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£72,781 a year more ; added to which is an Annuity Business of very
considerable magnitude — the Annuities now payable by the Company
amounting to upwards of £11,000 per annum.
In reliance upon these facts, therefore, the Scottish Board of Di-
rectors respectfully invite the public to favour the Company with a
portion of their patronage. They do not lay claim to any exclusive
information. They do not profess to work cheaper than their com-
petitors ; but they do undertake to have both the disposition and the
means to discharge cheerfully all claims under their Policies, and to
give to those who do business with them the security they seek.
The Board are invested with the absolute power of dealing with
and deciding on all Proposals to, or Claims on, the Company in Scot-
land, and with the Investment of Funds raised in Scotland, on such
.securities as they may select or approve. All the Policies they may
issue, whether against Fire or upon Life, will be treated as of Scot-
tish origin exclusively. Thus the advantages of local knowledge,
influence, and responsibility are combined for the Public of Scotland
with the undoubted security afforded by the Capital, Resources, and
Connexions of the whole Company.
In particular, the business in Scotland will be conducted on the
following principles : — ■
1. — The Head-office for Scotland will be in Glasgow, where all
Policies will be issued, and where they may be assigned or surren-
dered, and enforced or paid — thus obviating the necessity, incident
to the Policies of English Companies generally, of seeking redress
according to the forms and in the Courts of English Law, and ex-
empting the Representatives of deceased Holders of Policies on their
own Lives from being obliged to obtain, at great expense, Probates,
or Letters of Administration, from the English Ecclesiastical Courts.
The difficulties and inconvenience of effecting Transfers of Life Poli-
cies in England will thus be avoided ; and all business with the Com-
pany in Scotland may be transacted with the same readiness and
despatch as if the Company were strictly a Scotch Company.
2. — The whole practical details of the business in Scotland will be
conducted in accordance with the usages of the leading Scotch Com-
panies, so as to remove any difference in reference to Quarter-days,
or otherwise, which obtains in the two countries in Insurance busi-
3. — Instead of withdrawing all the earnings of the Company in
Scotland for Investment in England, as is usual with most English
Companies, the Company will invest Funds on such Securities as may
be selected or approved of by the Scottish Board.
4. — The Company having reserved Shares of their original Capital
Stock for the purpose of allotment to Persons who are influential and
able to extend the business of the Company, the Scottish Board will
be prepared to issue, on very favourable terms, to Parties in Scotland,
Shares proportioned in number to the extent of business such Parties
may be able to command.
On all subjects connected with the business of the Company in
Scotland the fullest information can be had, on application at the
Offices, Mansion House, Gkeenock, and to the Agents elsewhere.
May, 1857. Resident Secretary.

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