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3 f Totrrtm blood is the life *.*
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For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be
too highl3' recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases
and sores of all kinds, it is a never-failins: and permanent cure.
It cures old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Letrs, Scurvj- Sores, Cancerous
Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face, Blood
and Skin Diseases, Ulcerated Sores on the Neck, clears the blood from all
impure matter, from whatever cause arising.
As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from any-
thing injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the
Proprietors solicit guflterers to give it a trial to test its value.
"Deservedly World-Famed."
"40 Grove-end-Rood, St John's. wood, London, June 29, 1886.
Gentlemen — I have much pleaasure in testifying to the effacacy of your
deservedly world-famed Blood Mixture. During the greater portion of
six years I was the subject of numerous and very painful eruptions on the
face and neck, and in vain did I try remedy after remedy till I well-nigh
despaired of being cured. Happening one day to hear a conversation in
which the complaint from which I was suffering was described as having
been completely cured through recourse to Clarke's Blood Mixture, I
immediately invested in a bottle, and the results which at once followed
were simply marvellous. By the time I had finished the first bottle I was
on the high road to recovery, and on the completion of the second I am
happy to say my face was quite restored to its former clearness, and I
have never since been troubled in the least with my unpleasant complaint.
J. D. Thornton.
" 111 and unable to work for months."
April 3rd, 1886.
Dear Sirs, — As a Lincolnshire man and a patron of your celebrated
Blood Mixture, I respectfully ask you to send us a little for our bazaar. I
know it will find a ready sale, as two or three of our members have been
greatly benefited by it. One of our members had been ill and unable to
work for months ; he was induced to try your Blood Mixture, and he was
at work again in a fortnight. Another friend had a poisoned hand, and
was under a physician and a surgeon also, cost scores of pounds, is now
restored through using your Blood Mixture, and will take part in our
opening ceremony. Two or three of my own children have benefited by its
use, and I am now trying to induce another friend who has been ill with
eruptions for months to take it, so that I would be glad if you would send
us some for sale as I am confident it will induce others to ti-y it. Thanking
you in anticipation, yours sincerely, Joseph B. Kingston,
Secretary Primitive Methodist Mission, Gillespie-road, Highbury-vale.
Sold in Bottles 3s 9d each, and in cases containing" six times the
quantity, lis each, suflScient to effect a permanent cure in the
great majority of long-standing cases.
throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the Pro-
prietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincolh.

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