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3d. Every Carter who shall refuse to work when not engaged,
t>r who shall demand higher Fares than those specified in the fore-
going Table, shall be liable to a penalty of ten shillings for each
offence. And every Carter who says he is engaged, shall, upba
being asked, specify the person by whom, and the hour at which
he is engaged, and he shall not refuse to be employed ifl the inter-
val between the time he is so asked, and the hour of his engage-
ment, under a penalty - : ttn shillings for each offence.
4th. Every Carter shall be furnished with, and shall always
carry about with him a copy of these Regulations and Fares, which
he shall produce and shew, when required, to his employers, under
a penalty of ten shillings for each offence. And,
Lastly, Every Carter is hereby enjoined, suictly to attend and
conform to the Regulations in the Act 12 Gee. III. Cap. 45, also
to the Regulations with regard to the carriage of limber, in the
Act 33d. Geo. III. Cap. 104, under the several penalties therein,
Extracted from the Records of Council, by
To be paid by Shippers of Goods upon the River Clyde»
commencing 2d July, 1810.
Anchors, per ton, 6s. 6d. — Alum, per ton, in hhds. or bulk, 5s.
6d. — Aquafortis, turpentine, vitriol, cVe. in bottles and baskets, Is.
■ — Ashes, per barrel lOd.
Boilers, cast metal, per ton, 7s. Gd. — Bark, per ton, 7s. 6d.— But-
ter, per ton, 6s. — Bread, in bags, per ton. 7s.-— Beef, per tierce,
10d.— Barley, per boll, 5d. — per bag of 2& cwt. 8d.— Brazil, per
pocket, 8d. and 9d. — Bricks or tiles, per thousand, 12s, — Bottles,
per gross, 9d.
Canvas yarn, per bale, Is, — Carpets, 12 pieces, per bale, Ss.-^—
Coals, per large hhd. Ss. 6d. — per ordinary, 3s. — per cart, 2s. — Cop-
per in sheets, per ton, 5s. — in vessels, per ton, 6s. — Cordage, pet-
ton, 8s.— -Cork, per ton, 15s.— Cudbear, per ton, 6s., 6d. — Cheese,
per ton, 5s. — Cotton, per bag, from 2 to 3 cwt. Is. 6d. — per bag,
upwards of 3 cwt. Is. 8d. — per pocket, each 6d. — Cotton-bagging,
per 4 piece bale, Is. 3d. — Candles, per box, large, 3^d. small 2-§d.
Dry Goods, per puncheon, 2s. 6d. — per hhd. .3s. 9d. — Large box ?
1?. 9d. — ordinary do, Is. 3d. — do. under three feet, Is.
'Empty Casks, to pay h-ilf freight
Flour, per bag, 8d. — per b?.: re!, 6d. — Flax Seed,per*hhd. Is. 3d.
— Fruit, per chest, !0d. — per half chest, Si. — Fustic, pe* ton, 6s.-» •
Figs, per frail, 1 \ i.
Gabert Freight, per ton, register, 4s.-*-Guns and shot, per ton,
5*8. — Gaberts of 50 or 60 tons, loaded to or from Greenock to a

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