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TECHNICAL INSTITUTE.— Trustees— Sir David Baxter's Testament
Trustees, Sir William Dalgleish, Bart., Edward A. Baxter, George W. Bax
Official Trustees— Captain Sinclair, M.P. ; Sir John Leng, M.P. ;
Robertson, LL.D., M.P. ; Sheriff J. Comrie Thomson; Sheriff J. Camp
Smith, LL.D.; Lord Provost M' Grady ; Lord Dean of Guild Brown Roberts!
A. H. Moncur, Chairman of School Board ; Rev. D. B. Cameron, Chairman
School Committee of School Board; J. C. Methven, President, ChamJ
of Commerce; George Ritchie; George R. Merry, M.A., LL.D., Recto:
High School.
Committee. — From the Institute Trustees — Sir James Low, Alex. ,
Moncur, J. Stevenson, William Henderson, George R. Merry, LL.I
Rev. Dr Grant, John Munro. From University College — Profes
Fidler, Professor Walker, Professor Kuenen, George Scott; the Princi
of the College, ex officio. From the Dundee Burgh School Board— B
D. B. Cameron, Rev. H. Williamson. From the Town Council — Gee
Ritchie, William Doig. From the Dundee High School— W. R. H. Valenti
From the Trades Council— Peter Reid, Alexander M'Farlane. From'
Amalgamated Society of Engineers, &c. — John Lindsay.
Board of Studies.— Professor Steggall, M.A., F.R.S.E. ; Professor Jai
Walker, Ph.D., D.Sc. ; Professor T. Claxton Fidler, M.Inst. C.E.; Profes
Kuenen, Ph.D.; John M'Cowan, M.A., D.Sc; Thos. Reid, J. W. Kipp
JohnLumsden, D.Sc, Ph.D.; J. K. Wood, B.Sc; George Malcolm, E
H. Fraser, A. L. Peacock, Thomas Ferguson, Joseph Thompson, F.
Young, F.R.S.E. ; T. D. Dunn, J. M. Malloch, Jas. Bremner, Da
Ireland, John Foggie, F.C.S.; James Bell, M.I.E.E.; J. F. Dick.
Teaching Staff. — Mathematics, J. W. Kippen ; Arithmetic, Evan H. Fras
Theoretical Mechanics, John M'Cowan, M. A.; Magnetism and Electricity, Jc
M'Cowan, D.Sc; Chemistry, John Lumsden, Ph.D., and J. K. Wood; Ass
ant, John Foggie ; Applied Mechanics, J. M. Malloch ; Steam and Median: jfl
Engineering, Thomas Reid ; Graphic Sciences and Carpentry and Joinery, G
Malcolm ; Plumber Work, A. L. Peacock, W. Fenwick, and John Foggie, F. C.
Textile Fabrics, Thomas Ferguson ; Telegraphy, James Bell ; Art, T. Delg
Dunn ; Cabinetmaking, D. Ireland ; Wood Carving, J. Bremner ; Paint
Work, Joseph Thomson and two assistants ; Textile School of Design, Thoi
Secretary, R N. Kerr, F.E.I. S. ; Treasurers, Shiell & Small, 5 Bli
street ; Porter, Alexander Hodge.
HIGH SCHOOL.— Directors— Ex officiis—Lord Provost M 'Grady, B
Dr Colin Campbell, Lord Dean of Guild Robertson. From the Town Counci
D. H. Ferrier, William Longair, Alex. Speed, Patrick Murison, Geo. Ritcl
Alex. Elliot. From the Subscribers — Wm. Robertson, Charles C. Dune!
Hugh Ballingall, James Logie, Robert Murdoch, Fulton Spiers, Victor Fraer
Elected under Act 1882— John Henderson, W. R, H. Valentine, Rudo
Polack, J. B. Macdonald, William Hunter. Rector— George Ross Mei
M.A., Oxon., LL.D.
Teachers— English, John B. Charles, M.A. ; Mathematics, William
Crawford, M. A., B.Sc ; Classics, Adam Wilson, M. A., LL.D. ; German, Alt '
Imper ; French, H. Durlac, Officier d'Acadeinie ; Writing, Book-keeping, i
Phonography, George D. Brown, M.A., and Richard Scott; Draw
and Painting, Wm. M. Grubb ; Science, Frank W. Young, F.R.S.E., F.C.
Mechanics, J. Y.Gray; Music, David Ferrier; Singing, Hans Gaertni
Needlework, Miss Matthew ; Calisthenics, Alexander Sturrock.
Treasurer, John Mess, C.A., 13 Albert square ; Secretary, John L. Stev
son, 20 Castle street ; Janitor, James Scott, High School buildings.

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