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Just published, price 3s., and sent free in a
Sealed Envelope on receipt of a Post- Office
Order for 3s. 6d.,
CLINE ; with Plain Directions for its perfect
Restoration ; addressed to those suftering from
the destructive eflPects of excessive indulgence,
solitary habits, or infection ; followed by obser-
vations on Marriage, the Treatment of Syphi-
lis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &c., Illustrated with
Cases, &c.
By J. L. CURTIS & Co.,
Consulting Surgeons, London.
Published by the Authors, and sold by
Burgess, Medical Bookseller, 28, Coventry
Street, Haymarket: Strange, 21, Paternoster
Row, London ; Philip, South Castle Street,
Liverpool; Messrs Famin and Co., Medical
Booksellers to the College of Surgeons in Ire-
land, 41, Grafton Street, Dublin ; Dnimmond,
5, Blair Street, Edinburgh; Barnes, 39, High
Street, Glasgow; Black, Bootmaker, Stranraer ;
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rie. Herald Office, Dundee ; and by all Book-
" This is a work that we fear there exists too
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and Herts Mtrcuri/.
" This work, a Tenth Edition of which is
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titled ' Manhood,' has really astonished us, by
developing a series of maladies, the never- failing
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Messrs Curtis and Co. are to be consulted
daily at their residence, No. 7, Frith Street,
Soho Stpiare, London.
Country Patients are requested to be as
minute as possible in the detail of their cases,
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occupation in life of the party ; the communi-
cation must be accompanied by the usual
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