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M'Pherson Mrs M. lodgings, 1 Broughton pi,
Mrs Cath. green-grocer, 6 Tobago st.
Mrs C. ladies' nurse, Kyle place.
Mrs, losings, 25 Queen street
Mrs Captain, Greenhill bank
' Mrs, dairy, 4 Barony street
Christian, spirit d. 1 w. Richmond st.
* Miss, stocking grafter, 6 Duncan place
• Miss, dressmaker, 1 Archibald place
MThie, Donild, lodgings, 6 Charlotte pi.
Macqueen, George, of Justiciary office, 4 Salis-
bury street
John, haberdasher, 29 w. Nicolson street
John, warehouseman, 51 N. bridge —
house, 3 Montagu street
* John, gardener, 3 Cannon street
Ken. H.E.I.C.S. 9 Royal circus
Win. {Macqueen s hotel,) 8 Princes st.
M'Queen, Alex, spirit-dealer, 76 Northum-
berland Street
Macquoy, Wm. fern band maker, 315 Canon-
M'Quillen, Wm. silk dyer and scourer, 4
Portland place
M'Rae, Dr John, R.N. Comely green crescent
John, grocer, 2 Clarence street
. Ken. wine and spirit mercht. 45 Nicolson
street — h. 11 W. Richmond st.
* Rod. spirit-dealer, 6 Dock place
Macrae, Jn. A., LL.D. W.S., 32 G. King st.
Macredie, Alex. 69 Northumberland st.
M 'Ritchie, Bayley, & Henderson, W.S. 11
Royal Exchange
* John, 68 Constitution street
Thos. Elder, of Craigton, W.S.I J Royal
Exchange — house, 4 Gayfield sq.
W. D.,M.D. 2 Morningside place
* Mrs, spirit dealer, 67 Kirkgate
Mrs John, of Craigton, 4 Gayfield square
M'Sporran, Archd. writer, 11 Norton place
M'Vean, Peter, spirit dealer, 1 s. Richmond st.
Miss Susan, 1 Rankeillor street
*M'Vicar, Alex, shipmaster, 55 Kirkgate
M'Vie, Mrs Isabella, cowfeeder, 121 Canon- !
. .s ate
M'Vitie, Robert, provision shop, 129 Rose st.
& 11 Charlotte place — ho. 3 Hope st.
M'Whea, Mrs, dressmaker, 6S Cumberland st.
M'VVhinnie, Mrs, dressmaker, 31 Nicolson st. |
Macwhirter, Dr John, F.R.C.P. & F.R.S.E. 4
Ainslie place
Mrs, 6 Roxburgh street
*M'William, John, spirit dealer, 1 Cable
Robert, writer, 1 1 Leopold place
William, vintner, Newhaven
■ ■ William, printer, 2 Salisbury square
Maben, John, accountant, 8 St David st.
Mrs, Agnes, 2 Lauriston place
MaboD, A. B. manager, Hull & Leith Ship.
Co. 5 Queen place
*Mabon, Mrs, 4 Pitt street
Magan, Miss, 9 Queensferry street
Maidment, Jas. esq. advocate, 3 London st.
Mail Coach Office, Royal, 1 Catharine street
Main and Shanks, bootmakers, 5 Catharine st.
Edward, seal, silver, and copperplate
engraver, 60 Leith street
. James, bootmaker, 12 Elm row — house,
LarkSeld cottage
* George, hairdresser, 81 Shore
. Robert, late teacher, 39 St Leonard st
Peter, esq. Moredun, Spring Gardens
Mrs Thomas, 22 Caltonhill
Mrs, midwife and nurse, 6 So. St James'
Mair, Major Arthur, 29 Abcrcromby place
James, {Gray Sr Mair,) 9 east Sciennes
Maitland, Augustus, W.S. , 46 Melville st.
Geo. F. advocate, 122 George street
Geo. R. 54 Melville street
Edward F. advocate, 13 Alva st.
Henry & Co. wine merchts. 48 Fred. st.
ho. Gogar lodge, by Hermiston
John.(aceountant) actuary, N.S. Savings
Bank, 7 Mound
John, writer, clerk of the Grand Lodge
of Scotland — ho. 9 south-east Circus pi.
Joseph, manager United Deposit Assur.
company, 2 Salisbury road
Robert, livery stable keeper, 51 Rose st.
Thos. of Dundrennan, adv. 122 Geo. st.
Miss, 9 south-east Circus place
■ Miss, 1 1 Norton place
Makellar, Rev. Dr, 8 Walker street
Arch. M.D. & F.R.C.P.E. Phys. to the
New Town Dispensary, 30 Northum-
berland street
Makgill, Mrs, 13 Rutland street
Malcolm, Alex. ( T. and A. M.) 23 Lond. st.
Dr, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., 76 George street
* James, spirit dealer, 1 Bridge street
James, S.S.C. 10 Duncan street — ho.
West Viewfield, Trinity
John, bootmaker, 27 Broughton street
Rev. John, St Mary's Catholic Church,
Broughton street
Robert, mason & contract. 3 Market st.
R. victual dealer, 26 Bread street
T. and A. music- sellers and stationers,
40 Howe street
T. ( T. and A. M.) 19 Gayfield square
Wm. painter and oil and colour man, 16
Cowgate — house, 6 Graham st.
Mrs, lodgings, 18 Charles street
* Mrs Elizabeth, London row
Maiden, James, lodgings, 14 Albany street
Malloch, Pat. & Son, map mounters, 18 Market
Manchester Fire and Life Assurance
Co. 40 York place
Mancor, Wm. musician, 4 George place
*Mann, Alex, solicitor, 10 Wellington pi.
*— — Benjamin, shipmaster, 20 Shore

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