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[ 126]
/. J.
a. For every Cart Load of Sugar to the Stockwell and
CJueen-ftreet Sugar Houfes, -when taken off with a crane o 7
3. For 2 puncheons of beans or meal, or 2 yarn bales, or
any other large calk about i ton weight, or a cart load of cork,
as much as can be laid on for the fame diftance, as above - 1 %
4. For every other place of delivery within the Royalty or
Kewtown, per cart load - - - \ %
5. For every I o bolls of oats, beans ^nd wheat, and every 8
bolls of barley, to all the Granaries at the Broomiela-w, Jamai-
ca-ftreet, Grahamfton, Stockwell and Argyll-ilrect, the Cnr-
ters always finding fufficient bags, and carrying the whole of
their load up one ftory, or into a ground fiat, without any
affiftance from the employer, per cart - - 1 O
6. When the cart load is tobecanieu yp mcrethanone ftory,
the employer fhall pay the Carter per cart, an additional O ^
But in this laft cafe the Carter may carry up the half of
the load at his own exp^nce, the employer being at the expence
©f the other half
7. For every cart load of Grain to any other part of the
Royalty or Newtown than is above fiated , - - IS
The carriage in this laft cafe to be fubjecfl to the above
Regulations as to delivery up one ftory or inro a ground fiat,
cr up more than one ftory.
8. Carters employed to remove furniture or fimilar articles,
that require long time to load and unload, Ihall be paid for
the firft hour they are fo employed, and fo proportionally
for each cart - - - - - I ©
And for every other hour, and fo proportionally, for each
cart - - - - - - 09
The Carter, In fuch cafes, fhall always aiTift in loading and unload-
ing, but to remain always by his Cart.
In all cafes Carters are to load and unload fuch -articles on their
Carts, as they are capable of doing; and in other inftances, they
fhall aflift in loading and unloading their Carts.
. All fuch quantities as are to be confidered as a fingle Cart load,
and likewife all rates of fares, not before fpecially provided for, in
cafe of any difpute concerning thofe between the Carter and his
employer, fhall be fectled by the fitting magiftrate.
No Carters, or fervants of Carters, flvall exadi higher fares than
thofe before fpecified, under the penalty of five ftiillings for each
offence, to be levied by a fummary warrant from any of the Magi-
Urates of Glafgovv^, and by imprifonment till payment of the fines.
"be made, bcfidcs fdrfeiting the fares overcharged.
Enafled to be paid by the Shippers of Goods npon the River Clyde,
by an A6t of the MagiftYates and Town Council of Glafgow,
dated 2 2d. December, i8oz.
.Anchors per ton, 5s. Afhes, per birrelj jd. Allum, per ton, in
hhdsj c?r bulk, 3?. 6d.

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