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Temperance Hotels, &.C.—
Rhind William, 27 South Bridge st
Robertson Jane, 60a Princes st
Spaldings Margaret, 11 Leith st. ter
'Si. Andrew '(Commercial), Duncan
M'Laren, 34 South St. Andrew si
•Waveiley,' Robert Cranston, 44
F inces st
Wilson Barbara, 166 High st
Timber Merchants.
Beatiie William 8f Suns, 15 Foun-
Brown Matthew, 26 Horse wynd
Fergus William, Great Junction st
Ferguson, Davidson & Co. Saw
Mills, Leith
Galbraith Christopher, Spittal st
Gavin W.&Co. 19 Commercial pl,L
Halley George, Leith Saw Mills
Hamilton Thomas 53 St. Leonards
Hutchinson & Rogers (& importers),
Smith's place, Leith
Button 8f C<>. 33 St. Leonard st
Johnston Daniel, 101 South Back
• of Canongate
M'Culloch John 8c Co. Castle terr
Millons George, 69 Fountain bridge
JMilluns Thomas & Son, Home st
Monteath Thomas, 12 Coates place
Park Andrew, Leith walk
Park R. & J. Tower st, Leith
Penzlin August (veneer), Chalmers
clo-e [Leith walk
Philip John, 34 Whitetield place,
Tin Plate "Workers.
(See also Coppersmiths 6f Braziers.)
Anderson W. & J. 22 Nicolson St
Brauder William, 13 Canning place,
Callan George&Co. 13 Greenside pi
Cay &} Johnston, 7 Greenside place
Clark 4- Beatson, 24 Howe st
Cochiane John, 46 Kirkgate, Leith
Camming William, Mint close
Daniels Robert, 47 Water lane, L
Doig James, 3 St. Pairick sim ire
Fairley John, 109 Kirkgate, Leith
Gillespie & Sou, 21 South Fred-
Gillis Matthew, 26 Westport
Grierson JohnS.^outhHaiiover st
Haig Andrew, 60 Potter row
Henderson David, 73 Broughton st
Hogg John, 72 Clerk st
Leslie Alexander, 60 Pleasance
M'Donald Daniel. 13 Cowfeeder row
M'Innes James, 7 Lothian st
M'Keuzie James, 151 Westport
Mackie John, 43 Cumberland st
M'Lean William, 27 Bread st
Maxwell James, 16 Riddles close,L
Miuto Margaret, 31Whitfleld place,
Leith walk
Morrison William, Newhaven
Moyes James, 108 Westbow
Peitigrew Alexander. 27 New st
Reid Alexander, 34 Victoiia st
Robertson William, 85 Rose st
Ruuciman John, Chalmers close
Slimon Robert, 51 Shore, and 20
Broad wynd, Leith
Smiths & Co. 1 Blair st
Steele John, 100 Huh st, #124
Princes st
Steele, Wilkinson &f Patrick, 61
George sireet • [pi
Whytnck John, 3 South east Circus
Williamson Andrew, 2 Gibb's entry
Williamson Isaac, 38 Pleasance
Young J. Sc D. 22 Greenside st
Tobacco Manufacturers.
Carter Joseph, 116 Hi^h si
Christie Henry(aud snuff), 4 Dium-
nioiid sc
Cotton George 8f Son (and snuff),
23 Princes st
Cotton James, 231 High st
Coiton John 122 Princes st
Dobie John, 37 Niddry st
Douglas Janet, 13 Sand port st, L
Falconer Thomas, 361 High st
Galloway William, 85 NicolsfMi st.
and 32 Victoria st,
Gibson James, 149 Princes st
Gibson John, 499 Lawnmai ket
Goi don Robert (and snuff), 5 He-
riot's bridge, Grassmarket
Heudrie Jame9,2Baker's place,Kerr
st, Catheriue st, and 292 Cau-
Hunter Thos. 36 Tolbooth wynd, L
Lawson James, 110 Westport
Lees John (and snuff), 3 Brown sq
Letham Janus, 74 Shore, Leith
M'Craw Robert, 165 High st
Maegreuor John, 104 High st, 8f 77
Prince* st
Mackintosh John,63SouthBiidgest
Peacock Adam, 54 Shore, Leith
Peacock Andrew, Woild's end close
Richardson Brothers (aud snuff),
105 Westbow
Ritchie Davi-i, 50 North Bridge st
Robeitson Robert, 3 St. Patrick st
Siark Thomas, 81 Westport
Tnomsou & Poiteous, 37 Leith st
Williamson Geurge,22 Grassmarket
W 1-ou Richard, John Knox's house
High street
Tobacco Pipe Makers.
Chri-tie Hi ury, 4 Drummond st
Donaldson William, 14 Morton st, L
Duncan George, 14 Cobuig st. L
Duncan John, Macueil's place,
Leith walk
Moflai William. Yardheads, Leith
White Thomas & Co. (pipe-clay &
bath brick, sold wholesale), 225
Canongaie — See advertisement.
Wilson Richaid, 45 High st
Black Da. id, 70 Leiih st, and 27
Princes st
Black Mary,I7Son' v College st
Brown Mary, 144 Princes st
Caltoii John, 68 Lothian street
Carter Joseph, 116 Hign st
Cheyue Chas. 27 South Richmond st
Cummings John, 8 St. Vincent st
Dickson Thomas, 23 Dundas st
Douglas Janet, 13 Sand port st. L
Dow Isahella, 52 Home st [bridge
Drummond Elizabeth, 35 Fountain
Duncan Geoige, 9 Kukgate, Leith
Falconer Thomas, 361 High st
Forsyth Ann,. 43 Lothian st
Galloway William, 85 Nicolson st,
and 32 Victoiia st
Gibson John, 499 Lawnmarket
Goodwin Augustine, 22 Bristo st
Gray Agnes, 1 Fyr'e place
Hay William, 32 Howe st
Henderson John. 9 Broughton pi
Heudrie James, 2 Baker's place and
5 West Register st - [r.ck st
Lawrence Henry, 23 South Frede-
Lawson Jame«, 110 Westpott
Lawson Mungo. 33a George st
Lindsay Darirt & Co. 3 Lindsay pi
Liitle J ames, jun 28 Piinces st
Longtou Alex, 37 South Hanm er st
M'Craw Robert, 165 High st
M'Fai lane Thomas; Macueil's place
M'Gill John. 105 Kirkgate
Macgregor John, 77 Princes st, 2
Leith st, 7 Bread st, 20 Roxburgh
place, and 104 High st
Mackintosh John, 42 Nicolson st
155 High st & 63 South Bridge st
M'Plierson Alex., 81 Brongton st
Matsou Alexander, 2 Broughton st
Moffat William, St Anthony's pi
Noi inanHanuah, I Bernard st.Leith.
Pavne Edmund, 15 Biisto st aud 47
Lothian road
Peacock Adam, 54 Shore, Leith
Penman Grace, 115 Nicolson st
Jtedpath Alexander, Lothian road
Rennie Peter, 34 High st
Ritchie A H.5 Kiikaate. Leith
Ritchie David, 32 Greenside street^
and 7 North Bridge st
Ritchie Helen, 5 Broughton st
Slight James, 28 Nicolson st
Stark Thomas, 81 Westport
Thomson David, 3 Leith st
TillChailes (late J. Muith— and im-
porter of cigars),27 WstRegister St
Tolmie R. & M. 244 Canongate
Tweeddale William, 120 Canongate.
Wares Janet, 22 Bank st
Wedderspoou William, 7 Kerr st
Williamson George, 22 Grassinaiket
i\ ilsou .M^ry Gneve, 1 Great Junc-
tion street, L'eith
Wilson Richard, 45 High st
Tool Manufacturers
See Plane Makers
Toy and Fancy "Warehouse*
AndersouEd ward ,47 North Bridge st
Anderson Elizabeth. 344 Lawnmrkt
Archibald Geoige, 8 Elm row
Barclay Davidson, 71 North Han-
ovi r street [over street
Black Ann Sc Fanny, 37 South Han-
Bradshaw John, 7 St. Patrick square
Bremner Alexander, 13 Adam st
Burrell Fanny, Riddle's close, Leith
Campbell Elizabeth, 18 St. Andrew
stieet, Leith [Circus place
CowiesonWilhelmina, 3 North-west
Crawford John, 60 Lothian road
Dickie William, 69 Nicolson st
Drew Margaret, 99 Princes st
Drummond Charles, 13 Kirkgate, It
Duncan Isab lla, 7 Home st
Ferenbach Pius, 132 Piinces st
Forrester John, 39 Broughton place
Greathead Henry, 25 South Budge st
GreiuerBrothers, 80 South Bridge st
and Edinburgh arcade
Harvey Margaret, Royal Bazaar, 25-
Pi inces st
Hogg James, 34 West Register st
H outer Mary, 52 Lauristdn place
Johnston Elizaneth, 55 Earl Grey st
Laing John, 36 Ea>l Grey st
Lane Thomas, 37 Leith w„lk
Laule Fidelv, 5 North Bridge st
Lind Robert, 12 Picardy place
Liston Alexander. 2 Rutland place
Macgill William, 7 South Hanoverst,
M'Lean Ann, 19 South Colege st
Matson Alexanders 1 Union place
Maxwell Jessie, 4 liii>to place
Millei & Giintoii, 32 Princes st
Ott William, 48 Leith st
Pri mile James, 6 HvWe st
Purdie Christi ia, 79a Piinces st
Reid Margaret, 5 Tobago st
Rom bach Bros. & Co.. (wholesale),.
82 South Biidge st
Scott Willi. mi, 2 Tob igo st [Leiili
Simpson Louisa, 26 Tolbooth wynd*
Soutter James, 97 & 98 Princes sb
Thomson & Aguew, 53 8th Clerk st
Thomson John 13 Davie st
Veitch C. & R. 105 Nicolson st
Wightinau Win. 37 Whitfield place
i young Barbara, 76a Princes st

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