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Lorlge No. 320 meets first F"riday in each month.
Lodge No. 334 meets first Thursday in each month.
Lodge No. 335 meets last Friday in each month.
Lodge No. 336 meets third Friday in each month.
Lodge No. ^;^'j meets second Friday in each month.
Lodge No. 339 meets third Monday in each month.
lAxlge No. 340 meets second Thursday in each month.
Lodge No. 343 (Goufock) meets second Friday in each month.
Lodge No. 345 (Rothesay) meets first Friday in each month.
Lodge No. 505 meets first Tuesday in each month.
Lodge No. 699 meets first Monday in each month.
Royal Black Preceptories.
(Being higher degrees of Orangeism. )
St. George's R.B.P., No. 164 (in connection with which there is a
well-stocked Library for the use of the members), meets last Tuesday of
each month. Alexander Martin, Sir Knight W.M. ; Jame-. Cooper,
Sir Knight Registrar ; mem])ership, 60.
Wickliffe R.B.P., No. 221, meets third Tuesday of each month.
John xM'Keever, Sir Knight \V.M.;Geo. Paterson, Sir Knight Registrar;
meml)ership, 40.
Consists of five Lodges, with 675 members. The officers of the
district for the present year are : — Grand Master, Thomas D. Rorison,
24 Roxburgh Street; Deputy (kand Master. Duncan George M'Farlane,
73 Ann Street, Greenock ; Corresponding Secretary, Alexander M'Far-
lane, 12 Lynedoch Street, Greenock.
Banks of Clyde, 174 members, instituted 1838 — Meets every alternate
Monday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Hugh Graham, jun.,
19 South Street, secretary.
James Watt, 134 members, instituted 1839 — Meets every alternate
Monday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Samuel Currie, 60 Kelly
Street, secretary.
Highland Mary, 74 members, instituted 1840 — Meets every alternate
Friday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Robert Rae, 16 Crescent
Street, secretary.
Newark, Port-Glasgow, 81 memliers, instituted 1839 — Meets in
Oddfellows' Hall, Gillespie's Lane, every fourth Monday evening. John
Grieve, Chapel Lane, Port-Glasgow, secretary.
Helensburgh, 230 members, instituted 1841 — Meets in Oddfellows'
Hall, Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh, every alternate Tuesday. Wm.
M'Millan, 12 Sinclair Street, Helensburgh, secretary.

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