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MILLEU. 201-
Millar, David, do laine and shawl cloth manufacturer, Y Frederick street, house
104 Egiinton street
Miller &, Dunn, coopers, 115 Union street
Millar & Gardner, hat manufacturers, 90 Bell i^treet
Miller, Gavin, grocer and spirif- dealer, 64 Hospital street
Millei-. G., & Co., chemical works, Rumford street
Miller, Geo., of G. Miller ^ Co., house James street, Greenhead
Miller, Geoige, of Gartcraig. Letters left at {» I Uigh street
Miller, George, surgeon, 167 George street, house 169 do
Miller, Henry, chief superintendent of police
Miller, James, Anderston print-works. North street
Miller, James, surgeon, 175 Buchanan stieet
Miller, James, teacher, St. David's school, head of John street, ho. 44 Taylor Strces
Miller, James, hairdresser, 9? Main street, Anderston
Miller, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 319 Argyll street
Miller, James, Provanrafil. Letters left at R. Miller's, 94 Nelson street
Miller, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 68 Taylor sti-eet
Miller, James, upholsterer and cabinetmaker, 130 Trongate street, works 124 do.
and 50 High street
Miller, James, 10 George street
Millar, James, calico printer, 111 Ingram street, house and works, Milton, Dun-
glass, Dumbartonshire
Miller, James, of liobert AEller ^- Son, house 48 Holmhead street
Miller, James, merchant, 48 George square
Miller, James, superintendent of lamps, house V Park place
Miller, James, warper and house-factor, 69 Hutchcson street
Miller, James, cabinet and picture-frame maker, 62 Sauchiehall street
Miller, James, portrait painter, 19 Cochran street
Miller, James, victualler, 13S Saltmarkct street J
Miller, James, provision merchant, 3 King street, Tradeston
Miller, James, writer, office 118 South Albion street, house 51 do.
Miller, James, shtrifT officer, 122 Saltraarket street
Miller, James, spirit dealer, 8 Aberorombv street
Miller, James, joiner and builder, 281 Dobbie's loan
Millei", James, coal agent and provision merchant, 42 Bridge street
Miller, James, confectioner, 4 Bell street
Miller, John, letter-carrier, Post-OfBce, house 17 Hospital street
Miller, John, accountant and stockbroker, agent for the Experience Life Assarance,
and Hercules Fire Insurance, 71 Queen street, house 52 Eddleston place
Miller, John, grocer, 9 Monkland street
Miller, John, straw-hat and lace warehouse, 110 Argyll street
Miller, John, land agent, valuer, etc., Rutland crescent* Govaa road
Miller, John, sen., merchant, 168 St. ^Vincent street, and Wellington factory,
Miller, John, woollen and linen draper, 18, 20, 22, and 24 High street, house 17
Monteith row
Miller, lohn, cork manufacturer, 64 Maxwell street
Miller, John, collector of city poor-rates, 4 Police lane. South Albion street
Miller, John, manager, Glasgow Parcel Delivery Co., house 48 George square
Miller, J., jun,, merchant, 163 St. Vincent street, and Wellington factory, Hutehft-
Miller, John, victualler, 201 Gallowgate
Millaf, John, spirit dealer, 171 Duke street
Miller, John, painter and paper-hanger, 23 Oxford street
Miller, John, A.M., teacher of St. Mungo school, house Drygatc
Miller, John, bookseller and stationer, 84 Ingram street, house ,1! Hopetoa i>laco
Miller, John, spirit dealer, 42 Forth street
M.')li-T, John, grocer, 67 Renfrew street
Miller, John F., 78 Hospital street
Miller, John, 8 Canning place, Stirling's road
Miller, John S., of Wm. Miller §f Son, residence Springfield house
Miller, John, of Hamilton ^ Miller, hou.se 119 Rottenrow sti'cet
Miller, John, furnishing shop, 95 Maitland street, Port-Dundas
umjjjuai 111 uu.

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