,collector of rates. 40 High st
Houldsworth John & Co. cotton manu.
facturers, Airdiie Works
Knox William, cork cutter, 35 Hall
Craig street
Landless William, registrar of births,
deaths and marriages. 29 Nrth.Bri <ge st
Lang- Marion, stay maker, ti7 Stirling st
JLithgow Thos., lath-render, Alexander st
Macarihur John, registrar of births,
deaths and marriages of the 1 mdwurd
of the parish of New Monkland, New
Moffat Alex., dyer, 55 South Bridge st
Mounsey Mark, tile re-cutter, Chapelhall
Paterson Johnston, collector ' ot water
and gas rales, 45 Stirling street
Patison John J., tar distiller, Whiterigg
Pennycuick John, manufacturer of
hosiery, 45 Graham street
Scott James, furnishing warehouse, 67
Graham street
Sinclair Nisbet, superintendent of police,
16 Graham street
Strain Hugh, potato merchant, 3Clark st
'•'homson John, manager of the Water
Company, Annfield, Grahamshill
Wilson Robert J., assistant liscal, View-
fort coitage
Young William, wood turner, Hall
Craig street
Evangelical Chorch, Graham «t...
Rev. A rW Wilson
Fkee Churches: —
North Bridge st...Rev. R. W. Lawson
Broomknoll st...Rev. James M'Gowan
. Buchanan street.. .Rev. William F. C.
Chapelhall...Rev. John Stewart
Baptist Chatel, Graham street.. .Rev.
George Dunn
Independent Chapel, Broomknoll st
...Rev. James Innes
Primitive Methodist Chapel, Cal-
derbank...fiev. Samuel Whitehead
Reformed Prssbyterian Chapel,
North Bridge street. .. (no minister ap-
Roman Catholic Chapels: —
Hall Craig St.. .Rev. Duncan M'Nab
Chapelhall... Kev. — Mills
United Presbyterian Chapels: —
South Bridge St.. .Rev. Alexander Ban-
Well wynd...Rev. Matthew M'Gavin
Wbsleyav Methodist ChapeLjBcII st
...Rev. William Slack
Sberiff Court, airdrie.
Sheriff.. .S\r Archibald Alison
Sheriff Substitute at Airdrie William
Logie, Esq.
Sherij? Clerk...John Drysdale
Procurator Fiscal. ..John Macdonald
Sheriff Clerk Depute and Auditor...Joha
Bar Ojjieer... Charles Kyle
Airdrie Gas X-icht Company, Mi
st. ..Boyd M. M-Crae, manager
Airdkik Water Company's Officj
45 Stirling street John Thomson
manager; Johnstm Paterson, colleota
County Poi.tc i Office, County build
ings...'1'horna tClark, superintendent
Horticui turaL Society Johi
M'Douakl, president; Alex. Wilson
Music Hall, Graham street
Mechanics' Institution and Schi
of Akts... William Landless, secret*
New Monkland agricoltue;
Society. ..Andrew A. Waddell.secret:
Police Office. Bank street.. .Nisi
Sinclair, superintendent
Reading Rohm and Library, Caldei
bouk... Alexander Ainl, 'ibrarian
Stamp Office, Graham street. ..Jam
Kidd, sub-distributer
Tax Office, Graham street Jam>
Kidd, co lector
Tempbrance Hall, High st.. Thomas
Jack, proprietor
Weights and Measures Ofpicb,
Clark street.. John Eadie, inspector
Conveyance toy Railway,
Places of Worship,
and their ministers.
Established Churches : —
New Monkland. ..Rev Robt.Archibald
Clarkst >n...Rev. John Campbell
Well wynd...Rev. Benjamin C. Brown
rJew BXonkland Workhouse,
Governor... John Allan
/Matron. ..Jane Watt
Chaplain... Alexander M'Dougall
Surgeon... Simon Slurrock
Inspector of Poo'... John Alston
Co//ec(or...John Henry
Prison, well wvnd.
Governor... Charles Laing
Matron.. .Jessie Gray
Chaplain. ..Rev. John CampbeU 1
.Surgeon... John Robertson
Station, close to (he town
Sea- t;iry.. John iV. Sloane
Engineer and Manager... Joseph Cncbran
Traffic Superinte7ident...W m. Symington
Station Master... James M'Gregor
To COATBRIDGE, from the Royal'
Hotel, and also from the Airdrie Hotel,
daily (8uuda\s excepted) at a quarter*
past eight and a quarter past ten morn-
ing; twelve noon; and five minutes
past three, five minutes before rive,
twenty minutes past seven, and fiv«
minutes past eight afternoon
To GLASGOW, from the liou.l HoteL
daily (Sundays excepted! at a quarts!
past ten moming.aud four in the aftri.:
intermediate places by rvil, daily
To and From GLASGOW, Thomas
Leggatt, and John Jack, on Monday
Wednesday and Friday
To and (mm GLASGOW, (by water)
Robert Findlay, Cairnhill
HGGAR is a small town in the parish of its name,
28 miles from Edinburgh, 36 s.e. from Glasgow. 16 w.
from Peebles, mid 12j s.e. from Lanark, situate on the
road betwet n the two last-named towns. The town,
which consists principally of a spacious and tolerably
neatly built main street, was created a baronial burgh
by charter of James II., to Sir Robert Fleming, of
Biggar, in the fifteen century. It greatly owes its
prosperity to a large and populous neighbourhood, the
buildings are handsome, and the shops arc well laid
out, the whole being lighted with gas by a company
formed in 1839. The new line of railway, which has
been long projected and much required, is now in
course of construction from Symington station, on the
Caledonian line of railway, io the town of Biggar.
During the present year (1859) it is expected to be
open fur traffic. The chief employment of the inhabi-
tants is weaving for the Glasgow houses. Nail making
is carried on to some extent; and there are few good
inns. There are three banking establishments.
In 1545, Lord Fleming founded and endowed a col-
legiate chinch here for a provost, eight preheiids, four
singing boys and six poor men; it was dedicated to the
Virgin Mary, and built in the form of a cross in a plain
Gothic style : this ancient place of worship is now the
pari-h church, and is the only object worthy. of atnact-
ing the notice of the stranger. Tradition reports a
bloody engagement to have taken place near this town,
between the Scots, under Wallace, and ?be tiiiglish
army, when that distinguished leader dove the latter
into a morass, where most of them perished. The
parish is six miles in length by three and a half in
breadth, having the river Clyde on its western boun-
dary, Peebles-shire on the east, and the paiisli ot
Covi gton on the west. The weekly market is held
on Thursday; and the fairs on the last Thursday of
January and October; third Thursday of July (old
style), and last Thursday in April.
POST OFFICE, Biggar, Robert Glen, Post Master— Letters arrive from England, Ireland, &c,
every morning at twenty minutes before seven; from Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the North of Scotland
every night at twenty minutes before eight ; and are despatched for Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the North
of Scotland every morning at twenty minutes past five; for England, Ireland, &c, every evening at
twenty minutes past six.
Money Orders are granted and paid here.
776 vo

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