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Edinburgh, &c. IStftn&ttglftftttft
Pattison Thomas H., m.d. and surgeon, 39 London st
Pattison Walter G., merchant, 35 Bernard st, Leith
Patton Catherine, nurse, 8 Ken- st, Stockbiidga
Patton George, advocate, 30 Heriot row
Patton Mary Ann, lodging bouse, 8 Kerr st,Stockbridge
Paul Thomson, W.S. 10 Uniou st
Paulin Geoige, cabinet maker, 4 Howe st
Paving Board's Stone Yard, Spittal st
Paxtnn Grorge, boiter maker, Salamander st. Leith
Paxton James, boot & shoe makey, Roxburgh ten ace
Paxtnn John, spirit dealer, 6 Coattield lane, Leith
Paxton Mary, grocer, 4 Foxe's lane, Leith
Payne Edmund, tobacconist, 15 Bristo st. and 47
Lothian road
Peace & Co. goods traffic agents (Edinburgh and Glas-
gow and Scottish Central Railways), offices, Edin-
burgh, Leith, and Granton stations
Pence John, victualler, 156 feasance
Peace Simon, boot maker, 42 Charlotte st. Leith
Peacock Adam tobacco manufacturer, 54 Shore, Leith
Peacock Agnes, lodging house, 47 North Castle st
Peacock Andrew, tobacco manufacturer, World's-eud
close, High st
Peacock Edmund, lithographic printer, 57 Nicnlsnu st
Peacock Eliza & Magnet, miiliuers if dress makers,
51 Home st
Peacock Margaret, lodging house, 73 Geoige st
Peacock Thomas B. commission agent 2 Montgomery s>t
Peacock William S.S.C. & N.P.,<VV. F. Skene & Pea-
cock), 44 Gnat King st
Peacock William, tailor & clothier, 20 North Bridge st
Prarson Sf Robertson, VV.S. 17 Royal Cbcus
Pearson Christopher, bank porter, Register place
Pearson Elizabeth, pluhiber,85South Back of Canungate
Pearson John; flesht r, South Howard place
Pearson Thos. customs officer, 3 . oinely green crescent
Peaston Alexander, jeweller; 51 Nftrth bridge
Peaston Ellen, dress maker, 2 Cannon st
Peaston James, tailor & clothier, 4 West Registers!
Peat Janet, greengrocer, 3 Sandpoit st. Leith
Peal John, grocer, 218 Cow'gate
Peaitie John, tictual dealer, 56 Rose st
Peddie Alexander, physician, 15 Rutlarid st
Pedriie & Kin near, architects, 12 Howe st
Peddie Donald Smith, accountant and agent for the
Yoi kshire Assurance Co., 1 George st
Peddie Georgiana, stay maker, 15 west Richmond st
Peddie Helen, straw hat maker, Orehardfiild nlace
Peddie J. & A. VV.S. 36 Albany st
Peddie James, civil engineer (Wylie & Peddie), 36
Albany st
Peddie James, printer, 2 NicoNon square
Peddie .lames, juu. civil engineer (Wylie & Peddie),
36 Albany st [Leith
Peddie John, eating house, Foxe's lane, St. Andrew st
Peddie John Dick, architect (Peddie & Kinnear), 21
Claremout descent
Peddie Robert, cabinet maker, 2 Long close, Plea-ance
Peddie Robert, imn fencing manufacturer (Young,
Peddie & I'o.), 12 Grove st [st; Leith
Peddie Robert, painter and glazier, 5 South Junction
Pt-ddie William, clerk. 72 Buccleuch st
Peddie William, sheriff's officer, 297 High st
Peebles Alexander, si. (keeper, 6 Clyde st
Peebles Thomas, hair dresser; 14 Home st ^
Peebles William, tailor, 58 Ki'fegate, Leith
Pelican Life Assurance Office, 14 George st,
JamesBalfour. agent; 11 Dake st,& 50N rth Ca-tle st
Pendereigh George, grain merchant, Drumttiond court,
Drumnmud st [High »t
Penderich James, chair maker, Toddrick's wynd, 76
Pendrich John, baker, 32 Fountain bridge
Pendiigh William, linen warehouse, 54 George st
Pen ford George, clerk, 15a Pri ces st
Penitentiary (Female), Meadowside House, 13
Lauriston lane
Penman Grace, tobacconist, 115 Nicolson st
[Penman John, baker, 46 Water lane, Leith
Penman John, victual dealer, 42 Giles st. Leith
jPeimicuik J. slaier, 28 Causevvayside
feennyenik J. spirit dealer, 148 Causevvayside
Pennycuik Thomas, greengrocer, 9 Ponion st
jPentland David, working jewellei, 19 South St. David st
fentland Young J. & Son, coopers & stave.merchs^Jf,
I JS«S.peBce's -jdace^JLeith '
Peutzliti August, veneer merchant Sf agent, Chalmer
Perigal Arthur, landscape painter, , 7 Oxford terrace
Penie James, victualler, 7 Castle barns
Perry Aaron, cleik,55 Potter row
Peters Alexander M. plumber and gas fitter, 13 Dundas
st; residence, 16 Abbotsford park — See advertisement
Peters Robert, list and boot tree maker, 2 Physic-
Peters William, coal agent,North British Railway Staiio*
Peters Wiliiam, accountant, house ag- nt, & coal & lime;
merchant, 57 New Buildings, Noith bridge
Peterson, lirotheis & Co. commission agents and pro-
vision merchants. Allison's place, Leith walk
Pet lie David, tavern keeper, 27 Q'leen st. Leith
Petrie Gavin, smallware dealer, 122 West port
Peine George, accountant &c house agent, 17 George st
Prtrie J. & M. milliners and diess makers, 10 Rose ft
Petrie James, shoe maker, 68 Knughtoii st
Petrie Janet, lodging huu-e, 34 Rose st
Petrie Mary, dressin >ker, 68 Broughton st
Pettet & Bell, stamped mu-liu& trimming dealers, 13
St. Patrick square [Lawiunarket
Petrie David, manufacturer of hosiery and hosier, 314
Pettie John, victualler, 60 Canongate
Pettie John, refreshment rooms, 39 North Bridge st
Petfe Rob rt, shopkeeper & coal dt>kr, 94 Caurytgate
Pettigr'ew Alexander, tin-plate worker, 21 New st
Pfaff Tid.l, clock maker, 10 Rose st
st. Hall, ,51 Geoige st — John Mack ay, secretary
Philip John, wood merchant, 34 Whitfield place; saw
null, Bonuyrigge
Philip Robet t, merchant, Old Church st. Leith
Philip William, baker, 1 Leggat's Land
Phillips Beatrice, draper, 5 Wairiston place
Phillips Cliatles, grocer and spirit dealer, Newhavee
Phillips William, clerk, 13 Antiandale st
Philli- .i hii', furniture broker, 255 Cowgate
Philosophical Institution, 4 Queen st— Her.ry
Bowie, secretary; Andrew Tod, librarian
Philp Andrew, temperance hotel, Saint James' square
Philp John & Son-, wine and spirit merchants, I Fyfe
p'are, Leim walk [Howe «t
Philpot James, auctioneer (Smith & Phiipot), 24
Phin C. & A., fishing rod and tackle manufacturers,
80b Princes st
Phin Charles (C. & A. Phin), 40 Northumberland st
Phin John, solicitor, 13 Henot row
Phcenix Fire Insurance Offices, 4 St. Andrew
square, and 11 Duke st
Phcenix Hall, 4 Mrlnourue place
Phcenix Temperance Hotel, 11 South St. Andrew
st— Geoig'- Biown, proprietor
Photographic Society, George-st Hall, 51 George st
Phrenological Museum, Surgeon sq., Infirmary st
Pi'cueii Alexander,victual deale , 8 Cable'- wynd, Leith
Pickeu William, clock anil natch maker, 18 Victoria st
Pike William, silk mercer and diaper, 3 Hanover si
Piilcingion Fiederick, architect (T. Pilkington & Son).
Pilkington Thomas & Son, architects, 24 Geoige st
Pillans Hugh & John, printers, 6 Jame- court, Lawn>
market [17 Union plate
Pillans Hugh Scot I, agent for City of Glasgow Bank
Pillans James, prof, of humanity, 43 Inuerleitu row
Pillans Robeit, pianoforte waiehouse, 37 South Hann.
vt-r st [st
Pinkerton Margaret, lodging house, 18 South Castle
Pinkerton Susan, lodging house, 22 Scotland st
Piper John, W.S. 37 Broughton. st
Piper Lewis, teacher of classics, 102a George st
Pi lie James, officer in cu-tom-, Ehen street, North L.
Rirret John, victualler, 58 Clerk st
Pirret Thomas, grocer and provision dealer, 9 West,
Newington. and 3 Blackford place, Morningside
Pirrie David & Co. wrights, 8 St. Anthony st. and 43
Junction st. Leith
Pirrie Margaret, lodging house, J4 George st
Pitman Fied. W. S. (J. & F. Anderson), 50 Castle st
Pitendnch John, china, &c. dealer, 5 Potter row
Plate Glass Insurance Office, 72 Princes st
Plaver John, coach proprietor, 32 Northumberland st
Playfair Lyon, C.B., F.R.S., 14 Abeicromby place
Pliiner & Johnston, stone masons, Buccleuch st

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