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3 Dunlop, Win. merchant
4 Gibson, M. harbour master
5 Mabon, A. B.
. Sturrock, J. brassfounder
7 Whitelaw, Win. bootmaker
9 Johnston, J. B. spirit dealer
Greenside Bow.
4 Dickson, Hen. coppersmith
6 Armstrong, Wni. joiner
7 Mather, Thos. jun. vet. sur.
11 Horn, Alex, letter carrier
12 Taylor, Thomas jun. paper
St Andrew Street.
1 Smart, John, boot maker
- Thomson, W. & J. uphol-
- Rettie, James, spirit dealer
2 Brown, John, tailor
- Anderson, Wm. coach hirer
- Traquair, Wm. W.S.
- Newlands, James, architect
- Wilson, Patrick, architect
3 Goodsir, Alex. sec. of the
British Linen Co. Bank
4 Scott & Balderston, W.S.
- Taylor, Wm. W.S.
- Walker, John, W.S.
- Brand, Wm. W.S.
5 Simpson's Hotel
6 Tod, Hugh, W.S.
7 Clerk, Rev. Tho. D.D.
- Rutherford, Miss
8 Blackburn, Mrs, sen. of
11 Rutherford, John W.S.
12 Watson, Jas. writing master
— Douglas, Jas. teach, of Eng.
— Grieve, Mrs James
— Bruce, Alex, writer
— Milne, Alexander
14 United Service Club
15 Renton, Jas. accountant
16 Mitchell, Mrs
17 Wighton, A. G. jeweller
18 Jardine, James, engineer
— Jardine, W. A. surveyor
19 Hamilton, R. bookseller
— Dibdin, Henry, E. teacher of
harp, &c.
— Wright, P. linen merchant
20 Btichan, Miss
21 Walker, James, W.S.
22 Noble, Mrs James, lodgings
— Nicolson, Mrs, teacher of
23 M'Kenzie, J. & Logan, W.S.
24 Sband,Calder, and Farquhar,
— Palladium Insurance Office
— Webster, William, writer
25 M'Pherson, Mrs, lodgings
25 Kidsten, Alexr.
26 Robertson, Alex, music seller
27 Stirling, General Graham
28 M Nei 1, Alex, advocate
29 Metcalf, Bartholomew, and
Law, milliners
30 M'Kenzie, Mrs C. lodgings
31 Murray, James T. W.S.
32 Menzies & M'Conocbie, W.S.
— Menzies, Allan, W.S.
33 Douglas, Lady Grace
34 Johnston, Henry
35 Smith and Kinnear, W.S.
— Gentle, James, W.S.
36 Jamieson, Alexander, acct.
— M'Kenzie, Kenneth, acct.
37 M'Kay, Mrs, lodgings
38 Reid, Gilfillan, fishmonger
— Cunning, Wm. ironmonger
Frederick Street intersects.
40 Thomas, Miss
41 Smith, C. H. I. garden
— Flint, Thomas, class rooms
42 Davidson, Charles, F. W. S.
43 Craigie, Dr David, physician
41 Cumming, Hop. Mrs Lesslie
45 Scott, John, M.D. F.R.C.S.
46 Inglis and Burns, W.S.
— Duncan, James, W.S.
47 Neaves, Charles, D.C.J.
48 Young, Mrs Alexr.
49 Taw»e, John, advocate
— Tawse, J. W. W.S.
— Society for Promoting Chris-
tian Knowledge
50 Cunningham, James, W.S.
5t Watson, Alexr. surgeon
52 Simp«on, J. Y. Dr
— M'Neill, Sir John, G. C. B.
54 A i ns) if, David
55 Stewart, Mis3
56 Hargitt, H. professor of music
— Forrester, Mrs, teacher of
— Stevenson, James, of Courant
57 Clason, Andrew, W.S.
58 Robertson, J. A. M. D.
59 Reid, Robert, dentist
Castle Street intersects.
60 Hope, Andrew, flesher
Tran, Miss, green grocer
CariTjichael, Mrs, R. poulterer
61 M'Gillvray, Duncan, tailor
Keith, George, S. M.D.
62 Halkett, Mrs
Cofnillon, H. teacher of french
63 M'Kenzie, D. advocate
64 Wemyss, Right Hon. Earl of
65 Hogue, R.ibt. surgeon dentist
66 Stewart, Mrs Shaw
67 Utterson, Mrs
68 Ranken, Thomas, S.S.C.
69 Dalmahoy and Wood, W.S.
69 Dalmahoy, Patrick, W.S.
70 British Hotel, J. H. Barry
72 Hopetoun Rooms
73 Pitcairn, Robert, W. S.
— Calvin Translation Soc. Off.
74 Bowie, William
/5 Veitch, James
76 Brown, Thomas J.
— Rose, Miss
— Lines, Wm. (Union Bank)
— Blake, John, music seller
— Blake, Misses, music teachers
77 Aitchison and Sons, confrs.
78 Carson & Pinker ton, painters
_ Kennedy, J. ironmonger
— Graham, Wm. academy
— Thorn, Alexander, druggist
79 Wilson, John, bootmaker
Macintyre, Archd. grocer
Jamieson, John, fishmonger
Ramsay, Mrs, grei-n grocer
Martin, T. and son, flesher
Muirhead, Charles, poulterer
From 69 Shore to TolLooth Wd.
2 Innes, John, spiiit dealer
5 M'Dougall, Margaret, spirit
7 Buchanan, Wm. stone wareb.
14 Dover, Andrew, shoemaker
18 White, Adam, and Co. mers.
21 Wishart, Js. and Son, mers.
24 M'Nab, Mrs, lodgings
26 Graham, Ann, spirit dealer
28 Lawrence, Mrs John, spirit
29 White, Robert, joiner
31 Thomson, Alex, manager
33 Tod, John, flesher
West end of Princes Street.
1 M'Farlane, John, coach hirer
— Hepburn, George, agent
— M'Combie, Miss, lodgings
— M'Leunan, Mrs, sick nurse
2 Thomson, George, bootm.
— Tait, John R. baker
3 Johnstone, Alexander, flesher
4 Campbell, Thomas, flesher
— Baird, William, plasterer
— Simpson, A. shoemaker
— Wood, John, lodgings
5 M'Lean, Charles, grocer
6 Murray, Robert, fishmonger
— Tolleith, J. gunsmith
7 Carfrae, William, saddler
8 Rodgers, James, smith
— Aikman, John and Son,
9 Finlayson, William, builder
— Tait, John R. baker
— Magan, Miss
10 Stirling, R. horse dealer, lane
— ■ Stewart, John, slater, lane

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