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M'Crorie Thoma3, veterinary surgeon, Monkton
M'Crorie William, saw mill oi\Tier, &c. (John M'Crorie & Son),
Allison St. Newton
M'Orandell Adam, master mariner, 3 North quay, Newton [ter. Fort
M'Cuhhin Alexander, tailor, &c. (M'Oubbin & Son), 10 Eglinton
M'Cubbiu & Sou, tailors & clothiers, 40 Newmarket st
M'Oubbin John, draper, 100 High st
JU'Oubbin Thomas, tailor, &c. (M'Oubbin & Son), 42 Newmarket st
M'Oubbin William F. soUcitor, 39 Sandgate st; house, 5 Alloway pi
M'CulIough Agnes, confectioner, 121 Main st. Newton
M'Cutcheon John, victual dealer, 109 Main st. Newton
M'Derment James, ram M'Eie Tavern, 1 Hope st
M'Derment James & Sons, civil engineers, &c. 39 Sandgate st
M'Derment James J. civil engineer, town surveyor, &c. (James
M'Derment & Sons), 2 Havelock terrace. Miller road
M'Donald Donald, superintendent of police, Glencoe Cottage, Fort
Maodonald James, zl.d. rector of Ajt Academy, 14 Wellington sq
M'Dowall William, eatiug house keeper, 22 Bridge st
M'Ewau John, farmer, Sandgate, Prestwick
M'Bwen William, plumber, SO Oarrick st
M'Fadyen Robert, draper, 8S & 90 High st; house, 3 Queen's terrace
M'Fadzean David, carrier, SO Main st. Newton
M'Fadzen James, master mariner, 20 Cathcart st
M'Fee WilUam, publican, 61 George st. Wailacetown
M'Garry Martha, clothes dealer, 31 WaUace st. Wailacetown
M-George & Fairley, boot & shoe makers, 199 High st
M'Gowan James, victual dealer, Alloway
M'Gowan John, shoemaker, Whitletts
M'Gowan Joseph, shoemaker, Whitletts
M'Gregor Adam, chemist, 16 & 18 Sandgate Bt; house, 1 Mont-
gomerie terrace ngg B.itfh st
MiGregor Alexander D. dining rooms & Wallace Tower Inn, 192 to
M'fauigan D,avul, clothes dealer, 3 Hope st
M'Hutclieon Agnes, publican, 1 Main st. Newton
M'Hutchon James G. collector of harbour dues, 63 & 64 South nuav •
house, 6 Fullarton st fHK'h si
M|Ilwraith .indrew, plumber, &c. (J. M'llwraith, Son & Co )" 114
Mllwraith James S. civil engineer (James M'Derment & Sons) 51
ivTrn ?*,■ Wailacetown [House, Wailacetown
M Hwraith John, plumber, &c. (J. M'Hm-aith, Son & Co.), Content
M'llwraith John, Bon & Co. plumbers, &c. 112 & 114 High st
M Junes Duncan, watchmaker, 193 High st; house, Bverton Cot-
tage, Prestwick
M'lutyre James, pawnbroker, 17 Biver si. WaUacetown
* *S'^,?^''''S'"'°'' '^"'''E"*''' *'■"='' St. Wailacetown; house, 23 John
St. Wailacetown
M-Januet Hugh, baker, 25 High st; house. Belle Vue Lod"e Race-
course road rNewton
M'JannetRobert, draper, 50 Newmarket st; house 10 Newton ter
Mackay Andrew, saddler, Whitletts i.n^ouiti.
M'lvay Daniel victual dealer, 40 Wallace st. Wailacetown
Mackay IsabeUa & Jessie, dressmakers, &c. 2S Sandgate st
MacKay John, saddler, 231 High st ; house, 13 KiUooh place
liw°oad Newton^'' * '"" '"'"''''■ ^'''"' '*• ^'^"'™ ' *'™»'='59
M^Kcllar Duncan, joiner, 54 AlUsou st. Newton [st. Newton
M Ke v.e Archibald, fruiterer, 71 Main st. Ne^vton ; house ■?5 Main
M'Kelvie John, spint dealer, 70 South quay
Mackenzie William, superintendent Burnside Chemical Works-
house, Wagon road, Newton »»urn8,
M'Kerrow David, farmer, Macnairston
M'geri'ow George, surgeon, 12 Cathcart st
M Eerrow Wilham, cab proprietor and livery stable keeper, 27 New
ivr^f n'w", •■ '■""' ," Sandgate st ; house, 7 Academy st ^'''-""'^
WaUaYetown' ™""' '^''■"''' ™ ^'^^ ^' ' '^°"=«- « John st.
M'Knight James, joiner, &c. Carrick st Ton
Mackmght Thomas, glass dealer (J. M'Murtrio & Co.), 23 WeUingtra
''mveS.racT' •"^""' '"'■ '^''-^'^ H'Laclian'Td'-lo'S;;
Iph^Jw"" ^'^■'=^^ '^ Son, masons and builders, 46 Dalblau: road
M Lach au James, mason (.-Vndrew M'Lachlan & Son), Havelock tor
SSL" &atitiirtti#4^';r'™
Pff ^i^rgSt-'^j^i^rs^S! PiStifci"'^^ ''■ ^'''"»"'''°™
Maclehose Robert, printer, 62 Newmarket st [Newmarket st
MLeod William, accoimtant to the British Linen Co™ ank Is
MMannus Charles, spirit dealer, 5 Bridge st; houseTu Bridge st
MM.aster James, farmer, Laigh Gleugall, near Ayr' ^° '*
;™! "" j!f'i''g'"«t, dressmaker, 9 Kirk port
M Millan Patrick, glass and china dealer, 10 River st WaUacetown .
and hme burner. South quay ailacetown ;
^,'Miu-tiie Alexander, joiner, Prestwick
M'Murtrie James, solicitor .and an-ent to Rn„l, nfQ„„n„ , „„ », H"!','™ "'^'■"^''S' '^"'^'''^ I'l'l'l'sr, 47 & 49 S
, market st ; house, 4 Park terrace ° S"""""-?' 70 New- Motherwell Robert, hosier, 197 High st
market st ; house, 4 Park "terrace vh ■ ,' '\
M'Muitrie James, coach and cab proprietor 119 TTml, LV™ i o?
M'Murtrie Mary, dressmaker, 119 High st oanu^aie st
IfSf S=; f SmS^ 1^^-il '^™-. ^ Barns st
MNair Henry, butcher, 22 Sandgate st; house, 3 Cathcart st
"^St'lntt'a^^"'^^'' "^- ^™ =*--'^ l.ou's;°Btcktu.=^ Villa,
M'Quecn Charles, flesher, 242 Hi 4 st Newton
M'Qucen David, clothes dealer, 2*9 W.illaee st Woii„„„t
M'Quiston Peter, Cro.n Hotel,'lU ffigh st ^''"*<=^'°^™
M'Eonald David, farmer, Ereston r,,-„ ,,.„
Macrorie William, soUcitor 41 Newmarket =* i ["Has, MiUor rd
M'SkinningJanet dressmaker 3. Semvst' ™''' ^ ^""^f^
Bl-Whu-ter James, draper &c (Sf.o}tT\nwu- i , „, [Newtou
M'Whktie Eliza, victua^l dealer, 19 Wautce s? W^ f '''' f° '^'■"<'° ^*-
M'WiUam Jessie, schoolmistress, pSwick "^'"'""^"'™
Mail' WiUiani, farmer, High Glengall
Mair WUliam & Sons, coopers, 250 High st
Malcolm Robert, victual dealer, 213 High st
Maloney Thomas, cab proprietor, 54 New road, Newton
Manson David, farmer. High Thorney flat, St. Quivox
Maiison David, farmer, Prestwick
Manson James, farmer, Whitefordhill
Manson John, spirit dealer, ^Vhitletts, St. Qnivox
Manson John, farmer, Prestwick
Manson Robert, farmer, Prestwick
Manson Thomas, clerk, Sandgate, Prestwick
Mark Matthew- watchmaker, l5 Newmarket st
MaiT James, engineer, 49 Now road, Newton
Marr James, giain merchant, Prestwick road
Marshall WilUam, engine di-iver, 36 New road, Newton head
Martin Andrew, baker, 7 Gordon place, WaUacetown [Newton
^'"■tin Andrew, tobacconist, 12 New Bridge st ; house, Main et.
Martm WiUiam, shoemaker, George st. WaUacetown
Martm William,. upholsterer, 8 Albert terrace, WaUacetown
Mason Alexander, traveUer, 2 AUsa place
Mathieson John, cab proprietor & publican, 9 John st. WaUacetown
Matthews John, pawnbroker, 44 Cross street, WaUacetown
Meikle David, joiner, &c. (.J & D. Meikle), 1 Bruce crescent, Fort
Meikle J. ,S: D. joiners & builders, 44 Main street, Newton
Me.k e James, joiner, &c. (J. & D. Meikle), John street, WaUacetown
Meikle John, slater & glazier. 8 River st. WaUacetown "oiowu
Meikle WilUam, pubUcau, 6 Main st. Newton
Menzies .John, bookseller, &c. EaUway Station Book StaU
Mercer John civil engineer, &c. 9 Sandgate st ; house, 11 FuUarion st
Meredith Ma thew, draper, 164 High st; house, 26 MidtonTd
Miller Donaldson, joiner, 3 North quay, Newton
MiUer Elspeth, dressmaker, 45 High st
Miller George, glass and china dealer, 45 WaUace st. WaUacetown
Miller Hugh, slater, 8 Green st. Newton
Miller Isabella, fruiterer, 153 High st ; house, 147 High st
MiUer James, farmer, St. Quivox
MiUcr James, schoolmaster, St. Quivox
Miller James, inspector of poor and session clerk, St. Ouivox
Miller James, tobacconist and news agent, 61 High st
MiUer John, town missionary, 18 Dalblair rd
mi'^^' i°^'^ ^- erooer (G. I'i H. Rutherford), 1 Kirk port fCotta™
Ml er Robert, factor to James Baii-d, Esq. of C-mibusdoon U "wfv
''co"t.S,^':^^U;£Scett'S'"=""'"■' ' ^^■-^-'^''s' : <'0"se:Dai^yS
Miller Robert A. arcountant to City of GlasgowBauk, 25 Newmarket st
"w"go^n''raS!'No^S''"""' '' ^'^'^"'''^'^ ^'^ W'^".-etown ITot-^.l
Miller Walter, spirit dealer, &c. 183 H;igh st
Ml ligan D. & J. builders, &c. 37 Kyle st
Ml igan David builder, &c. (D. & J. MiUigan;, Cunning park froad
MiUigan John, bu I, er &c. (D. & J. MiUig.aS), Afton 0°otta|eyMaybola
M « n f"i' "P"?' "'■■"f "■' ^^ ^'Sh st; house, 46 Main st NowC
WalScetoC ""'™'^""'' 5' J^-ewmarket st ; house, River temce,
Mitehell Alexander, toy dealeSfl^hing tackle iaker,'i9Kyie" ?'
MitcheU James, farmer, Aunaeld,;uear Ayr '^ '
*'','':'^|'!^'*lter,haiucurer and provision merchant, Lang's court
Pies^i-ickri"'"''^""''" '' '"=^"'"' ^'"'^'' TlfymeS
Moil- John, compositor, 6 Green Street lane, Newton
£ i=e a:ss!^i^ «:^?^2S^r^^
''st1liTule:2^'^e^;;'^^?d|^^r^'"-' ^'°«''' ■^™^ y-"l.--ewSSdga
''rous';,%' Qi:en^''fer™e°' ''°"'' ^"^'' "'"""'"S^' ^'^b street ;
Moore Harrison grocer, 52 Cross st. WaUacetown
i?fmS?!f':''?'"'^"''''°°'''''P°="<»'y' 60 Newmarket st; house.
Morgan -M-thur, bookseUer, 28 New Bridge st.; house 28 John ™
Moriey Thomas, spirit dealer, Prestwick
Morns Alexander, miUer, Prestwick
Morrison James victualler, 6 George st. Wailacetown
s" N°ewfon "' ' ""'^ shoemaker,; 63 High st ; house, 27 M.ain
Morrison WiUiam, tailor and clothier, 61 NewmariS"t?"'hou™l
Mortou Adam, confectioner, &c. 150 High st nouse,_b
Morton Alexander, slater, 250 High st
Morton George, soUcitor, 20 New Bridge st; house, Sandgate st
Morton James, coach buUder, 47 & 49 Sandgate st """"Sate st
house, 17 Barns at
[st. WaUacetown
house, 19 George
_----._. ...... -.,^u..i^, uuaiui, Lvi nign st ; no
Mmr .James, clerk, 2 Elba st. WaUacetown
Murchie John, slater and glazier, 11 George st-
Murchie WUliam, tailor, Monkton '
Murdoch Hugh, artist, 10 KUlogh place
Murdoch John, architect and civil engineer, 62 Newmarket st •
house, Westerlea, Racecourse road >". t- -Newmarket st ,
Murdoch Robert D. soUcitor & prociu-ator Bscal, Coimtv buUdinffc-
house Fiurfleld Lodge, Racecourse road ' * Buildings ,
p'Zl wS^'SJe'r^lfn^^S^-ul' °^" -'''
Murphy James, shoemaker, Monkton
Murphy WiUiam A. tailor, Monkton
Murray .and Aitken, tailors and clothiers, 64 Newmarket st
rjfewton '' -'• '"™^« "Sent, 49 Harbour- s"Thon^e'« Green
Murray Henry, Thistle Inn, 26 & 27 Hai-bour st
''S Bac^rurriSd"""' *"• <^"*^'-»°"- ^™^ ^^ Co.), 1 Barna

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