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Drummond, Miss Home, 17 Charlotte square Dumbarton crown glass and bottle warehouse,
Misses, 26 Dublin street
Drybrough & Co. brewers, 67 N.b. Canongate
Andw. 14 Regent terrace
George, grocer and spirit dealer, Newha.
* N. & Son, coopers, 39 Mitchell st.
Thos. (D. (Sf Co.,) 7 Brunswick street
■ Mrs, lodgings, 3 East Register street
*Dryburgb, David, shipmaster, 2 so. Fort st.
Mrs, 10 Wellington place
Dryden, James, grocer, 36 Jamaica street
James, builder, 5 Saunders street
* John & Co. commission agents, 51 Tim-
ber Bush
* Mrs, 59 Charlotte street
Mrs Ann, 17 Cheyne street
Mrs, broker, 262 Cowgate
Drysdale, A. (Munros 8? D.) 23 St James' sq.
Alex, cloth and silk warehouse, 1 High
A. {DeafSf Dumb School,) Milton House
* James, spirit dealer, Salamander street
John, baker, 1 Crosscausey
— — Joseph, S.S.C., 2 Gardner's crescent
Wm. assistant clerk of session, 3 Hart st.
Lady, 8 Royal circus
Dubuc, Dr, prof, of French, 121 George st.
Ducat, Jas. Stewart, W.S. 68 Great King st.
*Dudgeon, John, & Co. inerchts. 17 Consti-
tution street
* John & Wm. fleshers, 10 New market
Lieut.- col. Peter, 10 Carlton street
Patrick, W.S. 1 Thistle court
* William, 8 John's place
Miss, 10 Carlton street
Miss Beatrice, 10 Torphichen street
Dudingston, J. C. R. 4. Great King street
Duff, Alex. W.S. 3 Thistle street Lane
Alex. (Ferrier Sf D.,) 8 St Vincent st.
Donald, (E. and G. Bank) 27 Nelson st.
* Rev. Henry, 26 Charlotte street
Robt. coram . agent, 1 Gillespie street
Mrs M. millinery warehouse, 25 Union pi.
Mrs, 17 St Patrick square
Mrs jSnn, nail & heel manuf., 18 Westp.
Miss Mary B. 1 West Claremont street
*Duffie, Fras. spirit dealer, Bonington bank
Duffin, Mrs Richard, 14 South Charlotte st.
Duffy, Bernard, broker, 299 Cowgate
Philip, broker, 305 Cowgate
Dugdale, Jos. mail guard, 6 South St James' st.
Duggin, J. P. leather factor, 4 Princes street
— ho. 42 Lothian street
Duguid, A. L. teacher of singing and piano-
forte, 10 Drummond street
Henry G. teacher of drawing, painting,
and pianoforte, 4 James' 6quare
William, S.S.C. 18 Drummond street
Miss Mary, 7 Craigie terrace
Constitution st.
Dumbreck, John, W.S. 32 St Andrew square
Thos. late collector of excise, 6 Forth st.
Dr, F.R.C.S. 14 Dublin street
R. F. Bell, agent, 5 Union place
Dun, Andw. late grocer, 7 Rankeillor street
Andrew, W.S. 30 London stieet
Finlay, teacher of music & singing, 41
Robert, baker, 130 Pleasance
R. Lancasterian school, 18 Salisbury st.
Mrs, lodgings, 8 Castle street
*Dune, John, hairdresser, 70 Kirkgate
Dunbar, Geo. professor of Greek, University
house, Rose park
J. furnishing ironm. 44 Dundas st. — h.22
Wm. H. adv. 56 Northumberland st.
Sir William, Bart, of Mochrum, adv. 47
Heriot row
Mrs Anna Catharine, 1 Rutland square
Mrs G. 2 Deanhaugh street
Duncan, Flockhart, & Co. chemists and drug-
gists, 52 North bridge
* Flockhart & Powell, chemists and drug-
gists, 20 Bernard street
and Scott, brush -manufacturers to the
Queen, 104 Pleasance — retail wareho.
78 South bridge
& Co., lithographers and engravers, 1
Gabriel's road
Alex, and Son, quill merchts. and paper
makers, 18 So. St Andrew st.
Rev. Alex. 17 Chtyne street
* Colin, coal merchant and general agent,
Old Church wharf — ho. 4 Portland ter.
George, & Co., Russia warehouse, 325
High street
* Jas. & Co. merchts. & brokers, 9 Baltic
street — house, 1 Assembly street
Lieut.-Col. John, E.I.C.S. 19 Carlton ter.
George, late brewer, 21 Abbeyhill
Geo. (T. Duncan $Co.,) 55 Princes st.
Henry, Comely gardens
James, W.S. 46 Queen street
James, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., 12 Heriotrow
James S. ( T. D. and Co.,) 146 Princes st.
Jas. dairy, 61 Potterrow
Jn. {A. D 6$ Son,) 20 So. Sf Andrew st.
John, 2 Heriot row
John, W.S. 2 Heriot row
Rev. John, LL.D., professor of Oriental
languages, 6 Frederick street
* John, corn merchant, 76 Shore — ho. 4
Riddel's close
John W. plumber and gasfitter, 104
Rose street — ho. 84 George street
Joseph, mason, 38 Brunswick street
* Peter, spirit dealer, 47 Shore
Robt. weigher, (JS. $ G. R. station)
R. & G. ladies' boot makers, 33 George
street — ho 36
Robert, baker and confec. 13 Broughton
* S. shipmaster, Regent st.
Thomas, 78 Great Kh)g street
Thos. and Co. bootmakers to the Queen
and Prince Albert, 59 Princes street

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