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Fdrish of
Haddow W. M., e'eetrician, st An-
drew's st
Halilnirtoii Thos., gjfouud officer,
Hl'lfoot st
Hall Johi, gardeii'^r, Kea"n coill i
Halliday James, auctio'icr, I,
Haniil .on Jas., 1 ujour 'j-, james st
Hamilton Ja-,, lithogra >. er, Queen
Hamilton Josep''. retir )d merchai,t
Hunter sfc.. K,
Hamilton Win., Iibiurer, jame?? st
Hindlev Thos. , manufacturer, I.
Hardie T. Mxrtin, p<iorliouse ^-ov-
ernor, A eKandria st
Hardin 7 Edward, hotel keeper,
Queen's kotei, K,
Harkness Adam, glass mercUaut
Harknes 5 Duncan, lab mrer, Miil st
Harkness G., shoemaker, Ar^^yli st
Harkness Thomas, paiater, Hunter
St., K.
Harper Alex, mercliant, james sfc
Hams John, bootmaker, John st;
Harrison H mry, minister, Kilbride
Harvey Pet«r, niasun, Duke st
Harvey Boot., firm r. Toward
Harvey Tho?,, piermaster, T, ■
Hay Gdorge, slater, jane st
Hay Jas, , minister, fiasei uid, H. Q
Hay John, dairyman, low john st
Hay John, tisti buyer, M'Archur st
Hajr K -bt. slater, Hiilfoot st
Hay Samuel, merchant, Queen st
H lyes Hy«. hotel keeper, west Bay
Hazell Heury, groc.:;r, Edward st
Headrich John, minister, 8.
Heath Joseph, cabman, Hiilfoot st
Heenan David, labourer, S.
Henderson A., feuar, Blair lodge K,
Henderson James, gardener, suore
st IL
Hen lerson E< bjrt, minister, L
H«aderson Wm., shoemaker, I.
Henderson W,, gardener, Hunter^s
Hend-y Chirles, trader, Mad^^ira
bmk, il. Q.
Hen Iry G ^or re Scot'-, plumber-, L
H iunan Al xaader, libourc^r, T.
He bur i Wm., gardener, Eric it
bulk, K.
Hi'wetson James, shepherd, eleii-
m issen
Higgins Di'iiel, joiner. Queen st
H:g,dns H ' iry, warehouseman, 1.
Higgias William, M 11 st
Hill Dune m, slatei-, Edward st
Holburn Jn. M.. grocer, Edward st
H<j ne Wm.j accountant, Manor
Pirk. I.
Hope Alex., ploughma i, or '.hard
Hop ' Wiiliani, joiner, S.
Hopkin Jas,, tinso ifcu, Cromwell st
Hopkirk Rot., fiskm ongei-, Argyll st
Horn David, joiner^ west Bay
Horton Hy., butter, Erickc bank, K^
Hortoffi William, gunoiake , S,
Huust m Alex., warehous^m-an,
A-ihbank, 1.
Houston George, merchant, Mill st
Houstt 21 John, shoemaker, m Itou
Houston John, blacksmith. Kirk st
Houston John, shoemaker, Queen st
houstoa W,, merchant, Hanover st
Howie MattlieWj grocer, mlltoot eft
Humphreys Hobtrt, joiner, S.
Hunter Andrew, planter, Bullwood
Hunter Douglas, clerk^ Hunter st
Hunter Jan?e', burgh, collector, D.
Huater Jas., engiaver, M*Arthur st
Hunter Ju., painter, Madeira bank,
H. Q.
Hunter John, grocer, seaford, I.
Hunt -r John, retired merchant
Labrador, L
Hunter John, steward, S.
Hunter E,obt, clothier, Ashbank, I"
Hunter liobt., wood mercnaut, S.
Hunter Wm., libourer, low John st
Hunter Wm., commission agent,
Hutcheson Jas., carriage hirer, S
Hutcheso 1 Jos., merchant, park rd
Hutckeson Robert, gardeiitr, The

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