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Gibson-Craigs, Dalziel, & Brodie, W.S.,
5 Thistle street
and Hector, W.S., 3 No. St David street
and Home, W.S. 12 S. Charlotte street
and Walker, corn merchants, 16.5 Wtst-
and Goold, agents for the Imperial Fire
and Life Insurance Co- 40 St Andrew
Adam, joiner, St Andrew's lane
Alex, wright, Low Broughton — ho. 15
Hart street
Alex, (teller British Linen Co. Bank,)
40 St Andrew square
— — Alex, warehouseman, 62 Grassmarket
Andrew, farmer, Dean park
Andrew, surveyor of buildings, 3 Castle
i Sir A. C. Maitland, bart. (of Cliftonhall,)
27 Charlotte square
A. ( W. Gibson and Son,) 10 Greenside
Arch, accountant, 4 Albyn place — ho. 2
Gloucester place
David, silk mercer, 18 South bridge — ho.
5 Roxburgh place
Francis, 1 8 Leopold place
* Geo. merchant, 27 Quality street
* Geo. & Co. merchants, 5 Wet Docks
* George, (G. G. and Co.) 5 John's pi.
George, warehouseman, Drummond st.
— ho. 70 St Leonard street
George, joiner, St Andrew's lane
* Hugh (J. G. §■ Son,) Hillhousefield
■ James, 3 Union street
James & Co. silk-dyers, scourers, and
furniture glazers, 90 Nicolson street
— James (Gibson and Co.,) 12 Minto st.
James, wright, 7 Salisbury street
James, dairy, 15 Gilmore street
John, jun. (G. and Hume,) 19 Walker
John, her Majesty's inspector of schools
for Scotland, 1 Montpelier
John, farmer, Woolmet, by Dalkeith.
John. W.S. 53 Inverleith row
* — — John, and Son, plumbers, gasfitters, gla-
ziers, &c. &c. 22 Dock st.
John of Stobwood, Gibraltar house
* Joseph & Son, merchants, 27 Quality
John, (J. G. and Son,) Trinity Villa
Mitchell, harbour mas. Leith, 4 Queen's
place, Leith walk.
* M. C. 5 John's place
P. C. surgeon, &c. 5 Union street
- — P. F. Clerk, 13 E. Adam street
Robert (sec. S. E. L. Assurance Society)
26 St Andw. square
— Thos. dairy, 9 Gilmore street
■ Wm. (G. and Walker,) 2 Keir street
l Wm. and Son, plumbers, bra^ssfounders,
and gasfitters, 8 Greenside st. — ho. 1
Gibson, Wm., corn merchant, 2 Keir street
Wm.. draper, 1 Lothian street — house,
15 Drummond street
Wm, painter and glazier, 8 Howe street
Wm. Y., agent, 17 Norton place
Mrs Agnes, 50 Cumberland St.
Mrs, 59 Frederick street
Mrs, 15 St James' square
Mrs Margaret, 129 Causeyside
Mrs, or Quern more, 15 Gloucester place
* Mrs Thos., 1 Albany street
* Mrs, lodgings, 97 Kirkgate
Mrs Jas., sen. 23 Castle street
Miss, 7 Howard place
Miss Marion, 31 India street
Misses, boarding-school, 10 Fettes row
Gifford & Son, merchants, 105 South bridge
Alex. S.S.C. & N. P. 2 Hill square-
house, 3
James, (Gifford and Son,) 11 Arnistonpl.
Gilbert, Jas. & Son, tailors & habitmakers, 37
North bridge
James, (of Gilbert 6$ Son,) Jordan Lane
* John, pawnbroker, 40 Tolbooth wynd.
— ho. 129 Constitution street
Thomas, tailor and clothier, 2 South br.
Mrs John, spirit dealer, 3 Little King
Gilchrist, Alex. S. (Stamp Office) 1 Pilrig pi.
Dr, 3 St John street
* Daniel, spirit dealer, 39 St Andrew st.
* George, house painter, 53 Kirkgate—
house 84
James, house-factor, 19 so. Richmond st.
* James, carter, 17 Cable wynd
John (Courant Office,) 28 India street
John, gardener, 119 Fountainbridge
John, (G.P. O.) 14 Middle Arthur place
Robert, printer, 9 Crichton street
* Walter, M.D. surgeon, 53 Constitution
— — Mrs, 9 Crichton street
Mrs Mary, 8 St Colme street
Giles, Mrs James, dressmaker, 50 George st.
Gilfillan, James, builder, Gibb's entry
* Robt. collector of Police assessment,
Town- hall — h. 65 Constitution street
Mrs Walter, 1 Rankeillor street
Gilkie, Alex, surveyor of buildings, 34 Han-
over street
Gilkison & Taylor, milliners, 34 Hanover st.
Gillespie's Hospital, Wright's houses—
Geo. Meikle, treas.
Gillespie, Alex. M.D. 30 York place
* Alex, umbrella maker, 4 Giles street
Alex, tinsmith, 21 Frederick st.
Alex, gasfitter and smith, 62 Broughton
Andrew, writer, 1 Lothian road
* Gordon, J. wine & spirit merchant, 14
& 15 Sandport street — ho. 5 Hope terr.
John, W.S. 2 Nelson street
John, grocer, 1 Castlebarns — ho. 5 Lo-
thian road

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