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[ 13S ]
Thotnhill, at Mliler'sj Klng-ftreet, on Friday, once a fortnight,
an3 at Mrs: Johnfton's, High-flr^et; arrive on VVednefday, and
aepart on Thurfday.
Whiihurn and Blackburn^ at Fulton's, Spoutmouth, and at Miller's,
. 40, Kin^-ftreet; arrive and depart on Friday, ,
Wijhaiu^ at Reid's, St.- Andrew's lane, on Friday, and at Campbell's,
343, GalIowgate,«arrive and depart an Monday and Wednefday.
No. A. Stands firft door above the Meal- Market, Montrofe-ftreet;
Key to be found in Patrick Smith's, Slater, Old Grammar
School Wynd.
No. B. Stands clofe by the Potato- Marketj Key to be found with
Edward Douglas, ii4,Troiigate, and in the Clerks' Chamber.
No. C. Stands clofe by the Potato- Market; Key to be found in the
howfe of Thomas Fleriiing, flater, Barbers' land, Saltmarketa
No. D, Stands clofe by the Meal Market, Montrofe-flrcet; Key
to be found in the houfe of Alexander Wiifon, flater, ao4,
George- ftreet.
No, K Stands clofe by the Potato- Market; Key to be found- with
James Sommerville, Back- Wynd.
No. F. Stands ciofe by the. Potato-Market ; Key to be found with
Edward Douglas, 124, Trongate, where keys may be had for
all the Engines.
Four Large Caflcs for fupplying the Engines with water, {land at
the North Enci of the Wynd Church; Keys to be found as above.
Glafgow Fire Infurance Company's Engines, ftand in clofs, 116,
Trongate; Keys to be found with W. Wiifon, Z06, George-ftreet,
in the Police Office, the Fire Office, and in the Police Boix, at the
bead of the Old Wynd.
Mctnagers of the POLICE of the City of Glasgom.
THE Lord Provoft, three Baillies, Dean of Guild and Deacon
Convener ex offidis, and twenty-four Commiffioncrs, chofen by Inhab-
itants poffeffing houfes of ;£ 10. yearly rent and upwards. The Fui'.ds
for defraying the Expencc to be raifed in the following manner.
I An annual ajjejfment not
At 4U "and under 61. fte: ling yearly, - 4d. per pound fterling,
At 61. and under roK dp. - 6d. . do.
At lol. and under 15I. do, - pd. do.
And at 15 Lfterling yearly or upwards, lad. do.
The City is divided into twenty-fniir Wards, or Diftridls; under
the infpe<5li;m -f twenty-fAu' Commifli.3ners, chofen upon the firft
Monday of September n^ nually. Mr. jamcs" Mitchell, Mailer of
Police; 15 Officers, 3 of 'whom are Conftables; 74 Watchmen,
and 14 Scavenger?,
A Condable with four of the jbove Officers attend regtilarly
at the Police Offic'e, Candleriggs, to call the r( 11 of the Watchmen,
half an hour \tioxt they take ihevr ftation, and mark fucbi

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