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10 31. Fox, Railway coach-office
Robt. Stenhouse, manager for
Edmonstone collieries
John Moffat, agent for Craighall
and Sumerside collieries
Marquis of Lothian's coal-officej26 David Tough, painter
A. Eyle, manager and cashier 26 Mrs Drysdale
MrDundasof Arniston, coal- of.
Robert Alexander, agent
20 :\Irs Thew
20 HBeaty, commercia 1 traveller
22 Mrs Colonel Preston
24 David ]\Iason, agent
26 Miss Slider
1 Robert Dall, esq.
1 IMrs Oliphant
1 John Horsburgh, baker
1 ]Miss Gray
2 Murdoch 3I'Laine, esq.
2 Miss M^KerreU
4 AVilliam Scot, esq.
6 Dr Christison, professor
6 Rfibert Haldaue, esq. >.
7 Wm. Stothart, esq. Cargen
8 Mrs Williams
9 Hon. Misses IMackenzie
11 E. D. Sandford, esq. advocate
1 JMrs Lamb
1 Miss Su^an M'Vean
1 Mrs Sheriff
1 ISlrs Brown
1 ]Mrs Dr ^Vloodie
1 Thomas Boner, gent.
3 ]\Irs Captain Innes
6 Miss Graham
7 ]Mrs Cameron
7 Alexander Grant, macer
7 Misses Colvill
7 Mrs P. M'Dermant
7 Miss Bayne
7 ]Mrs Andrew ilunro
9 James Auld, esq.
1 1 William IMoeffat, solicitor
13 ]\rrs Alexander
13 jNIiss Sanderson
13 !Mrs John Ross
13 Rev. John Burnfield
13 Mrs Dr Martin
13 iMiss Hardie, teacher of music
15 Rob. Alexander, agent
4 WjUiam Leishman
4 iliss Wardrop
4 iNJrs William Milne
4 William Don, esq.
4 R. D. Don, writer
8 James Cowan, surgeon
6 Miss Oliver
10 Lieutenant James Laing
1 John ^Mackintosh, tobacconist
10 John Court, esq. S. S. C.
10 William Pike, merchant
10 .Misses Elder
12 Thomas Gibb, grocer
14 J. Spence, surgeon
16 Robert Laing, of Royal Bank
18 Alex. Miller, surgeon, F.R.C.S.
20 jNIrs Captain Wishart
26 Andrew BirreU, currier
26 Thomas Peat, bookseller
28 ]\Iiss Porteous
32 Dr John iMurray
32 Alexander Cunningham, esq.
32 John Tweedie, agent
32 Mrs John Watt
32 Mrs Torrance
36 Geo. Wilson, ironmonger
38 R. White, hardware-merchant
38 Misses Lamb, dressmakers
38 D. W. Ross, esq.
38 IMiss Eraser
38 ]\Irs J. Ramage
40 Mrs Thomas WUson
42 John Caird, F. R. C. S.
44 William Robertson, jeweller
44 ]\Irs James Bishop
44 Kev. James Wright
44 Mrs Bonthorn
44 Mrs CoUier
44 Thomas Dores, flesber
46 ]Mrs David Deuchar
48 yirs Sandeman
50 iSIrs Stevenson
50 IMiss Henry
50 I\Irs Riach
50 Mrs BailHe
50 Captain J. Watson
50 jNIrs Findlater
62 Alex. Henderson, goldsmith
54 Robert Paterson, architect
54 R. Sclater senior, die-cutter
64 Thom. Fleming, shawl-manufr.
3 W. H. Lizars, engraver
4 Colonel Campbell, R. A.
5 Alexander INI'Donald, esq.
6 David Johnston, esq.
7 Alexander M'Duft^, esq.
8 Robert Mitchell, esq.
9 G. Lees, A.M. of :Mil. Acad.
10 Alexander Adie, civil engineer
11 George Small, music-seller
12 Rev. .John Hunter
13 Very Rev. Prin. G. H. Baird
Isaac BaiUie, W. S.
14 Andrew Drybrough, brewer
16 J. H. Colt, esq. of Gartsherrie
16 Rev. James ]\Iarshall
] 7 A. RusseU, tea-dealer
18 Dr. John Easton
19 Captain David Brown of Park
20 J. Wood, of Hercules Insurance
21 Thomas Tweedie, esq.
23 ^Villiara Gourlay, esq.
24 Mrs AUan INI'Dowal
25 James Pillans, esq
26 Rev. Arch. Bennie
27 John Macfie, esq.
28 John Mill, esq. merchant
29 Henry Scott, esq.
30 Reverend John M'GUchrist
31 iVIrs K. Craig
32 Alexander Berwick, esq.
33 Lieutenant-Colonel S. Martin
34 Major William Yule
1 Cn/e Royal Tavern, P. Dewar
3 George White, printer
3 R. Wallace and Co. printers
3 D.Maclachlan, National Bank
3 J. I\Iorison, National Bank
6 Wm. Drummond, wine-merch.
6 A. Robertson (British Lin. Co.)
6 D.Thomson (British Linen Co )
7 JamesGray (British Linen Co.)
R. S. Wilson (Royal Bank)
Alex. Hay (Register Office)
3 A. Fontaine and Son, tailors
3 J. F. Tress, tea-dealer
3 John Baxter, slater
3 Charles Lammond, tailor
4 Alexander Aitchison, baker
5 T. Paterson, grocer
7 Arch. I-^'erguson, Ship tavern
7 Edward Thomson, tailor
7 William Dickson, teacher
7 3Irs Dickson, lodgings
8 Thomas Gray, flesher
9 Thomas Lauder, baker
11 A. Templeton, spirit-merchant
12 John M'Hutcheon, poulterer
13 Thomas Wilkie, bookbinder
GahrieVs road
•John Greenlaw, tavern
Mrs. Hossack, vintner
Mrs. W. Reid, printer
Bell & Co. lithographic printers
John Anderson, jeweller
James Dow, spirit-dealer
I John Swales, tavern
3 IMiss Webster, lodgings
3 David Thomson, tailor
6 Alex Donaldson, bootmaker
7 Robert Morris, stationer
1 1 George Vallance, glover
13 John Butter, jewel-case maker
16 John Marshall, plumber
15 John Gunn, shoemaker
17 Robert Galloway, bookbinder
19 John Arthur, clothier
20 Chalmers& Son, carv. &gilders
21 Brodie and Hume, plumbers
25 P. Corstorphine jun. bootmaker
27 A. Crichton, Lithograph, printer
29 James M'Gregor, watchmaker
31 "\A"illiam Ross, bootmaker
35 John Anderson, jeweller
62 Rob. M'Laren, wine-merchant

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