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Mrs F. B. Sharp, Mrs J. Walker ; Committee of Management, Mrs Don, Mrs
Anstruther Duncan, *Miss Garriock, Miss Gilroy, D. M. Greig, F.R.C.S.Ed.,.
*Mrs Kuenen, Miss Leng, Mrs Carlaw Martin, Mrs MacEwan, Mrs N. K.
Mackenzie, Mrs W. Mackenzie, Dr A. M. Moorhead, George Ogilvie, Miss
Ogilvie, *Miss Oliphant, Mrs Polack, F. B. Sharp, *Mrs F. B. Sharp, *Mrs A.
Shepherd, *Miss Campbell Smith, Miss Small, Professor Stalker, M.D.>
Professor DArcy W. Thompson, C.B., *Dr E. C. Thomson, W. R. H.
Valentine, *Mrs J. "Walker, *Miss M. L. Walker, Mrs Weinberg, Mrs Mackie
Whyte ; Medical Officers, Dr Emily C. Thomson, Dr Alice M. Moorhead |
Nurse-Matron, Miss Clark ; Secretary, Miss M. L. Walker, 9 Wellington
street. (Those marked * are members of House Committee.)
ROYAL LUNATIC ASYLUM (1812).— Extraordinary Directors— Ex officiis
— Earl of Strathmore, Captain Sinclair, M.P., James Ferguson, K.C., Edmund
Robertson, M.P., Alexander Wilkie, MP., the Moderator of Synod of Angus
and Mearns. Directors for Life — Earl of Camperdown, Captain Clayhills
Henderson, Henry M'Grady, William Hunter. Ordinary Directors — Ex-officiis
— Lord Provost Longair, Bailie Martin, and Lord Dean of Guild Dickie. Nina
Trades — J. A. Kidd, James Binny, W. S. Nicoll. Three Trades — William
Foggie. Guildry — James Mitchell, John B. Haj 7 , William Nicoll, Hugh
Ballingall. Seamen Fraternity — Captain William Kilgour. Mason Lodges —
George Beattie. Kirk-Session — Rev. J. M. Benson, Thos. Russell. Presby-
tery — Rev. W. Wright, Lochee, and Rev. Dr Cameron. County Council—
W. F. Bell, James Miller, D. MTntyre, Wm. Smith. Royal Infirmary —
Alex. Campbell, M.D., Wm. Low, A. B. Gilroy, David MacEwan, M.D.,
J. N. Smith, Rev. G. R. Macphail, Principal Mackay, J. W. Fleming, Lord
Provost Longair (Chairman of Directors). Committee of Management —
A. B. Gilroy, Chairman ; W. F. Bell, William Hunter, J. W. Fleming,
J. B. Hay, and William Foggie. Treasurer— D. M'Intyre, C.A., 13 Albert
square. Secretary — Robert C. Walker, 5 Whitehall street.
LONGMORE HOSPITAL— Founded 1874.— The Hospital is open for the
reception of incurable patients from all parts of the country. Has accom-
modation for 150 patients, including 6 private rooms, and 6 wards for cancer
cases. Local Treasurer in Dundee — James Low, Town and County Bank, Ltd.
Secretary and Treasurer— Walter Macgregor, F.S., LA., 32 York place,
HOME FOR INCURABLES, King Street court.— This Institution has
accommodation for 22 Females. Five of the beds are endowed. Applications
for admission to be sent to the sister in charge of St Mary's, 10 King street,
Treasurer. Bishop of Brechin, Chaplain.
BALDOVAN ASYLUM (1855).— For the treatment, education, and train-
ing of Imbecile Children of both sexes. Under the patronage of the King and
Queen. Patrons — Earl of Strathmore, Earl of Camperdown, Lord Provost of
Dundee. Trustees under the constitution, Sir Reginald H. A. Ogilvy, Bart,
of Baldovan, Major A. H. R. Ogilvy, D.S.O., Bishop of Brechin, Rev. Dr
Colin Campbell, Rev. R. Spenser Ritchie, Rev. R. Lorimer, M.A., Rev. J. G.
Simpson, M.A., Dr Greig, D. H. Littlejohn; Board of Directors, Sir Reginald
H. A. Ogilvy, Bart. (Chairman), Major A. H. R. Ogilvy, D.S.O., Right Rev.
Bishop Robberds, Rev. R. Spenser Ritchie, Rev. R. Lorimer, M.A., Very
Rev. Provost Mackenzie, M.A., Dr Greig, D. H. Littlejohn, H. T. N.
Hamilton Ogilvy, Rev. Canon Mackness, D.D., Herbert K. Ogilvy, W.S.,
Rev. Canon Burdon, Rev. William Charles Wood, B.A., Rev. D. Harrower
Lochhead, Rev. W. Lyall Wilson, M.A.
Medical Superintendent, Dr Greig ; Secretaries and Treasurers, Nicholson
& Marquis, 32 Castle street ; Matron Superintendent, Miss A. O. Henry.

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